Thursday Night Chop Down!


Well-Known Member
im not sur your asking for suggestions,but speaking of jtr,chernobyl is where its at still imo. outa 4 grows,chernobyls been in 3! have you ever smoked chernobyl stoney?
I havn't, but ever since the first time I saw you grow it I've wanted to try it! Looks so tasty! Me and my room mates were talking about a silly trip to somewhere in Cali on a train for the weekend....then we realized it was only like $60-$100, so you never no we might make a stop somewhere up around you one day haha √. His brother lives in Oregon.


Well-Known Member
dude! it would be an honor to meet you! just let me know! big norcal bbq dec 10th in sac.theres a thread to all!
ok, scratch that....just found out it takes like 80+ hours to get to Redding, CA...Not sure if that's near you or not. And costs somewhere around $400 ><

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
thanks man!!! Below is another new update!!

Thanks so much man!!! Now that your caught up, here is some more goodies!!!

Thanks so much for that man!!!! I love that song!!!! In fact, i'm gonna bump it so everybody can click play and slowly look at my frosty update for 4 minutes and 20 seconds!!!


First some tunes... Thanks again old merchant!!!


next, grab your favorite smoke.... And now that you have a ziggy groove on... Lets get an update on!!!

This update isn't anything special and has nothing to read into. Simple and shinny!!! All the girls are doing great under the spectra 150 "snow makers" they all seem to be growing bigger and packed as dense as can be... Well except for my blueberry, she doesn't grow as dense, but she makes up for it in size and potency!!! So with that said, i will start of the porn show with my blueberry!!



tangerine dream ( each bud is from two different plants)

wonder woman

c4 x cb - if she happens to have that special glow about her, it because she is pregnant!!!

cheesequake x qrazytrain

stoney's flower garden

thanks for visiting!!! I hope you all enjoyed!!!
dam bro!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Check out these two:leaf:
Jack the Ripper - TGA genetics
Deep Chunk / Purple Monkey Balls - Tom Hill

And thanks, that means alot.
I was honestly pretty bummed when I figured out I was only at like 25g
But at the same time, it's 25g of 100% AAA grade top nugs.
No schwaggy bullshit.

I couldn't explain how high it's getting me, and it's only been curing for a few days.
I would love to try both of those genetics!!! ahhh the list is so long!!!

I heard that TD had powdery mildew and was never dried completely at the 2010 cup also.

Barney's had the most money in on 2010 cup and the best booths. Not saying it's rigged but.... SLH should of probably took the 2010 cup from what I've heard from people that were there.

I have a friend that lives in the dam and he swears by Barney's.

I have 3 strains going now of Barney's and I love my TD :)

Whats on the chop block for next Thurs. stoney?
the damn politics of cup now!!! the first five years were the best!! well i had a mid week chop on an AK47 but this Thursday I have a wonder woman..... update below

im not sur your asking for suggestions,but speaking of jtr,chernobyl is where its at still imo. outa 4 grows,chernobyls been in 3! have you ever smoked chernobyl stoney?
dude, Ive been intrigued about the Chernobyl since i saw yours!!! that and hammers kaboom he always grows!!! some day.... hehe

Lol hempwix makes it taste like wax... to me at least
I never had that wax taste before.... one thing i know, it's not butane.

I havn't, but ever since the first time I saw you grow it I've wanted to try it! Looks so tasty! Me and my room mates were talking about a silly trip to somewhere in Cali on a train for the weekend....then we realized it was only like $60-$100, so you never no we might make a stop somewhere up around you one day haha &#8730;. His brother lives in Oregon.
It's been years since I've been on the west coast... i can't wait for a trip back there!!! maybe some frequent flyer miles...

dude! it would be an honor to meet you! just let me know! big norcal bbq dec 10th in sac.theres a thread to all!
I'm not turning that invite down as of now!!! I have tone of miles left over and it would be nice to get away from the cold!!! just need to find an assist. plant manager... haha

ok, scratch that....just found out it takes like 80+ hours to get to Redding, CA...Not sure if that's near you or not. And costs somewhere around $400 ><
you need to fly bro!!!

dam bro!!!!!!!
Thanks CD!!!!! I just got power on from a storm on saturday so i need to check out your LSD!!!!

Speechless. No words could describe the frostiness of that god-given glory Stone. That's like, the Pokedex of Growing right there. I'll clear one to thatbongsmilie
Thanks so much man!! i appreciate the kind words!!! stop by anytime!!!

hey bro what happened to the pics.
snow got me all backed up bro!!!! update below!!

i was wondering the same thing hope all is well
yep, all is good. thanks for the concern!!!

Hope all is well in Stoney land, can't wait for new pics! &#8730;
Thanks man, things are better now that i have electricity and internet!!!

