Tis the season to be rippin'

if you post no tresspassing you can shoot them just for being there but there has to be a sign in obvious places.. I put one on each gate.

In Cali (and MOST states), you must be able to demonstrate a reasonable fear for your life/safety or that of another.
Why the hell would you shoot a bear with a 22? Where you cornered and was your only option. It couldn't have been your weapon of choice? I bet he dropped right in his tracks. Did that round bust up the shoulder pretty good? Well kick me in the balls I am impressed
So a man told me about a story he once experienced while hiking in Canada with his girlfriend. We were talking about whether a .32 auto was an acceptable round for self defense and he stated it was. He said that on this hike one saved him from a bear.

He said they were hiking through the wilderness when they were confronted by a bear. It reared up on it's hind legs and they ran. The bear gave chase. Remembering that he had his .32 auto, he drew it, turned, and shot his girlfriend in the leg before slowing to a casual jog to make sure he was no longer being chased by the bear ;)
I tells ya what.. that's some funny shit right there.

So a man told me about a story he once experienced while hiking in Canada with his girlfriend. We were talking about whether a .32 auto was an acceptable round for self defense and he stated it was. He said that on this hike one saved him from a bear.

He said they were hiking through the wilderness when they were confronted by a bear. It reared up on it's hind legs and they ran. The bear gave chase. Remembering that he had his .32 auto, he drew it, turned, and shot his girlfriend in the leg before slowing to a casual jog to make sure he was no longer being chased by the bear ;)
hahahah thats a good one. i've heard word of .22 wmr killing a bear if placed perfectly. you didnt kill a bear with a .22 lr.
hahahah thats a good one. i've heard word of .22 wmr killing a bear if placed perfectly. you didnt kill a bear with a .22 lr.

i have a Ruger Single-Six in .22 calliber. It has interchangeable cylinders to fire either LR or WMR. The WMR packs a heck of a lot more punch but i'd say the best use of a .22 if confronted by a bear would be as a noise maker. Or a club.
.22/250 will drop them in there trax if shot in the ear or eye. the bullet bounses around the scull and destroys the brain. 350lb black bear from 180 yards in the eye. the bear stood up and fell over backwards dead.. skyline drive va mountians..
.22/250 will drop them in there trax if shot in the ear or eye. the bullet bounses around the scull and destroys the brain. 350lb black bear from 180 yards in the eye. the bear stood up and fell over backwards dead.. skyline drive va mountians..

i can more reasonably seeing the .22/250 being capable. That being said, i would prefer to stick to a 7mm mag or a .300 Winchester or a .308 or something in that range. i definitely wouldn't take that small a rifle and then seek out a bear.
yeah, a .223 or 5.56 will do the job if it has to be done too. you dont want it too powerful so it just goes thru, you want it to bounce around(in self defense). yeah i'll never think of shooting a bear with any sort of rimfire cartridge. i got the Savage 93bsev .22WMR and its the most accurate and fun gun that i have...to a point
i can more reasonably seeing the .22/250 being capable. That being said, i would prefer to stick to a 7mm mag or a .300 Winchester or a .308 or something in that range. i definitely wouldn't take that small a rifle and then seek out a bear.
i think hes talking in self defense. my bear rifle is 7mm rem mag or 30-06
I'm sure a properly placed shot by a sniper with a .22 LR could kill a bear... but jesus taht's such a fuckin risky shot I wouldn't fuck around with anything that small when shooting a bear... adn I love my .22 remington model 512, probably the most accurate .22 ever made but I still wouldn't feel confident shooting a bear with one... I'd have to shoot them in the eye or nose.....
up here in siskiyou county it's not uncommon to hear about rippers getting shot.... honestly I have no problem laying down a ripper if they are armed too. NEVER shoot an un-armed man.

Happy camp is a scary place for rippers and feds up here.lol I don't think people realize that rippers do disappear into the hills of Nor-Cal. For alot of folks in the Siskiyou area, their crop is their livelihood. That's how my neighbor covers most of his bills. If you wandered into his grow, he'd break a few fingers with a ball-peen before he turned you loose.
yeah, i've actually read in the paper a few years back that some cartel members shot a few hikers that had wondered into their grow. The problem was the grow was in a national forest and the feds came in. Every town within that country got hit hard that year. I don't doubt that people come up missing, I just made this thread because I was reading a lot of threads by kids crying about getting ripped. Now lames like Uncle Buck sure as hell wouldn't drop someone but those mexicans are a different story. !