To drop or not to drop...

i always eat before drugs. i dont care if it takes longer to kick in or isnt as intense. at 27 i consider myself too old to feel like shit after i do drugs and having a empty stomach on a comedown is super uncomfortable.

1mg isnt that much but its my best hypothesis. shep had nothing to say about the matter?
yea im pretty sure i would have tripped regardless of taking the bar or eating. i have tripped before while on xanax so i know it is possible. yea i pmed shep and he pretty much thinks it was an RC due to the bitterness and i may have just got a shitty tab with not as much on it as my friend's.

one other thing back a few pages shep had said something about i hope you brought the black light when u bought it. somebody wanna edumacate me on that. hah thanx.
good idea.

i only buy from people i know and love so no tests are necessary.

i wish i had that luxury... but cid only comes around a few times a year here and its usually from someone i dont know. i get what i can... im just glad i didnt buy 10 of those.
i wish i had that luxury... but cid only comes around a few times a year here and its usually from someone i dont know. i get what i can... im just glad i didnt buy 10 of those.

yeah, as lame as my life can get at times i count myself blessed to have a handfull of truly great friends i love as family and were all plugged in one way or another(molly, K, L, opium[domestic BTW. i dont support terrorism when i buy opium], do i need to mention weed?).

usually no monetary transactions are necessary either.

where are you at in FL? im gonna be in the Tampa area in early january.
no monetary transactions are the best! you are one lucky man to have those connects.

im all the way down in a third world country called miami. i may make a trip up coast to jax but im not sure when.
^^chicago festie person?^^

me may already know each other IRL. im kinda more of a raver(even though raving in chicago is dead as disco) than a festie person but most of my friends are festie goers.

did you go to UGS5? i missed it this year.

No sadly I missed out on Underground Sound too. I didn't really go to any festies this year, just a handful of concerts in and around the area. I was down on the rave scene a few years back but yeah that scene is pretty much dead. I did go to one crazy rave off of 35th st. near Ashland. Maybe it was on Loomis Pl over there. Anyway it was like a basement to a warehouse and I've been trying to find others for a while but I don't have those friends anymore. There were also a few in Skokie. As I have too much trouble finding any of these anymore I tend to stick to the festivals and concerts. Any good cities or countries that still have a good rave scene you know of? Sadly me being only in my early twenties I didn't have the joy of going to the raves of the late 80's and 90's
im 27 and i started raving in '97 so i got to see some of 'the good ol days'. i raved in LA in june with 100,000 people for was epic. i was candyflipping my ass off at the top of the la memorial colesium and benny benassi made 100,000 people scream the word 'love' during his set....amazing.

i hear st louis has a good rave scene. im soposed to go check it out in oct. believe it or not i hear Omaha has a good rave scene.
im 27 and i started raving in '97 so i got to see some of 'the good ol days'. i raved in LA in june with 100,000 people for was epic. i was candyflipping my ass off at the top of the la memorial colesium and benny benassi made 100,000 people scream the word 'love' during his set....amazing.

i hear st louis has a good rave scene. im soposed to go check it out in oct. believe it or not i hear Omaha has a good rave scene.

This is off topic.. but if you're looking, I'll help with the finding.

well it's kind of off topic.. ^ find yourself a rave lol.
This is off topic.. but if you're looking, I'll help with the finding.

well it's kind of off topic.. ^ find yourself a rave lol.

i think im gonna shift gears a bit and start going to more festies. raves have lost thier charm for me. ive seen enough dancefloor-dryhumping for 7 lifetimes and heard enough so-so DJ's to make me sick. i only go out if the music is going to be top notch anymore.
Fair enough, I am still rather young compared to almost everyone in here.. so I can bare to listen to some shitty dj's before I switch over to being a festival man.
Fair enough, I am still rather young compared to almost everyone in here.. so I can bare to listen to some shitty dj's before I switch over to being a festival man.

i guess i put those together wrong. i only listed a couple reasons im not going to raves too much anymore. i just generally find the vibe to be better at festies. there really is a lack of decent raves in chicago these days, i actually have beef with one if the bigger promoters currently(long story). going to that massive in LA really showed me how little chicago promoters put into thier parties.

so have you tried any of that new L in town yet? the 'royal fuck ton'?
i guess i put those together wrong. i only listed a couple reasons im not going to raves too much anymore. i just generally find the vibe to be better at festies. there really is a lack of decent raves in chicago these days, i actually have beef with one if the bigger promoters currently(long story). going to that massive in LA really showed me how little chicago promoters put into thier parties.

so have you tried any of that new L in town yet? the 'royal fuck ton'?

Fair enough. There are a couple places/crews that do them around here, I like it.. it's something to do that's fun, so it works for me.

Actually to be honest, I am very very very reserved for doing L.. I may be able to get it 24/7 but I only do it a couple times a year.
thats how i am with dosing,,,special occasions and whatnot. i still have those 2 altoids that are sopposedly about 200ug. now that i think about it, i better eat them before it gets cold. i hate the cold.

yeah, the people throwing most of the parties in chicago right now are shady as the fuck. they start selling nitrous at like midnight and the dancefloor immediatly clears and the vibe is done with. thier security is basicaly a jack-crew that will leave you outside the party with empty pockets telling you your lucky your not going to jail. and theyre known for renting venues by the hour so when they shut down the party early not only do they not have to pay the DJ's who didnt play but they save money on the venue as well, yet they still charge top dollar at the door.

sorry, i could rant forever about raving.

oh, and fuck plur.
yeh.. I may have to pick a couple out and talk about the quality (which is always good, we don't really ever get RC's, just LSD :-D yeeaaaahhh).

Yeah no one out here who does raves is sketchy.. so I can't complain, I guess my buddy went to one and they handed out free E test kits.. lol.

plur-peace love unity respect

something the kiddies talk about with thier newest best friend they just met while rolling at the raves. mostly kandi kids(know what those are?). i despise kandi kids.