Well-Known Member
I was also considering this in the mean time till I can afford a nice one.
Only other things I would get would be ph up/ph down and if you're lucky enough to find it bio genesis synergy. That stuff is the shit and my seedlings are doing amazing and honestly i think it's the synergy that is doin it! Good luck man, post up some pics!So heres what I'm thinking, after talking to you guys, and some others. So I'm gonna get a litler of grow big,a gallon of big bloom, and liter of tiger bloom, plus put a bit of lime in the soil. I'm gonna get a liter of cal mag, cus I'm sure its good to have around if needed, and a liter of barricade for a silica booster, would you recommend running anything else to round this out, or does that sounds like I have the bases pretty well covered?
Good shit. I'm about to update my thread with new pics, come check it out!I actually did order the ph up and down, a liter of each from general hydroponics, I heard it was pretty decent stuff, and it was only 10 bucks each.