As we all know that given enough time molecules detected by dogs can radiate out of a steel container so that you're toast. But that's because molecules permeate through materials.A Dewar flask with a small opening has virtually all air evacuated in a layer surrounding its surface so that no molecules will be able to travel the vacuum to outside air. There will be some leakage through the opening but a tightly sealed top covered by layers of aluminum foil and electrical tape would give you some time. For instance a flask four and a half inches wide by eighteen inches tall with a one inch opening has about a thousand cubic inches of volume inside and a surface of 500 square inches so that any leakage of molecules is .2 percent. So for instance 10 pounds of greenery would be effectively .02 pounds because of the reduced surface area. So if you like to drive around with ten pounds of pine needles it's like driving around with 9 grams of pine.For jokes I would wrap all pine needles in saran wrap and drop into flask not touching the opening or the pine. I would then put a few tablespoons of Indian white chili powder inside the top and seal. As anybody who has disturbed a container of white chili powder it is extremely potent more powerful than tear gas and any molecules that may escape would be displeasing to the nose. For added jokes one could place container in a wooded tube, filled with unscented melted wax, placed in freezer to chill, and the top sealed with epoxy. For added benefit the flask could be placed in dishwasher and because it's an extremely good insulator will not raise temperature inside although I would previously regrigerate my pine needles first. To clean the inside something like long soakings of acetone followed by mouthwash and then water to get all polar and nonpolar benefit.