Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much everyone. I'm not taking orders yet Med, but I should be back on the torch again tomorrow for some more learning and hopefully I can manage not to drop what I make this time :).

Man I annoyed myself last night. I scraped that dish that was evaping, and it turned out really nice. I need to find some better razor blades cus I always brake atleast 2, last night iit was 3. Anyway after I mush the oil together I always check it out in front of some light to make sure it looks good and clean and I didn't get anything in it. Well for the first time since I started this there was 2 little metal flakes in it from the razor. I had to warm the oil up to a liquid to get them out too cus it was almost a shatter. I got them both out, and it looks beautiful now, but I don't think its gonna go back to being shatter I think its gonna stay as a taffy. I still like that texture for dabbing, and it still tastes good, it was just an annoying chain of events I thought I'd share.


Well-Known Member
What up TC :??: How you been doing bro :??: Hey check out mine & Stews F1 K.A.S.I. I breed & added to our strain collection. :mrgreen: She is now 3 weeks into flowering. View attachment 2990532 View attachment 2990533 View attachment 2990534
Thanks so much everyone. I'm not taking orders yet Med, but I should be back on the torch again tomorrow for some more learning and hopefully I can manage not to drop what I make this time :).

Man I annoyed myself last night. I scraped that dish that was evaping, and it turned out really nice. I need to find some better razor blades cus I always brake atleast 2, last night iit was 3. Anyway after I mush the oil together I always check it out in front of some light to make sure it looks good and clean and I didn't get anything in it. Well for the first time since I started this there was 2 little metal flakes in it from the razor. I had to warm the oil up to a liquid to get them out too cus it was almost a shatter. I got them both out, and it looks beautiful now, but I don't think its gonna go back to being shatter I think its gonna stay as a taffy. I still like that texture for dabbing, and it still tastes good, it was just an annoying chain of events I thought I'd share.


Well-Known Member
Taffy TC??? Is that derogatory to us Welsh?? hahaha Hi, how you doin buddy?? long time no post!!! (by me) but Im back
Lol welcome back welsh. The taffy texture is just what I call it, you can slowly pull a dab, but if you pull quick it kinda snaps like taffy. I kinda like this texture as it won't shatter all over as easily.

What up TC :??: How you been doing bro :??: Hey check out mine & Stews F1 K.A.S.I. I breed & added to our strain collection. :mrgreen: She is now 3 weeks into flowering. View attachment 2990532 View attachment 2990533 View attachment 2990534
She looks real nice there dank. Are the calyxs actually purple, or is it the LED?


Well-Known Member
So I finally got around to using up my reclaim I've been saving and building up. It was around 2.8g last time I weighed it, but a little stuck in the bag it was in in the freezer. So I got some everclear, and dissolved the reclaim in it. Then made a batch of hard candy, and when I added the coloring I also added the reclaim solution. The alcohol evaporated off very quickly at 260 degrees, and when the candy was to the right temp I added some lemonade flavor and then poured the candy. Heres what it looks like right now, its hardening in the molds. The tiny little flecks of brown you can see in the candy in the mold is the actual oil suspended in it.

There was also some extra I just poured into a sheet and then scored to make some sticks.

It tastes pretty good, I'm gonna toy with different flavors and such to see what I like the most but I would call it a success. Now I gotta find someone with a clean head and lower tolerance to try them out :).


Well-Known Member
Nice. That requires heating the material to decarbo-yadda-yadda-yadda-xlyate it right?

Very cool. ...but know that these things are driving the
idiotic talking heads on the news crazy. They LOVE stories
about shit that "threaten" kids, especially if it is something
that the kids can do without the parents even knowing.

So, both lollipops and Vape Pens are making the news right now.

I swear to the Flying Spaghetti Monster that they are going to ban lollipops.

