Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member

Wow! I read through here and there over the past week and I am very impressed! I can't say I read the whole thing...but can you blame me? :razz:

One question: for the bushes in soil, how early and at what node do you top/fim them at?

Your training skills are something I would really like to develop and improve upon in my own grows. Well subscribed, rep+, and watching man!


Well-Known Member
Hey Bigjesse, thanks for stopping by man! I can totally understand not reading the whole thing, I think I usually make it through about 75% of a thread if I find it interesting, and only about 25% if not, lol.

As far as training goes, I topped girls at the 4th or 5th nodes, the first time. I also was trimming about 60% of the fan leaves off as they were growing. I took a couple every few days. I found this helped the plants to be very branchie, by allowing it to focus its growth energy on the growth shoots instead of the fan leaves. As they got bigger, I used some strings, and tied them down a bit, to try to get more light into the middle. I was really fairly pleased, this was only my second grow. I loved the bushes for sure. The only reason I'm switching over to hydro is to cut down my turn over time. My girls had decent yields, but I also vegged them all for about 2 months. Over all with the fact that they were sativas, it took around 5 months to get that yield off them. I do however look forward to doing some bushes again in the future. I'm not sure yet whats gonna happen to me on RIU yet. Once I move I don't think I'll have internet atleast not for awhile. So I may do some remote updates from public internet spots. I was considering starting a new thread for the new grow, but havn't decided yet. What do ya think, keep it here, or start something new with less pages, lol.?
Any way I'll be back on later, peace guys! TC


Well-Known Member
Hey Bigjesse, thanks for stopping by man! I can totally understand not reading the whole thing, I think I usually make it through about 75% of a thread if I find it interesting, and only about 25% if not, lol.

As far as training goes, I topped girls at the 4th or 5th nodes, the first time. I also was trimming about 60% of the fan leaves off as they were growing. I took a couple every few days. I found this helped the plants to be very branchie, by allowing it to focus its growth energy on the growth shoots instead of the fan leaves. As they got bigger, I used some strings, and tied them down a bit, to try to get more light into the middle. I was really fairly pleased, this was only my second grow. I loved the bushes for sure. The only reason I'm switching over to hydro is to cut down my turn over time. My girls had decent yields, but I also vegged them all for about 2 months. Over all with the fact that they were sativas, it took around 5 months to get that yield off them. I do however look forward to doing some bushes again in the future. I'm not sure yet whats gonna happen to me on RIU yet. Once I move I don't think I'll have internet atleast not for awhile. So I may do some remote updates from public internet spots. I was considering starting a new thread for the new grow, but havn't decided yet. What do ya think, keep it here, or start something new with less pages, lol.?
Any way I'll be back on later, peace guys! TC
Hey man thanks for the feedback! I can picture things now that I have your description!

I am tryin to grow some mini-bushes' myself!

I say do a remote grow! Or find someone to help you on here if possible, with pic uploading and such! My computer had a virus, so right now I have a fellow RIU brother posting the pics I send him from my camera phone!

Stop by sometime it would be great to have you! I will be watchin!


Well-Known Member
I think that with the number of WIFI hot spots, it won't be a big deal to do a remote grow update. Thanks for the input. I'll deffinitely swing by the thread man!


Well-Known Member
I think that with the number of WIFI hot spots, it won't be a big deal to do a remote grow update. Thanks for the input. I'll deffinitely swing by the thread man!
Hell ya thanks man!:clap::clap::clap:

My plants are at a critical time. I am 2-3 weeks from switching to 12/12 and I wanna make sure I do everything I can training/trimming wise to maximize my yield!

Any feedback would be AWESOME. There should be lots o' recent pics! :-)


Well-Known Member
So I'm off to the hydro shop today. I'm heading up there later this afternoon. I'm planning on getting 3-4 2x4 flood trays, my pumps, maybe a reflector, hydroton, pots, maybe an electronic ph tester. I'm gonna look at some RO systems, and anything else I can think of, lol. At the moment I'm drawing a blank, I knew I should have made a list last night. I know I could use another roll of panda film, and some of those light hangers that move up and down. Well I'll let you guys know how the trip goes! Peace TC


Well-Known Member
may i suggest a continuous pH/PPM meter...

the probes are much less prone to problems, as they never have a chance to dry out...

stay away from the "pens"....;-)


