Tilray Gossip

Yes i agree with everyone and my views...whatever the fuk that means?
Actually i have disagreed with as many people on here as i agree with but i dont tell people what they can post and where. I just questioned why u are even on here since you dont seem to be looking for meaningful discussion.
Whatfg i wasnt doubting your motives or opinions u have been more than clear. I hate the bickering and nonsense more than anyone. I too love having meaningful debate to hear both sides of things but i have no patience for the ignorant.
Who the hell is vanawhite?
I think that's my new moniker. Pretty hurtful stuff...lol. I knew what you were saying when you wrote the post, we've had this conversation before. You know I don't go looking for conflict on here or in the rest of my life, but I sure as hell ain't going to let a couple of bitch trolls talk shit about me without reacting. It's not in my DNA! I vent, get over it and shake my head & laugh at what passes for intelligent thought in some peoples' worlds.
I am really trying to keep an open mind...I don't like the state of things...I think mj should be legal and buy where you want...I've said before the Wild West model works for me...may the best growers win! If they win, we all win. Can you imagine driving out to some small,community where some guys gotta a piece of dirt and acres of your favourite strain stinking up the yard? No mold, no pesticides, organically grown, tasty, potent and someone who knows they don't have to make their investment all back in 6 months....I would support that grower until the sun explodes! I should be able to buy from whoever has what I need. Maybe when the Lps learn to grow they can supply the cc, who wants to mail order? Hahahaha
I am really trying to keep an open mind...I don't like the state of things...I think mj should be legal and buy where you want...I've said before the Wild West model works for me...may the best growers win! If they win, we all win. Can you imagine driving out to some small,community where some guys gotta a piece of dirt and acres of your favourite strain stinking up the yard? No mold, no pesticides, organically grown, tasty, potent and someone who knows they don't have to make their investment all back in 6 months....I would support that grower until the sun explodes! I should be able to buy from whoever has what I need. Maybe when the Lps learn to grow they can supply the cc, who wants to mail order? Hahahaha
i would support that as well providing the cost is reasonable. seems like all the people who "put the patient first" also have double digits per gram..or close to it. those with "compassionate pricing" aren't that compassionate.
i would love a place where i can "rent" a spot that has equipment (included in cost of rent) and access to nutrients along with someone knowledgeable to teach me and then let me grow my own! i can grow naturally/organic if I choose or not. i get a strain that works as I get to choose that etc that would be great!
Your level of maturity is fucking astounding. I'm sure you congratulate yourself often on your amazing wit and intellect. I know the other posters on this forum hang on your every word. So what do you do when you aren't making nonsensical insults at people you don't know? Kick dogs? Spit on homeless people? Or are you just a keyboard coward with a learning disability?
None of this can be verified 100%, but my source works there and I have no reason not to believe him (I trust him to guard my garden). Kinda confirms the suspicions everyone has had. The story I got was they have been supplementing their product availability with the help of a certain group The juicy part is Tilray is in debt to them for about $700,000...the talk is they may close the doors. The product recall for pesticide traces was not for weed grown in their facility. Now would be a perfect time for stories of LP criminal activity to hit the media.

You should ask your friend if he'd be willing to talk to the media off the record. It would definitely make news. We already had them grabbing from the black market in the news when they made that 1 tonne bust if you recall.
im not sure were this info comes from?
do you stoners it around and dumb up retarted ideas and them post them online/?
if tilray were back dooring it what makes you think the staff would know? you don't have a criminal mind set do you?
they also wouldn't buy from the bikers and go in debt 700k. and the bikers wont get the money back, from the beginning everyone has cryed about tilray buying from bikers and now selling to them?
why would they risk being caught by some loud mouthed staff member to face life in jail, death, a beating, or loosing a site and millions that were invested?
I just don't believe it. I think your contact is purley full of shit!]
let alone any chemical crap they would buy from the so called bikers would not even pass testing so wtf are yo talking about.
get fact or don't post shit like this. and since day one if the cops or goiv new these rumors, don't you think they would be investigated? or tilray shut down? wake up and think before you get high. and why would bikers front 5-700k in product knowing they might not get paid, week facts, when they are shut down and charged, ill admit I spoke out and was wrong but that will be along way away,

Believe it or not, if the staff is working in the facility they would have some idea as to how much they were producing compared to how much they were sending out. Might even be able to say - hey - we aren't even growing this variety. There's no way for them to meet their demand because anyone who has done this for a long time knows it takes a lot of time to get a huge facility up and running. To produce what they need they would need a massive mom room alone and who's going to provide them with clones? They surely aren't going to be providing themselves without taking a while to grow out their moms. Plus they already were busted by the RCMP getting meds from the black market.

And they'd do it because it's easy money. Buy it wholesale at 1600ish a unit and sell it for the 4000 or so they're asking. That's a large margin. They might think they have some insulation from HC for some reason too. It isn't like regulatory agencies ever get corrupted. Look at banks in the United States. By far the biggest launderers of terrorist and cartel money in the world and they have been busted many times over, but they only ever get a slap on the wrist and it makes it very very profitable, busted or not.

So in short, don't underestimate the crooks that run these places or the crooks in government.
Ok let's just run the numbers:
If they buy at around 1600 a unit and let's just say that not every 'batch' is inspected - because it probably isn't as that would be costly. Let's say 1/4 is. Given the margins and the demand if they lost 1/4 of their purchased varieties they'd still be quite profitable and they might be able to write off the loss as well. More over, they could be independently testing the batches they are buying and simply screwed up one time. There's a lot they could do to make sure it all appears on the up and up...

And you have to think that these costs would be external from their production as well. It isn't like they'd have big salaries to pay whoever was handling these deals. Maybe one large salary, but I'd bet it would be one of the owners brokering it with only perhaps one guy on the inside knowing outright to assist. And the rest of the employees left to wonder.
You should ask your friend if he'd be willing to talk to the media off the record. It would definitely make news. We already had them grabbing from the black market in the news when they made that 1 tonne bust if you recall.
No way he would go to the media...he wouldn't rat to save his life. I'm sure if dumb-asses like us can figure it out, so can the rcmp. Whether or not they have been ordered to turn a blind eye is anyone's guess. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a scheme to ignore or even encourage black market purchases by LP's to make the mmpr appear successful. It would be naive to think organized crime, including politicians and bureaucrats are not solidly embedded in the LP's pockets and business. There is entirely too much money at stake.
rnr...what's happened to your cooler state of mind man ? Chris isn't the only one to repeat a rumor on the interwebs, right ?
Your nippin at folks ankles like a poodle who missed his dinner. Come on man...lets all get baked together.