Tis the season to be rippin'

Clip ha so ya a 9mm can kill a bear if a person dies a bear will.
As a hunter there are so many things i don't like about that story. Hope you learned from your mistakes. In my opinion you should have let the bear take the kill,It was your fault not his. it should have been tied higher in a tree than the bear can get, that is the whole point after all. Not to mention risk of facing years in prison and tons of money in fines and lawyer fee's
It seems weird how multiple user "like" this. When you hear about kids raped in the news do you like that too? XD

Why would you compare under age rippers to kids getting raped? Wtf, not even close to the same thing. Fuck rippers of all ages.
Why would you compare under age rippers to kids getting raped? Wtf, not even close to the same thing. Fuck rippers of all ages.

he told that the owners caught the kid and the body wasn't found. Damn potheads, can't read shit :D
When I was younger and dumber I took a couple plants from an 800 plant op and I still felt bad after. I mean, a scumbag gang could have been behind it so I didnt feel as bad at the moment, but I smartened up since. I learned through karma. FUC YOU RIPPERS ITLL CATCH UPTO YOU!
Private property in the hills of humboldt so i would never get in trouble and ya i should have ha ohwell good times.
You can legally shoot them if they are destroying your property or killing your livestock and im pretty sure you have to report them to fish and game, which it doesn't sound like you did. you could have faced times for doing that don't kid yourself.
You can legally shoot them if they are destroying your property or killing your livestock and im pretty sure you have to report them to fish and game, which it doesn't sound like you did. you could have faced times for doing that don't kid yourself.

You can? Or is that an inadvertent typo.
if you post no tresspassing you can shoot them just for being there but there has to be a sign in obvious places.. I put one on each gate.
if you post no tresspassing you can shoot them just for being there but there has to be a sign in obvious places.. I put one on each gate.

"Shoot them just for being there"? That can't be right. So, somebody walks onto your property (say, for example - an empty field) despite the no trespassing signs. They are not armed and pose no threat to you. You think you can legally execute them? I'm pretty sure that is not the state of the law in California.
if you post no tresspassing you can shoot them just for being there but there has to be a sign in obvious places.. I put one on each gate.

maybe in texas, but last I read california tresspassing laws do NOT allow you to do this. they MUST be armed.

I've been growing since I joined this site in 08, outdoors, trust me I would know this by now after doing this this long.....
"Shoot them just for being there"? That can't be right. So, somebody walks onto your property (say, for example - an empty field) despite the no trespassing signs. They are not armed and pose no threat to you. You think you can legally execute them? I'm pretty sure that is not the state of the law in California.

in montana, texas and a few other states, youre allowed to use deadly force on someone if you suspect they are going to commit a felony on your property or put you or other residents' lives in immediate danger. in california you definatly can't shoot someone just for tresspassing
Originally Posted by deception333
hello im a fairly new grower. im growing outdoors this year in Australia. the dilema im having is this. i have my girls growing indoors atm on 18/6. im going to harden them of this week or the next. atm im getting 12.4hours light per day and slowly increasing i think max will be 15hrs light in mid summer. its spring here atm, but im concerned they will trip into flowering if i put them outside now. any help would be extremly appreciated. thank you
In all states you can use deadly force if your life is in danger. Beyound that you better know your local guns laws.