Well-Known Member
Well gypsy when I can afford one thats the way I'd like to go, but for the time being its gonna have to be a pen. I got a hanna pen for like 40 bucks. I ended up getting 2 true 2x4 flood trays. I got a new big ass air cooled reflector for my 1000w, so now I can keep it like 10 inchs above the canopy, and still get coverage over the whole 4x4 space! I picked up 6inch pots, hydroton, light lifters, pumps, an RO system, and some other random stuff. They threw in some hydro nutes called envy I think. Not sure If I'm gonna try them, but maybe. All in all I think I got everything I need to set up my next spot for hydro!! ew, I forgot the calmag, I think with RO water your supposed to use it, I'm not positive. Any way I've got alot more learning to do still. I'll catch ya later guys TC!


Well-Known Member
Holy shit TC. It's been a while since I've been on here and your thread is the first place I went. I was not disappointed to say the least! Good stuff bro!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I think it should all go pretty well. We've planned ahead alot better this time, then with previous moves. We already have a lease signed, and a truck reserved. Most of the stuff is packed, all that is left is some clothes, a few dishs, and my clones and veg stuff. I'm working tomorrow, then wednesday and thursday we will finish the packing. We are picking up the truck friday morning around 8, and will load it up, and hit the road hopefully around 1-2 on friday. Its gonna be soooo much fun, lol. I've been sooooo stressed out this past week. Peace guys, TC


Well-Known Member
THanks 5 appreciated. We have just a bit more packing to finish today, and then gotta clean up to house so we get our security deposit back hopefully. I'm kinda pissed with budget rental trucks, apparently a reservation for a truck and a car dolly isn't a guarantee that they will be there. The truck is there(because we called three times to make sure they got us one) but the car dolly is MIA. They told us sorry, but a "reservation" is not a gaurentee. We made the reservation 2 weeks ago, and I thought that a reservation meant the stuff was "reserved" for us for that time frame. But I guess I'm crazy like that, thinking things will actually work out as planned. I don't know. Its frustrating, now we are gonna have to drive the truck, and our car seperatly, and put gas in them both!

So on a different note, I need to get my clones into my new system asap. They are getting bushy, and are curently in 9 oz cups, so I am having to water them every 2 days. They've all basically been veggin for the last month under my floro lights. I've cut them way back 2-3 times to keep the canopy even, and keep them small. I'm gonna have to rinse the soil off all of them when I get there. I'm gonna mix up a nice tub of ph'd water, and soak the root balls for a couple hours. I'm hoping they take the change over ok, its my only option at the moment. Then into the hydroton, and under the 1000w on 12/12 hopefully I'll have it all setup by about monday, or tuesday. I'm gonna have to start work out there on wednesday. Its gonna be a busy weekend for sure. Hopefully with some great results in the end!! I'll be back later prolly, when I need a break from packing, Peace guys! TC

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Hopefully you don't have to spend alot of time setting up your new space. When I moved my old lady got mad because she said she had to unpack everything and all I did was play with my plants..... She got over it


Well-Known Member
Well guys the move is done, and the truck is returned. I went last night and got all the wood I'm gonna need for my new room(s). I'm gonna be building my room and tray stand later today, and tomorrow, and I'm hoping to have the plants in the ebb and flow, and on 12/12 timers by tomorrow night. I've given the plants about 24 hours of dark so far, and they are gonna stay there till tomorrow when they go 12/12. I'm hoping this will help to jump start the flowering. I also gave them a dose of open sesame with the last feeding earlier this past week. THen I watered them all real heavy the day before I moved so they would be ok for day or two. So I've got a bunch of work ahead of me today. The room I'm building will be about 12'x8'. It will be devided into an 8x8, and 4x8 room. Obviously 8x8 for flowering, 4x8 for moms and clones. Both my lights will be air cooled this time, and I got a dehumidifier too! I'll get some pics up once its all built, and post them soon. I'm going to be doing remote updates, cus I won't have internet for awhile. So I'll try to hop on a couple times a week, and do pics every week too. Hope everything is well for you guys, I didn't have time to check out everyones threads. Peace guys TC


Well-Known Member
Good to hear you survived the move... And wtf do you mean a reservation isnt a reservation :confused: Damn the man :cuss:

Hahah, anyways TC it sounds like you are going to have a KILLER set up in your new place. The new and improved TC!!

I cant wait for pics man, that shit is gunna be awesome!! good luck :blsmoke: