Tilray Gossip

You guys sound like a bunch of girls.....we'll just have to see how this one plays out....wasn't there a story once about mouldy meds?...just sayin...
sounds like rnr is saying he's friends with the bikers who've been supplying Tilhay
The FACT is I posted a STORY I heard with a caveat that I couldn't verify it. Apparently rnr took exception. lol! No worries...I don't put much stock into anything the troll posts anyway. It's telling that the only like he got was from Ditzy.
The way you interact with others on here doesnt give the impression you have friends..... Perhaps you have proof u can share with the group.

Oh and heres a fact as takin off the hc site or are they not legit enough for you?
that is proof that regs are hard to pass, how many others have had recall and or shut down? are they buying from the boys also?
and vanawhite u posted bullshit rumours! no fact and a STORY, fiction.
I also don't have friends and don't want them if they are mental like some people
trolling along
Maybe it didnt pass cus they didnt grow it?
How do u not see that as a possiblity?
Listen i dont come on here to argue over stuff like this and i certainly could not care less about the topic.
We are all entitled to our opinions and yours is very clear.
that is proof that regs are hard to pass, how many others have had recall and or shut down? are they buying from the boys also?
and vanawhite u posted bullshit rumours! no fact and a STORY, fiction.
I also don't have friends and don't want them if they are mental like some people
trolling along

We didnt say witch motorcycle club, sounds like you know something. From what i understand "the boys" are a specific club. Cat got your tounge.
I have it on close authoirty from some of his friends that Chris works for Tweed and wears women's underwear and once got arrested for sniffing little boys' feet.

Prove me wrong.

I hate Tilray probably more than anyone, but it's obvious Chris just tells stories like this because he needs attention. Everyone pat him on the head and give him praise. He clearly needs it.

Anyway....It seems the resident trolls have taken over this thread, and I've gotten my quota of attention and pats on the head, so I'll leave the kids to it. It is glaringly obvious they have much more substance to add to the conversation than I have.
Ah c'mon Chris. Dipzy and rnr are the Wayne and Shuster of this site. Its pure comedy brilliance I tell ya cept Wayne and Shuster never made anyone laugh either
Judging by their rudeness..I would swear @TheDizzyBizzy and @rnr are the same person but one of them has no command of the English language and the other has no command of common courtesy
really doobius?cmon you guys, dizzz and I are talking shit when you skilled info getters have no proof. you all sound like the government while they were in court, you don't make any fucking sence.
I agree vannawhite is a attention whore. I like fact and not bs made up story, that's lies just to make all you patients feel better about the system
Doob, they are not the same person...nobody said it was fact...nobody said it could be verified...it's a rumour that only time will tell...
Whatfg im surprised that u are taking a stand with these guys. I dont personally care where tilhay or any other lp gets or disposes of their shwag.
But i do take offense to trolls talking down to a fellow poster that goes out of his way to try to share what he thinks is relevant info. I dont know chris personally or any of the rest of you but i do know he doesnt deserve to be talked down to or called names when he clearly names the thread gossip.
If you want facts by newspapers or scientific american magazines.
This is an internet forum were we are supposed to all want the same thing and i highly doubt a rumour
"Is going to make all of us patients feel better" clearly this comment means that rnr isnt a medical patient so why is he even posting in the patient section?
Its threads like these with arguments about nothing that make me question what side some of you are on.
Really??? I am on the same side as you...having said that, I have made peace with people like rnr and dizzy because I would rather try and have a rational discussion with everyone. I just really can't stand all this sniping at each other..sure state your opinion, but my fuck the testosterone is flowing good in here...I have made no bones about what my position is...I will not buy my mj from a LP....I will pay more from a CC because I refuse to allow the government to decide what I am going to put into my body when...they had their chance and blew it...I do however think there is a place for Lps as I have come to learn here. I have also come to learn the people like options and so they should have options.I think that there are people here like itsme, that while they are not patients, actually have the best interests of patients. I have made friends with quite a few of you, and I can tell you that my position on this issue will not change. Ask said to someone recently, the MMPR is flawed and and the solutions are multi-faceted.
We didnt say witch motorcycle club, sounds like you know something. From what i understand "the boys" are a specific club. Cat got your tounge.
anyone from the streets knows they are the boys, don't play mind games! im a realist and I hate people who talk shit, well vanawhite talks shit to stir it up.
and Toronto do you just agree with everyone and your views? im am no patient but that does not mean I cant come here and post!
until they are arrested and then we can talk as much crap then, this whole post is based on 2 people getting high slamming tilray, then vanawhite comes here to post bs. no that is a fact!
and tweed is the largest and the first and that gets a bunch of bitching also, even thoe I do agree about tweed sucking.
and what makes you thing the first of tweeds shipment is from bikers? they could have bought from another lp and got popped due to incorrect forms or over weight?