To drop or not to drop...

i dont have any and I can't I cant find any right now either..and my bdays coming up :( I was looking forward to like 7-8 hits but now its not even an option
haha guess what just threw itself into town? hahaha a royal fuck ton of LSD! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!! sorry.. I have to rub it in a lil bit ;-)
'royal fuck ton' that metric?

party at shep's!


lol, when you hear "royal fuck ton" that means you need to come stop me and tell me your RIU s/n haha. To be honest, it's just a lot ;-) haha

haha yeah rite! haha Nah man, I'm in the middle of nowhere, you would be amazed at the mountain ranges, fields, lakes, rivers, etc all within walking distance of each other! Not to mention parks and trails!
haha guess what just threw itself into town? hahaha a royal fuck ton of LSD! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!! sorry.. I have to rub it in a lil bit ;-)

u lucky bastard.. i wanna trip!!! im gonna have to extract some mescaline or DMT..
I am not sure, it may be true that it is a midly bitter solid. But like I said earlier, you're not tasting something that small.

What are the average doses now days 50-150ug maybe? Assuming you had a 150ug dose, that would only be like one-seventh of a milligram..

yea i get you.. ive had awsome trips that were bitter and awsome trips that tasted like nothing. its just not an accurate way to judge if its real or not.
Here is a lil excerpt.. may be useful to someone:

"Since the mid 1980s, DOB has appeared on blotter paper and has been accidentally (or purposefully) sold as LSD. A common saying is,"If it's bitter, it's a spitter." Upon tasting the chemical, if one notices a highly bitter or "chemically" taste, this should serve as a warning sign that the drug is not LSD, but likely a psychedelic amphetamine (DOC, DOB or DOI)"
Ok, what about if it more of a tingly sensation on the tounge. Not a bitter taste, nor mettalic, or even chemically, but a numbness almost. But a numbness that doesn't persist, very brief duration. Mind you I live in Canada and there is much lower chance of getting pseuDOxblotter.

Ok, what about if it more of a tingly sensation on the tounge. Not a bitter taste, nor mettalic, or even chemically, but a numbness almost. But a numbness that doesn't persist, very brief duration. Mind you I live in Canada and there is much lower chance of getting pseuDOxblotter.


im curious as to your reasoning behind the whole, less 'pseudoxblotter' in canada thing?
"Mind you I live in Canada and there is much lower chance of getting pseuDOxblotter."

I hope this is a joke? Three of the bigger RC vendors are out of Canada..
"Mind you I live in Canada and there is much lower chance of getting pseuDOxblotter."

I hope this is a joke? Three of the bigger RC vendors are out of Canada..

thats what i was thinking....kinda wanted to hear what he had to say first. thanks shep.:roll::lol:
Yeah the bitterness is prolly some research chem, or a random flavor that someone put on there to make people think it has something in it. I've had DOB that was extremely bitter and extremely potent. 1/2 hit got a few friends FRYING for 12 hours. I had 3 and a half and was still frying hard 24 hours later when we redosed in fear of it wearing of during the next days bands. Like full blown peaking still. There was also something about it that when I would put more on my tongue when I was already tripping face, the bitterness made me instantly like trip 5 times harder. The taste was so addicting that I had to stop myself from eating my weekends worth.

side note: almost got a vial last night....almost. at the last minute my friend decided she was gonna take it to wunurth festival and work it instead of selling me the whole thing. futhermucker!!

Damn. I was going to go there as my friend is playing at the fest. He's in the band Fresh Hops and they're pretty dope.
^^chicago festie person?^^

me may already know each other IRL. im kinda more of a raver(even though raving in chicago is dead as disco) than a festie person but most of my friends are festie goers.

did you go to UGS5? i missed it this year.
ok whether it was an RC or not anybody have an idea of why my 2 friends tripped off one hit of the same shit i took. and i deffinetly felt something it just was not even close to the way my friends felt.
ok whether it was an RC or not anybody have an idea of why my 2 friends tripped off one hit of the same shit i took. and i deffinetly felt something it just was not even close to the way my friends felt.

wasnt there some xanax in the equation?

isnt xanax for panic attacks? *pure speculation mind you* some could say tripping is like one big panic attack. maybe the xanax dulled whatever receptors that react to the dose.
yes i took 1mg around 5. then dropped the hit at 930. thats the only thing i can think of that my have contributed to me not tripping. i also ate right before i dropped, another thing i probly should have not done.