...and the fucking letter Z



Well-Known Member
NIce TC!!! that would travel on a plane well I imagine. 2.8 of reclaim would only be about 12 oral doses tops for me I think. I really want to know how the potency turns out for you! I love making candy but have only made cannamels. I do take them up to the crack stage though so they are easier to handle. :-)


Well-Known Member
pardon my ignorance, but is that made from oil derived from butane or iso/ethanol/alcohol extraction??
Welsh this was made with the reclaim from my rig over the last 9 months or so that has been saved in my freezer. However 99.5% of that reclaim was from my ISO extracted concentrates. When it was mixed with the everclear it had a very pretty amber color, and smelled very sweet I joked with my wife about just drinking it like a shot and seeing what happened :).

NIce TC!!! that would travel on a plane well I imagine. 2.8 of reclaim would only be about 12 oral doses tops for me I think. I really want to know how the potency turns out for you! I love making candy but have only made cannamels. I do take them up to the crack stage though so they are easier to handle. :-)
Hehe I was thinking about candy for the plane bud. My wife shut me down, she's afraid of a dog smelling it even in the candy. I don't really know how the dosing is on these, or have much experiance dosing edibles in general. This is the first time I've used a concentrate to cook with(which from my understanding makes it much easier to dose) and wasn't really sure how much to make. I thought about cutting the recipe in half, and maybe I should have to make them stronger. I ate one of the shaped candies(which turned out great) and a couple little scrape pieces but I had been dabbing all day so I couldn't begin to tell if I really felt it. I'm generally bad at judging potency on edibles, I think partly cus I'm usually smoking too. I'm gonna give most of it away cus I'd never eat it all. I'll see what people think of it and go from there on future dosing. I plan on just using actual oil in the future if the candy goes over well, and people want more. I was figuring on about 2 grams of real oil for a batch this size which I think portioned into a sucker size would make about 40 suckers. Any in put is appreciated.

Thanks man!

Nice. That requires heating the material to decarbo-yadda-yadda-yadda-xlyate it right?

So, both lollipops and Vape Pens are making the news right now.

I swear to the Flying Spaghetti Monster that they are going to ban lollipops.

...and the fucking letter Z

I hear ya man, it kills me how fast that start demonizing "new" stuff.

As far as the Decarb goes... I'm really not sure man. I've read conflicting info (scientifically based not just forum stuff) on whether decarbing is ever needed. Considering this was reclaim it would have already been decarbed when the oil got smoked the first time. It was cooked for a few minutes up to 300 degrees, but I figure we bake cookies that hot and still get high off them so I can't imagine it hurt the good stuff to bad. I'm eager to get some feed back on them, and then try again with some modifications to my tech.


Well-Known Member
I'm very pleased with how they turned out. The shaped ones took shape nicely, and its pretty tasty candy. I had another piece last night, and smoked much less then usual and found myself falling asleep on the couch before bed.


Well-Known Member
Lol welcome back welsh. The taffy texture is just what I call it, you can slowly pull a dab, but if you pull quick it kinda snaps like taffy. I kinda like this texture as it won't shatter all over as easily.

She looks real nice there dank. Are the calyxs actually purple, or is it the LED?
Thanks bro :) Yeah, her trichs are different colors. Wild looking. I will have to take a few shots with regular light on this eve.

So I finally got around to using up my reclaim I've been saving and building up. It was around 2.8g last time I weighed it, but a little stuck in the bag it was in in the freezer. So I got some everclear, and dissolved the reclaim in it. Then made a batch of hard candy, and when I added the coloring I also added the reclaim solution. The alcohol evaporated off very quickly at 260 degrees, and when the candy was to the right temp I added some lemonade flavor and then poured the candy. Heres what it looks like right now, its hardening in the molds. The tiny little flecks of brown you can see in the candy in the mold is the actual oil suspended in it.

There was also some extra I just poured into a sheet and then scored to make some sticks.

