Our Goal: Obtain opium through dried pod extraction.
Required Materials:
+Poppy Pods*
+Heat Source
+Water (100ml/g by weight)
+Pot for boiling water
+Suitable equipment for hot liquid storage
+Cheesecloth (or similar--coffee filters, silk cloth, etc)
+Pyrex dishes
Optional Materials:
+Electric Oven
+Weakly-acidic solute (lemon juice, lime juice, citric acid, etc)
+Ph Strips
Note: This procedure will be explained using poppy material amounting to a total weight of 10 grams. In order to alter the measurements used, follow the simple equation:
100ml water for every gram of poppy material to be used--i.e. 100grams= 10L of water; 50grams=5L of water. This is because every ml of water can only hold so much of the extractable alkaloids. At 100ml, the most amount of alkaloids can be obtained before negligible results occur beyond 100ml.
Step One: Dismantle and grind all pods to be extracted
-Snap the heads from the stems, leaving the node as it also holds opiate alkaloidal content
-Remove seeds from the pod. These can either saved for Poppy Seed Tea or for future gardening purposes.
-Grind/break pods into smallest possible pieces, as more surface area=faster extraction of alkaloids
Step Two: Bring necessary amount of water to a light simmer and then remove the heat.
-Opiate alkaloids dissolve more readily in heat, but also begin to degrade to a low quality at any heat over 80 degrees Celsius. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. If you bring your water to a boil, cut the heat and let it sit for a few minutes to cool to ensure it is below this temperature
Step Three: Add acidic solute to the hot water, measure with Ph strips until 6.0 acidity or lower
-This step is optional, as opiate alkaloids already dissolve rather readily in neutral-level Ph water, however:
-Opiate alkaloids dissolve more readily in slightly acidic water. 6.5 is sufficient, but it never hurts to be extra careful
Step Four: Distribute pods into their corresponding storage containers and add the appropriate amount of water.
-Old alcohol fifths and half-gallons work well because they are made of glass and can hold a respectable amount of material
-Caution: Container will get hot, so please use proper protection
Step Five: Seal containers and shake the mixture occasionally. Do this for as long as you see fit.
-I just shook them every couple of minutes, whenever the thought crossed my mind while watching television or whatever.
-One hour is sufficient to extract most of the alkaloids out, but the longer the mixture sits, the more saturated with alkaloids the water will become. I usually leave it soaked and shaking it for a few days to be sure to get as much as possible.
-The solution should obtain a dark amber/brown color once a large amount of the alkaloids have been extracted.
Step Six: Place Funnel in/over empty container/dish, lay an overlapped piece of Cheesecloth over the top of the Funnel. Pour Poppy mixture into Cheesecloth.
-Once all the water has been filtered, squeeze excess from shavings lying in the cheesecloth. Save these and all shavings as they can be re-soaked and extract the remaining alkaloids from them. For this, just use 1/2 to 2/3 as much water as the first solution. Will not be as potent as the first extraction but can add to the overall final product.
-If one wishes, they can end the process here if waiting does not sound appealing. This is what one might refer to as "Poppy Tea". Dosage will be discussed shortly, so keep reading.
Step Seven: Allow mixture to cool to room temperature and transfer to evaporation dishes. Leave water to evaporate, will take days-weeks depending on methods used--sun-drying on a window sill is best for high yield of endproduct, but may take some time.
-OPTIONAL: If you have access to an electric oven, preheat it between 40-60 degrees celsius and place the dishes--uncovered--inside and allow them ample time to evap. Once most of the water has been removed, remove the pans and sun-dry the rest of the way, as previously mentioned.
-Once most of the water has been removed, the solution will look like a dark, sticky mud-like substance. One can end the evap process whenever they feel their product is sufficiently stiff. This is the "cooked opium" one would want to obtain.
-If all of the water is allowed to evaporate, one will be left with a flake-like substance that will flick off into nothingness if not carefully scraped together. This end product is what one should strive to achieve if they wish to be able to smoke their opium instead of simple ingesting it (will be explained further shortly).
Step Eight: scrape together and roll the final tar-like product into a ball/rod depending on how much end product one has obtained Congratulations, you now have 100% natural opium, no chemicals, fillers, nothing.
The amount of endproduct one could hope to achieve can vary depending on precision of the extraction. A high yield endproduct could be expected to be approximately 1/10 of the weight of pod material used, varying slightly more or slightly less. On average 0.7-0.9 is considered a good endproduct.
For those questioning how much of their product they must use to obtain an enjoyable high, here is a quick-referce guide. This is based on zero tolerances, so one must adjust accordingly.
-Poppy Tea: Anywhere from 4-10grams worth of pod tea (~400ml-~1L) could be a sufficient dose because the tea can vary so much due to potency/strain of the poppy pod used. It is recommended to start slowly with only 5-6grams, allow 30-45 for onset, and titrate up to an enjoyable amount in increments.
-Ingesting: Approximately 1/3-1/2gram is more than sufficient. Be careful in the amount taken as more can always be redosed, but it cannot be taken away if one takes too much.
-Smoking: The flake opium can be smoking similar to how one smokes heroin, by "chasing the dragon". A matchhead-sized ball is sufficient to try, approximately .1-.2g. Smoking is an almost-immediate onset of effects so dosage can be much more easily decided.
And remember everyone, this may seem simple and easy. It is. That doesn't mean it should be looked at as any lesser than the multitudes of other opiates out there. IT IS ADDICTIVE. IT IS POSSIBLE and simple TO OVERDOSE ON. take all precautions you would with any other drug and be sure to give this one the respect it deserves. Have fun and be safe!
*DISCLAIMER: I do not condone drugs. I do not encourage drugs. And I certainly do not interact with drugs of any kind. Drugs are bad, mkay?