Time for harvest?


Hi guys.

Im new at growing and to Rollitup. Allredy love spending time in here readinig and learning!
I think its about time for me to chop my first lady in a week or so after a flush.

Its a Critical + 2.0 from dinafem seeds. Flowering her for 57 days.
1x 300w cfl
1x 125w cfl
3x 23w cfl
= 494w cfl 2700k

2x2 feet tent

What would u guys say ?
All advice are well taken.


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Your estimate of a week till finish is good.
People have different definitions of "flush".
To me it means water only w/minimal runoff during the last week.
Some people water to the point of excessive runoff and/or use flushing agents.
I like to give em a pop right before the last week of water only.
Bat guano (0-7-0) + epsom salts in a mild nutrient tea.
Some people also add molasses. (I don't)
The term flushing is only used by Plumbers and Stoners.

Just like the term Defoliate is only used by poison companies, Military and stoners

In gardening the term Leaching is used. It has a meaning and a reason for it, unlike the term Flushing.
Also in gardening we have the term Pruning which is a totally different meaning than defoliate. It has a reason for its use as well.
The term flushing is only used by Plumbers and Stoners.

Just like the term Defoliate is only used by poison companies, Military and stoners

In gardening the term Leaching is used. It has a meaning and a reason for it, unlike the term Flushing.
Also in gardening we have the term Pruning which is a totally different meaning than defoliate. It has a reason for its use as well.
Have you ever looked in the dictionary for these definitions? Flush actually means to pass water through it, which is exactly what these people who flush are doing. Defoliate actually is defines as to pluck and prune leaves from a plant or shrub.
Defoliate vs prune you are wrong again, pruning is defined as a verb to remove dead or overgrown branches and stems where as defoliating is to remove leaves.
It's ok though, don't feel bad this is so common on this forum it's unreal!
@Goagunder Looks nice, are those buds dense at all? You can take them now or wait another 10 days it's up to you but if you want to know what I would do, it's pull them now and get a new batch going!
Have you ever looked in the dictionary for these definitions? Flush actually means to pass water through it, which is exactly what these people who flush are doing. Defoliate actually is defines as to pluck and prune leaves from a plant or shrub.
Defoliate vs prune you are wrong again, pruning is defined as a verb to remove dead or overgrown branches and stems where as defoliating is to remove leaves.
It's ok though, don't feel bad this is so common on this forum it's unreal!
  1. To strip and remove leaves from (a tree, plant, or area of land), for agricultural purposes or as a military tactic.
    "the area was defoliated and napalmed many times"
Pruning; verb (used with object), pruned, pruning. 1. to cut or lop off (twigs, branches, or roots). 2. to cut or lop superfluous or undesired twigs, branches, or roots from; trim.

gerund or present participle: leaching
  1. (with reference to a soluble chemical or mineral) drain away from soil, ash, or similar material by the action of percolating liquid, especially rainwater.
    "the nutrient is quickly leached away"
    synonyms: drain, filter, percolate, filtrate, discharge, strain, leak, separate; More
    • subject (soil, ash, etc.) to a leaching process.
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Thx alot. they are pretty dense actualy. not as fat as I hoped for.
Next batch i would like to stretch some more above the screen.
Think im gonna flush from now and rest of next week :)
happy smoking!
Your flowers look great....I agree with RZZA, they look ready to harvest, pistils are red still some are full and white, calyx are swelling and buds are full!

Time for some trimming...And IMHO you don't need to flush or leach if anything just cut your final week of nutes in half!
