I have glaucoma, a high-eye-pressure disease that leads to blindness if untreated, one of the ailments that medical marijuana helps most with (unfortunately, MOST glaucoma patients dont develop glaucoma until they are very old and dont really know about or want marijuana by then, but I'm 24, had glaucoma since 13). Im in NC, no legal medical marijuana, but my eye doctor even recommended it. I'm also a graphic designer so my eyesight is VERY important to me.
With that being said.....I smoke to get stoned.
Just so happens that it saves my eyesight at the same time. Subconsciously, I think I smoke more because I have glaucoma. But glaucoma isnt something you can feel or see symptoms of, so I'm not like "Oh I need my medicine, my eyes are hurting" or nothing, I just know that it helps.
When I was 15, my mom caught me smoking several times by then, we went to the eye doctor, and she told him "Tell my son that smoking pot WONT help with his glaucoma", to which he replies "Well, it will...." and goes on to say that he'd legalize it and that I just shouldnt drive on it. When we left, my mom starts talking about finding me some pot..... Never did, bc she looked it up somewhere and said that you have to smoke it every 4-6 hours to be effective and she said thats too much. Little did she know, I already did smoke every 2-4 hours...
I dont really know what the "proper dosage" is, but smoking sure beats taking eye drops that burn and make you impotent, among other things, and my pressure has stayed OK, so I keep killing two birds with one 'STONE' (pun intended)