Damn I missed these pics of the TD bud wanted to compare. Hope everything is peachy bro. I'm anxious for this Thursday I may be chopping too.
aww your chopping tomorrow to? that would be awesome!!! I hope ya have one to chop. i won't have another TD for two or three maybe even four weeks yet... I'm gonna let her cook till she's done. I have all kinds of other plants coming up to harvest so she won't block things up sitting there.
The weather here has been CRAZY!!! we had an early winter storm blow in just at the start of autumn!! most of the leaves were still on the trees and we got 22 inches of snow dumped on us!!! power and internet was down and my house was warmed by generator since saturday afternoon.

*** One more great thing about LED's--- less power means you can run them by generator without sucking up as much gas!!! hehe

so here are some pics of the storm half way. and since i had no internet or cable tv i got bored and harvested my AK47... here are a few pics of that to!!


Now I have like 30 threads to look at!!! plus a few PM's!! I'll get to see everybodys stuff soon!!!! well 29 now that i updated this one!!! lots of catching up to do!!!!


Well-Known Member
NOYCE! As usual man all looks proper. Glad to see you made it through the storm.
Thanks for the grats man!
Have fun catching up, that's certainly plenty to catch up on :D
l8r bro!


Well-Known Member
LoL, damn looks kinda cold. Ak looks delicious! I still have that on the list :)
I'm tellin you guys... EVERY grower should try the AK47!!!

NOYCE! As usual man all looks proper. Glad to see you made it through the storm.
Thanks for the grats man!
Have fun catching up, that's certainly plenty to catch up on :D
l8r bro!
Thanks bro!!! so I'm curious.... did ya do it all romantic like or was it the "it's about time approach"?

before she said yes, did she know you are a broncos fan? hahahahahaha sorry i had to give that dig!!!

i agree with u smellytrees its looking dam cold out there sucks to be u the the bud porn is looking juicey
I don't mind the cold/snow at all... it's kind of why i live here!! as for bud porn I got some more coming up in a bit!!! My C4 x CB is turning colors now!!! got some great frosty pics to take!!! i need to go make a snack first... i got the munchies!!! hehe


Well-Known Member
Oh man, no you didn't lol hahahah
Coming off that weekend there's not an inch of bragging rights for either of us! This weekend it's on, shit vs. shit lol

I had been trying to plan something out for about a month but every time I tried something came up. I have two teenage boys and she has 3 ranged 6-16 and we don't live in the same town. You can see the difficulties to line things up, it was the first time I had actually gotten to talk to her alone for more than a couple minutes in person in a month. It is a busy time of year :)
I would say to my defense I still did the knee and grandmas wedding ring thing if that counts.


Well-Known Member
man i wish i gt buds dat big,i had ta chop 1 plant of mine early ..........ran out of smoke lol gt jst under half a oz mi other plant is doing ok tho,1 day il sus how to gt buds like u guys peace out!


Well-Known Member
looking steller stoney I got a good update up to on i think page 211 checkem out bro
thanks bro... I went... i saw..... i drooled!!! hahaha

Oh man, no you didn't lol hahahah
Coming off that weekend there's not an inch of bragging rights for either of us! This weekend it's on, shit vs. shit lol

I had been trying to plan something out for about a month but every time I tried something came up. I have two teenage boys and she has 3 ranged 6-16 and we don't live in the same town. You can see the difficulties to line things up, it was the first time I had actually gotten to talk to her alone for more than a couple minutes in person in a month. It is a busy time of year :)
I would say to my defense I still did the knee and grandmas wedding ring thing if that counts.
ah shit man, some football fan i am.... I just realized they play this week!!! ah man it's gonna be a tough one!!! this game is gonna put some pressure on our online friendship!! hahahaha damn dude... Tebow is gonna light us up sunday... i can feel it!! ahhhh i don't know if i wanna log onto RIU on sunday.... hahahaa J/K!!! i love to keep it fun!!! I'm glad it's in oakland though!!! denver has a storm rollin in this weekend!!!

dude, FIVE kids!!!! I just gained a shit ton of respect for ya bro!!! I could never do that!!! never!!! dude I couldn't grow/ smoke enough buds to be around that many teens!!! I hope they all get along for the most part. and yea, grandma's ring alone should get you plenty of brownie points!!!

man i wish i gt buds dat big,i had ta chop 1 plant of mine early ..........ran out of smoke lol gt jst under half a oz mi other plant is doing ok tho,1 day il sus how to gt buds like u guys peace out!
Thank you very much!!!! and i have been in that same situation o so many times!!! need weed... gotta chop!!! I just started growing more plants!! hahha Thanks for stopping by!!


Well-Known Member
My C4 x CB isn't changing colors... it was the LED that made the resin look that way... LED's are very deceiving when it comes to plant looks. I always take a photo to see the true colors!! so not purple... but VERY frosty!!!!

C4 x CB

Wonder Woman

