TMB's Yosemite Area 2010 Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
Hello all-
I'm starting my 2010 outdoor grow journal now since my indoor tent is full of clones/cuttings/mothers. This is a California Medical grow for 2 patients. The mothers/clones are going to be put outside, and into the ground May 1st and be my Fall harvest. They are now under a 18-6 light schedule, I need to start backing off the lights and get them into a 16-8 light schedule before they go outside.
I will put 9-12 plants in the "weed cage", and another 6-12 plants in my year round creek. I put 1 in the creek last year for shitts and giggles, and she came out great. I will grow a few there this year. I will talk about strains my next post.


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is the cage for cridders or is it to keep you out during are those pics of last year or are they in the ground already?
I will have 2 strains that will be on this years roster that were on last years roster. Let me introduce you to them....
#1) Mind Bender X Afghangooey- I will post a smoke report later. She is Sativa Dominant, with hints of Indica. She's not ready to harvest until November, but is worth the wait. High yielding, extra large sweet buds, very floral smelling when flowering. Easy to grow and clone. A great find!
#2) The Purps- I've been smoking this strain for about 10 years now, and she never disappoints. Very sweet in taste, does better indoor then outdoor, but she's a knock-out every time no mater how grown. Not a big yielder like the MB x AG, but packs a powerful punch. Glad to have her back this year.
New to the line-up this year...
#3) Jack Herer- We grew her indoor over the winter and she lived up to her name. Very powerful smoke, I can't get shit done when I smoke her early in the day. Best to be smoked in the evenings.
#4) SR-71 Purple Kush- Clone only strain that I got a copy from TLD. I smoked a bit this winter from TLD's Fall harvest and WOW! Happy to have her on the team. She will be a force to recon with!
#5) Chemo Cindy- Another from TLD's garden. A different animal then anything else I ever tried. Very heavy smoke that will put you on your ass! Another great addition to the team.
#6) Shiva Skunk- She's a rookie and I know nothing about her. I will smoke some in about a week or two. My partner just harvested her, and she sits in jars waiting her turn in the playing field.
#7)Strawberry Cough X Deep Chunk- I smoked her mom (Strawberry Cough) this winter a few times and is a very nice smoke. These are from another grower whe crossed with "Deep Chunk" to increase yield.
Here are some photos taken this week from my spring garden/harvest girls.


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is the cage for cridders or is it to keep you out during are those pics of last year or are they in the ground already?
That was last years garden. I will put the "spring harvest" girls in there in about a week or two, depending on the weather. They will stay in there pots and finish up about May 1st.
I will have an Army of clones ready to go into the weed cage May 1st, or there about, for my Fall harvest.
looks like u got some serious plants ready to go. im hoping my plants will yield some serious poundage as well. but i dont feel comfortable putting them outside before late may. anyway best of luck ill keeping checkin on ur ladies
Hello All-
I want to talk about what's in my soil. Last year I dug down 2-3 feet, laid "half inch hardware cloth" on the bottom, and around the perimeter of the garden and about a foot above ground. Then i filled half way up (14"-18")with Humas, Manures, Bone Meal, perlite, and existing decomposing granite/top soil. I rototilled everything together. I filled up the rest of the garden with the same mixture and did the same process.
This year I put this information up in my "indoor grow journal" now I will get that post and put it here. "Took some pictures today of the girls, the grow room, and the light mover, The items in the back on the truck are for the outdoor garden (fall harvest). I put Chicken Shit, horse shit, molasses, mychorizal, Dolomite lime, powered Alaskan fish emulsion, perlite, and Humus into the garden. I wanted to rototill it all in together, but the rototiller I borrowed would not run.....tomorrow I hope". The above was posted 2-19-10

Thursday I went to my local (30 minutes away) fish store and asked for some scraps for the garden. He gave me about 15 lbs of Salmon trim that he can't sell. I let it sit out for 48 hours and buried it in my garden. I got the post hole digger and dug down 2 feet, grabbed a chunk of Salmon and tossed it in. I filled the hole up half way and put another piece in. Then another near the top. I dug about 15-20 holes and did this to all of them. That covered about half the garden. I will pick up more Salmon/fish next week and finish the rest of the garden.

I do this early in the spring to let this stuff decompose for the next 6-8 weeks. This will get that "Micro-Beastie" environment active so when the girls go into the ground on May 1st, those guys should have a very active environment going on there. The girls are going to love it!


