Time for a REVOLUTION are u ready ?

First off, nobody is nuking the US. Three words: Mutually assured destruction.

If the power went out, I'd go buy a chimney and a cookstove, install a reservoir in my attic and reroute my plumbing.

Read up ON emp they dont have to nuke us just in space above us . It's a proven theory .
Not saying it wouldn't work... I'm saying that no one would dare to launch a nuke even toward America, even if they were aiming above them because it would be the end that nation/group/planet.
First off, nobody is nuking the US. Three words: Mutually assured destruction.

If the power went out, I'd go buy a chimney and a cookstove, install a reservoir in my attic and reroute my plumbing.

Buy it from where all the stores will be closed and looted . lol
I like how people think that they can prepare for a crisis AFTER it happens...go read some James Wesley Rawles for cryin' out loud.
so you've made your indoor plumbing out of bamboo or some shit??? its this kind of attitude that I spoke of. If you want to help "spread the word", why be such a douchebag??

What ? plumbing ? bamboo ? did u quote the wrong person? I haven't called anybody names in here . Why am I a doucebag ? That was just plain rude ! :(
What ? plumbing ? bamboo ? did u quote the wrong person? I haven't called anybody names in here . Why am I a doucebag ? That was just plain rude ! :(

my fault there.... tis was a bit rude, but its all about the attitude, that's all I am/was trying to say.... how can people take anyone seriously with an attitude of "lol, I'll laugh while you starve"..... whats the purpose of these posts with attitudes like that???
I live in a rural area where people are used to power outages from the weather. The world doesn't end when the power goes out. Nobody is going to start looting around here. I could easily go and buy piping (Nevermind what I already have.), a cookstove, and water barrels. I could easily start a garden next spring. I know people with plenty of preserves, and meat isn't that hard to find.
My family and I have been preparing for something like this since the late 90's We've got a ton a can goods, Stored water, Gas masks, guns and ammo, water purification tablets, tents, camp stove, and propane, I could go on and on but I think you get my drift. We are prepared for anything. As of late I'm more concerned about our government more than anything because at some point in time they have plans to thin the population by about 80%. So no matter how much you prepare, it may be all in vain.

I'm no crack pot and I'm not saying this is gonna happen tomorrow or even 5, 10 or even 20 years from now. All I'm saying is I'm prepared for anything that may happen down the road. If something like this happens, I wont be caught with my pants down. Can you say the same.
Your probably just preparing for that tornado, out there in the midwest! ..haha jk jk ;)

I wish i could say the same about being prepared but honestly i wouldnt last a month with all i have... and thats by myself!
my fault there.... tis was a bit rude, but its all about the attitude, that's all I am/was trying to say.... how can people take anyone seriously with an attitude of "lol, I'll laugh while you starve"..... whats the purpose of these posts with attitudes like that???

UMMMM that quote wasn't directed at anyone in this thread . It was generalized and directed at those who don't care whats going on in the world . Andd there was certainly no attitude there . Are you trying to pick on me or what?
This might be a bit off topic but..

what about those who already live in a real catastrophe, like the people in Irak and Afghanistan? Just think of how bloody the history of the first Americans and the later generations are. I don't know how many people have died from "terrorist" attacks, but i know its just a fraction of how many have that died in the wars the USA have started, open your eyes, to me it seem you all live in fear.
This might be a bit off topic but..

what about those who already live in a real catastrophe, like the people in Irak and Afghanistan? Just think of how bloody the history of the first Americans and the later generations are. I don't know how many people have died from "terrorist" attacks, but i know its just a fraction of how many have that died in the wars the USA have started, open your eyes, to me it seem you all live in fear.

Where do you live? I would't call it fear I'd call it being prepared .
I can't wait for the zombie apocalypse. As long as there like slow moving stupid zombies. If there 28 days/weeks later then fuuuuck that.

Also my .357 mag named Mary and my .45 named Jane are more then ready. Also my family has a well and owned shelter on 20 acres. They already have a plan. So bring it. I'll survive. It's in my fucking dna. The only thing I rely on the government for is power/gas/ and credit. And my credits fucked...my cars a piece of shit and my electric bill is past due. So let's fuck shit up.

You and me both brother.
It is one of many reasons I moved to Oregon.

One thing most people put very little emphasis on is clean water. I used to live in Colorado and really got the feel for just how important water is.
So I moved into a zone that has healthy steady rainfall and has a dense forest for cover.

More reasons than one though, but water is huge. I'm ready, been backpacking my whole life and consider myself a semi-survivalist.
UMMMM that quote wasn't directed at anyone in this thread . It was generalized and directed at those who don't care whats going on in the world . Andd there was certainly no attitude there . Are you trying to pick on me or what?

yep, thats what ite ALL about.... not the hokey pokey ;)
Lol all this fearmongering isnt getting any one anywhere.
if a nuke were to be launched at any country/state we would never get to know either until it had been shot down or had hit us (done the intended damage) as there would be a media blackout.
preperation is good thinking as some catastrophic event is inevitable.
i for one would be f*cked with out technology admittedly, as i am a tech freak and depend on it for mostly everything.
but at the time being its the us that is in my eyes the terrorists in this scenario.
with there wmd bs, why not just say we're running out of oil we're taking yours.
oh and btw you will join the new world order.
its nothing to do with critics lol,
if you arent willing to accept input why create a thread?