Tis the season to be rippin'

Its all cool, except for the kid raping part, that's just fucked up on so many levels. Unless they are ripping you and you beat thier ass then rape them, that's ok.
Happy camp is a scary place for rippers and feds up here.lol I don't think people realize that rippers do disappear into the hills of Nor-Cal. For alot of folks in the Siskiyou area, their crop is their livelihood. That's how my neighbor covers most of his bills. If you wandered into his grow, he'd break a few fingers with a ball-peen before he turned you loose.

yeah happy camp isn't such a happy place to be.... between the growers you got meth abuse and alcohol abuse so it's a pretty volatile community from what I hear....

but siskiyou county in general has a pretty strange very conservative culture...but it is changing, slowly.
WTF!! It's looks like I am better off growing my dozen plants guerilla style where weed is illegal. Here all they give you is a ticket for a few bones and larger amounts can be argued away with a half decent attorney. You guys have dedicated rippers but all we get is the stumblebums and the people you told who burn you. Ballot question in a month so we will see. :?
WTF!! It's looks like I am better off growing my dozen plants guerilla style where weed is illegal. Here all they give you is a ticket for a few bones and larger amounts can be argued away with a half decent attorney. You guys have dedicated rippers but all we get is the stumblebums and the people you told who burn you. Ballot question in a month so we will see. :?
Yes on 16 right? Or is it 19
Yet another local ripping story. This one has a personal twist of sorts for me. Between HS and the cop gig i worked Loss Control at a local Kmart. My manager's son was shoplifting and i caught him. Now, it seems he has moved up to impersonating a federal agent and associating with cartels.

Never did like the slimy bastard. He actually sent me a FB request a couple months ago :shock:

Sleeping lightly tonight :?


A total of 10 people — including a Dinuba man and five Orosi residents — were arrested last week as part of an “eradication detail” that led to the closure of at least three massive marijuana farms and the seizure of about 13,000 pot plants.

Travis Dodd, 34, of Dinuba, is suspected of impersonating a federal DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) agent and using a fake badge to scout marijuana farms close to being harvested.

Dodd would then pass along this information to what is called a “rip team,” a news release on the Tulare County Sheriff’s Web site states, although he and all the other suspects are in “federal custody.”
First year guirrila growing, and ive had 2 spots ripped... plus indoor was ripped, bad year for me... Lessons learned, getting a shotty and already increased security, going farther out next year-might try some bear traps, as there are many rippers in the area who will just search the bush for crops. Not going to hurt anyone over some small crops, but next year will be a diffrent story, getting ripped off spots youve been hauling water in all summer really sucks.

Theres some great ideas for security here! i was thinking of game cameras and finding spots wayy up in the mountains in hard to access terrain, fuck rippers!
Hahaha, catching rippers is a treat around here.
Into the sex dungeon They go. After the gimp is finished,
We cart them across the border to Tijuana and sell em.
Win win.
Hahaha, catching rippers is a treat around here.
Into the sex dungeon They go. After the gimp is finished,
We cart them across the border to Tijuana and sell em.
Win win.

Is the Gimp like ZED in Pulp Fiction, who cums in buddies ass while making a loud Pumph Pumph PummPH sound on the black dudes ass as he rams it.......Remind me to always stay away from your grows I don;t want to meet Gimp and have is twisted looking weiner in my ass.....Are you for real about this Gimp guy though serious and who or what is Gimp if I'm wrong?
Thank you bleu. Finally something scary enough to keep people out of the garden. I may have to rent out your services my friend. I'm not going medieval on anyone's ass. Crikies! !!
Is the Gimp like ZED in Pulp Fiction, who cums in buddies ass while making a loud Pumph Pumph PummPH sound on the black dudes ass as he rams it.......Remind me to always stay away from your grows I don;t want to meet Gimp and have is twisted looking weiner in my ass.....Are you for real about this Gimp guy though serious and who or what is Gimp if I'm wrong?

Yeah I meant the zipper suit gimp from pulp fiction.
Twisted wiener hahahah! Lmao!
yeah happy camp isn't such a happy place to be.... between the growers you got meth abuse and alcohol abuse so it's a pretty volatile community from what I hear....

but siskiyou county in general has a pretty strange very conservative culture...but it is changing, slowly.

Yeah, the town I'm in here is weird. You couldn't open a dispensary here, and getting the CoC to approve a head shop is an uphill battle. Yet at the same time, I can walk through town and smell 20 different grows in 2 miles on a main street. We need to break off into the great state of Jefferson up here, the top 1/3 of CA is nothing like the rest. On the subject of happy camp, my neighbors were fighting that fire out there a week or so back. They actually had some jackasses threaten to shoot them and bomb them with dynamite for trying to stop a 13000+ acre wildfire that was spitting distance from their massive grow (On the leading edge of the fire, no less.). Those guys out there are a little too nervous.
Hahaha, catching rippers is a treat around here.
Into the sex dungeon They go. After the gimp is finished,
We cart them across the border to Tijuana and sell em.
Win win.

I'm picturing the signs on your property line now: "Rippers will be knocked unconscious and butt-fucked until they wake up.". I'd think twice before entering that property, not going to lie...
Yeah, the town I'm in here is weird. You couldn't open a dispensary here, and getting the CoC to approve a head shop is an uphill battle. Yet at the same time, I can walk through town and smell 20 different grows in 2 miles on a main street. We need to break off into the great state of Jefferson up here, the top 1/3 of CA is nothing like the rest. On the subject of happy camp, my neighbors were fighting that fire out there a week or so back. They actually had some jackasses threaten to shoot them and bomb them with dynamite for trying to stop a 13000+ acre wildfire that was spitting distance from their massive grow (On the leading edge of the fire, no less.). Those guys out there are a little too nervous.

I disagree on the state of jefferson idea. I"ve done some thorough thought about this, and if you look at the demographics of these areas, they would MOST DEFINITELY be republican dominant, which would mean no legalized cannabis for us for a while, so I say fuck the state of jefferson.
Yeah I know *Buds.. Whenever the talk wanders over to guns and ammo it goes movie not reality. Of course a 9mm will kill a bear. Just because every law enforcement agency got rid of the round because they were not even suitable for soft body targets like humans does not mean they won't kill a bear. Hell, I think the record for grizzly is still held by some old native american woman trying to keep it out of her cabin. She used a .22. My go to Maine bear gun is a .308 which has plenty of knock down power for N.E. bear but if you shoot a 300 pounder you have done well. Most of them weigh in at an average of 125lbs. I've seen legal bear that were under a hundred pounds before being field dressed. They were such cute little fellows but I go home with an unfilled tag before I even think about it. Ha Ha.
I believe chronic killed a bar with a 9mm but I'm sure he knows it was a poor choice of weapons and it was probably illegal to do anyway. Can you legally shoot a bear cause he is dragging away your deer. As far as a .22/250 or .22 go I can't imagine there is a state that allows either for bear. At least with the 22/250 I can be far enough away that he doesn't run over and kick my ass. I would still rather have a molten salt gun.:twisted:

Do you west coast guys get a lot of HOG?