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I'm getting 'red eyes' already from just reading about this!

Looking good TMB.

Yeah, I know what you mean about the PK, I've got some cuts for my greenhouse this year. How's is TLD btw? I sure do miss him.

I'll keep watching!

I have 20 acres in Jamestown I'm thinking of doing somethign with for the first time. When is it safe to put plants in the ground up there?
I'm getting 'red eyes' already from just reading about this!

Looking good TMB.

Yeah, I know what you mean about the PK, I've got some cuts for my greenhouse this year. How's is TLD btw? I sure do miss him.

I'll keep watching!

TLD went to the coast for a much needed vacation. Not sure when he is due back, but he asked me to go by his place and check on things. I was too busy today, but I will tomorrow.
I have 20 acres in Jamestown I'm thinking of doing somethign with for the first time. When is it safe to put plants in the ground up there?
You starting with seeds or clones?
If seeds, I would germinate now. Build yourself a small greenhouse (clear plastic wrapped around a PVC frame will work, or 1 gallon milk jugs with the bottoms cut off placed over the plant will work too!) Don't put into the ground until April 15th to May 1st, keep them in pots. That way if the weather gets real cold or wet, you can bring them inside.
If Clones I would grow inside, and take them outside when the weather is nice, and back inside at night so they can get their 16 hrs of light. Use a 16-8 light cycle, that way when they go outside for good they won't go into flowering mode.
Good Luck!
looks like u got some serious plants ready to go. im hoping my plants will yield some serious poundage as well. but i dont feel comfortable putting them outside before late may. anyway best of luck ill keeping checkin on ur ladies
I've seen snow on Memorial Day weekend here before, so I know what your saying. I will wrap/cover the cage in plastic if need be.
You starting with seeds or clones?
If seeds, I would germinate now. Build yourself a small greenhouse (clear plastic wrapped around a PVC frame will work, or 1 gallon milk jugs with the bottoms cut off placed over the plant will work too!) Don't put into the ground until April 15th to May 1st, keep them in pots. That way if the weather gets real cold or wet, you can bring them inside.
If Clones I would grow inside, and take them outside when the weather is nice, and back inside at night so they can get their 16 hrs of light. Use a 16-8 light cycle, that way when they go outside for good they won't go into flowering mode.
Good Luck!

Stays colder up in Jamestown longer than down here, waiting a bit longer, on into June to put them out would be my advice. Check your weather and your farmers almanac, you want nighttime temps to be above 40 degrees at low, and you want your daylight hours to be more than 12.75 hrs, harden off your plants by doing exactly what TMB is doing adjusting the light schedule Slowly, and putting them outside for increased lengths of time Every Day before permanent transplant.

And! The most important advice for Jamestown Grower:

TELL NO ONE, Rippers are infamous for that area....... if you know a pocket on the res, can hide it there, or if your legit, TELL NO ONE, and keep it quiet on your property or wherever!
man you're so blessed to be growing such chronic in the yosemite wilderness like that :D.

yosemite is amazing . . . .
TLD went to the coast for a much needed vacation. Not sure when he is due back, but he asked me to go by his place and check on things. I was too busy today, but I will tomorrow.
What's up buddy? How was the coast? You picked days with nice weather to go. I'm off tp Santa Cruz tomorrow. Going to visit my Daughter for the day. Looking forward to getting out there and seeing her.
man you're so blessed to be growing such chronic in the yosemite wilderness like that :D.

yosemite is amazing . . . .
I agree!
When I'm not having a good day, and I'm feeling a bit down, I just think of those poor bastards living/working in the big city's, dealing with bullshit, traffic, parking, pollution, crime, and all the other crap that goes on there on a daily basis.......I am truly blessed.
Thanks for putting that big smile on my face this morning, great way to start my week!
I agree!
When I'm not having a good day, and I'm feeling a bit down, I just think of those poor bastards living/working in the big city's, dealing with bullshit, traffic, parking, pollution, crime, and all the other crap that goes on there on a daily basis.......I am truly blessed.
Thanks for putting that big smile on my face this morning, great way to start my week!

for sure bro.

I spent a week in yosemite last summer, it was by far the best experience of my life.

I live up in siskiyou county. we have the russian wilderness up here and it's absolutely beautiful. mountain lakes and shit. but out where I live it's like high-country desert, mountainous with lots of juniper trees and lava rocks.

sunny days take out the strongest days of sorrow.