TMSeeds GROW! Durban and OG Kush crossed with White Widow


Well-Known Member
Those plants are looking heathy! I can't wait to see your buds forming! I'm a day or two way from flowering my crop... 8-10 weeks away from harvest!

I'm looking forward to seeing how they recovered from the LSTing that you did! You wrote earlier about how you forgot the difference with seeds plants flower vs cuttings, I was curious what difference your seeing?

Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
When you start to flower from seed, generally there is about a week or two where they just sex out rather then start to flower so it sets ya back. Very strain dpendent though too!


Well-Known Member
These girls had another stretch last night after a feeding! Getting more and more pronounced each day. The CO White Kush as I call it is starting to bud out like crazy and the Durbans widow is still just taking its sweet time! Pictures to come later today. The plants loved the LST by the way. But then again what plant would not love more exposed budsites to bloom! LOL


Well-Known Member
Okay so after a two week period of stretching and sexing... All of my plants are officially flowering and are in their true second week! I got two widow dominant that are way faster and budding like crazy and one durban and kush that are taking their sweet time! They are all about two foot tall and looking great. I need to do some pics yet, but my camera keeps acting up. Been having a issue with ph a little bit, but nothing to serious. All is well still.


Well-Known Member
Today is start of week three! Got some serious bud sites coming in, gonna upload some pics today from the phone soon as the lights come on. Two of the Kush Widow crosses are budding like crazy right now! The other two are right behind 'em just a little bit slower. Smells great every time the tent gets opened too! The third Kush Widow has a killer Kush scent just stinking up the place now. The Durban is the slowest of all, but will be the BEST IMO!!!! The Durban will run a full 11 weeks.


Well-Known Member
durban mom is a heavy yielder and finishes @ wk10. kinda lanky though and likes to grow more horizontal then vertical. @ 1/2 way through doing a feminized project with her. i'm against fem seeds .... but she is so unique/special that I had to have backups, so i made and used some colloidal silver and hit a branch, works like a charm. while i was at it i went ahead and hit the afgooey, herijuana and Elli3 with the same fem pollen .... just to see what will happen :) another project that is 1/2 way through is using a Herijuana male and hitting the Durban, Afgooey, Herijuana #5, Maui sativa and Chocolate Chunk. i have sooooooo much herijuana pollen saved now its not even funny, easily a teaspoon + (haven't added the flour buffer yet)

all of the Durban x Widow and Maui x Widow were xplanted yesterday into 3/4gal pots .... 2 more weeks and it's into 5gals and then flowering :) went ahead and popped some of the Bubba x Corleone Kush seeds a few days ago too, @ 10 popped already :)

those COOG x Widow ones stink BAD .... more so with a 2 week cure (biggie was a 2 bagger for smell. still revegging her)


Well-Known Member
Yeah but my lazy ass needs to upload and this three kings I am puffing on has me lost! LOL try to get em up today.

@Eyecandi- The widow smells sooo bad already! The durban is doing exactly what you said, going vertical but is still starting to bud up real nice.


Well-Known Member
interesting to hear that the durb's vert' growing characteristic carried over (mine are still only 1 month old)... i was hoping to drop that and add beefier stems. lol, such is gene mixing and testing :)


Well-Known Member
Man this ph is killing me out here! 57 more days left in the grow and the same for moving back to CO! Still no updates with the pics, my camera is dead and I can not find the charger and my fone wont upload for some reason?? Damn electronics.. Only coming up on day 21 of flowering on thursday anyways so not much to see right now..


Well-Known Member
Also just trimmed up the lower budsites and all the other waste sites to improve on yield! Talk about some serious stretching man! LOL All of them are def. Sativa dominant, thinned long leaves. Got one that is a really great mix of the kush and widow so hopefully it finishes just a lil earlier...


Well-Known Member
Here are some more crappy pics from my cell phone now that I can upload again...:clap:



Well-Known Member
looking NICE bro! I can see those LONG ass COKush hairs already (seems to be a trait all the phenos carried) .... so yummy! in honor .... i'm gonna load up the last bowl of the Widows Kush

I'll try to load a pic or two of the Durbans Widow and Maui x Widow. they've put on some fast growth over the past few days since xplanting from 16oz cups into 3/4gal (one today was popping a 4" root out the bottom, lol). some really great looking characteristics showing ... can't wait to flip em :)


Well-Known Member
The pics dont even do them justice... They look way better and bigger over here! One of the kush widows stem snapped slightly so it was stunted about a week, no biggie though.


Well-Known Member
Uh right now they are at about day 18. The pics I uploaded are older! I got to get some more up to date pics coming up now that my pc will upload again!


Well-Known Member
nice man I can't wait to see em! Im on day 15 flower here Im seeing bud sites everywhere!

keep em healthy indi! looking forward to all your updates!


Well-Known Member
Tonight is the first night it has gotten below 70! Wont be to long before it is cold every night consistently.