It tastes pretty good, I'm gonna toy with different flavors and such to see what I like the most but I would call it a success. Now I gotta find someone with a clean head and lower tolerance to try them out :).
NICE!!! I want some.. haha :) Never had any candy made outta ganja before. lol However I did eat a leaf salad once upon a time. Believe it or not, with other veggies mixed in it wasn't all that bad.. :mrgreen:

Welsh this was made with the reclaim from my rig over the last 9 months or so that has been saved in my freezer. However 99.5% of that reclaim was from my ISO extracted concentrates. When it was mixed with the everclear it had a very pretty amber color, and smelled very sweet I joked with my wife about just drinking it like a shot and seeing what happened :).

Hehe I was thinking about candy for the plane bud. My wife shut me down, she's afraid of a dog smelling it even in the candy. I don't really know how the dosing is on these, or have much experiance dosing edibles in general. This is the first time I've used a concentrate to cook with(which from my understanding makes it much easier to dose) and wasn't really sure how much to make. I thought about cutting the recipe in half, and maybe I should have to make them stronger. I ate one of the shaped candies(which turned out great) and a couple little scrape pieces but I had been dabbing all day so I couldn't begin to tell if I really felt it. I'm generally bad at judging potency on edibles, I think partly cus I'm usually smoking too. I'm gonna give most of it away cus I'd never eat it all. I'll see what people think of it and go from there on future dosing. I plan on just using actual oil in the future if the candy goes over well, and people want more. I was figuring on about 2 grams of real oil for a batch this size which I think portioned into a sucker size would make about 40 suckers. Any in put is appreciated.

Thanks man!

I hear ya man, it kills me how fast that start demonizing "new" stuff.

As far as the Decarb goes... I'm really not sure man. I've read conflicting info (scientifically based not just forum stuff) on whether decarbing is ever needed. Considering this was reclaim it would have already been decarbed when the oil got smoked the first time. It was cooked for a few minutes up to 300 degrees, but I figure we bake cookies that hot and still get high off them so I can't imagine it hurt the good stuff to bad. I'm eager to get some feed back on them, and then try again with some modifications to my tech.

Shewww.. I drank BONG water 1 time.. NEVER again!! lol.. I had to hold it in bc I about :spew: everywhere... ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing your mentioning the bong water because I made this candy out of reclaim from my bong? The reclaim was a very clean oil, that bong had only had concentrates through it, so it wasn't nasty like a regular flower bong. If I smoke flowers through it, the water smells after only a few bowls. If I only smoke concentrates form it, I've left the water in it for months between cleanings and it won't stink or get gross. Just thought I'd point that out cus normal bong water is very gross.


Well-Known Member
normal bong water is very gross. Hell yes it is.. lol ewww.. especially if left sitting for long periods of time..
I'm guessing your mentioning the bong water because I made this candy out of reclaim from my bong? The reclaim was a very clean oil, that bong had only had concentrates through it, so it wasn't nasty like a regular flower bong. If I smoke flowers through it, the water smells after only a few bowls. If I only smoke concentrates form it, I've left the water in it for months between cleanings and it won't stink or get gross. Just thought I'd point that out cus normal bong water is very gross.


Well-Known Member
Been so long since I have even used a water pipe. I got two poor man volcano setups.. pretty much all we use. I own glass too.... quite a bit of it. LOL

Once you vape from a volcano for a bit burning mj just smells and tastes like burning mj. Only way I taste a difference now is by vaping.

I eat quite a bit of it too though. All around.. vaping and eating it are better choices for an asthmatic. :-)


Well-Known Member
Morning guys hows everyone doing this fine thursday? I'm glad I don't have any breathing problems yet cus I still enjoy smoking, but totally agree about vaping being a much healthier option. I loved using the volcano when a friend of mine used to have one, it was very sweet, and like I've posted on here I have my vape pen I like using when I'm on the road now. I havn't found a vape setup that will hit me like some dabs on a nail, or some bong rips to the face though. I suppose like everything else I LOVE variety in my consumption.

I'm very pleased, I just got a text from the glass blower, he's headed to the shop and wants me to come over. Now to get off here and get the family ready to leave..........wish me luck :). Catch you guys later.

Peace TC