Tis the season to be rippin'

Jpill lots of people go missing this time of year last year 2 mexican were shot and killed in humboldt its no joke when your growing million $ crops i personaly wouldnt cause i only have 31 left i carry a 9mm but for protection bears etc to me its not worth life behind bars.

You actually think / believe a 9 mm has the stopping power for a bear? Lol.
Guns and growing weed not the best two ideas ive heard in a while .... however This is what I use to keep rippers away from my yard.

an old ass hole used to shoot at us with rock salt when we were kids riding our motorcycles through his property..... that man tough me something very important. you cant kill a man with rock salt..... but you can make him wish he was hahaha. hope nobody dies this year, but the ripping is getting crazy. here in socal , a friend had 12 of his plants stolen from the second story balcony of his house.......ninjas in the night i guess.
I thought the ripper was the pussy in the first place being afraid to grow there own and such , but again its no joke when I mention Bear Traps and Coyotes , its more common that you know kid- Guess you never been to an Indian Reservation lmao ! People have no choice but to survive off from there crops here due to the economy ... Only pussy here is the one talking shit on a Koolaid Chanel
who moves around a dead deer with out making a trail right to your grow?
me. xmas tree bag pic it up like a dog shit. throw it over your shoulder. dont be a pussy and dont use a week old one. us a nice fresh one. and you dont throw it in your grow just near on the way in.
I guess the hell growing in your backyard has it's drawbacks!! I was thinking you guys growing legal ten feet from your back porch just sat around singing Koombaya. It's become painfull apparent that you guys are easy targets. At least mine is hidden from the beginning and all my eggs are not in the same basket. :D

Go with the dog to keep people out. You can't shoot them but at least you can chase them off. I'm pretty certain I would be sleeping with mine if I was worried. The sad part if you can't do a freakin thing without getting busted yourself unless of course you can hunt them down and beat them to death off of your property. :D

I wish us all the best of luck but some of us are gonna get fucked. If you have ever walked up to your garden to see it all gone knows how it feels. I swear to god it's like you just lost a family member.:shock:
I've got shells loaded with rock salt. Won't kill anyone but it's still a 12 gauge with molten salt.
lol you can draw down on thieves in my town. it just happened the other night and the po took the thieves and left plants no charges.
up here in siskiyou county it's not uncommon to hear about rippers getting shot.... honestly I have no problem laying down a ripper if they are armed too. NEVER shoot an un-armed man.
if you wanna go to prison over a weed crop shoot an unarmed man ;)

I live in a rural area where the likelyhood of me ever having to do this is extremely low... if it was higher then I would probably be doing what everyone else is with traps and alarms of sorts..... but for me just sleeping next to them without smoking weed at night and just being ready is good enough....

and I am a marksman of sorts, so I don't recommend this sort of advice to anyone else who isn't confident in their ability to aim a gun in an intense adrenaline filled situation.

hello im a fairly new grower. im growing outdoors this year in Australia. the dilema im having is this. i have my girls growing indoors atm on 18/6. im going to harden them of this week or the next. atm im getting 12.4hours light per day and slowly increasing i think max will be 15hrs light in mid summer. its spring here atm, but im concerned they will trip into flowering if i put them outside now. any help would be extremly appreciated. thank you