To my fellow spiritualists: Energy Shift?


Elite Rolling Society
I am so sorry about the hijacking of your thought provoking, calming, uplifting, enlightening thread man.

It happens, Fecal Matter Occurs.

casara, casara


Active Member
I am so sorry about the hijacking of your thought provoking, calming, uplifting, enlightening thread man.

It happens, Fecal Matter Occurs.

casara, casara

Well i did open it up to everyone, was hoping that the nay-saying would be kept to a minimal. *sigh* life.

no apology needed. I never open this section of the forum unless im stoned enough to stay calm, so all is well.



Well-Known Member
Oh, please do enlighten me, what exactly is my outlook cb?
im not tryna bash u.,.,im just saying from ure first post on u went directly to the negative before even agnologing(if thats how u spell it,lol)the positive.,.,we all know that theres grief going on somewhere but the post was speaking of the positive.,.,a couple of others came to the thread and did the same thing,.,but i cant speak on ure outlo0k in a whole just ure outlo0k on this matter imho.,.,but i could be wrong.,.,all in all positive vibrations ,to all nations,even if earthquake shake,theres love to make,as i would say.,.,.,.,


Well-Known Member
Feels like the same old vibes to me, maybe I'm not in tune. I was just asking a question though...obviously not everyone can be feeling the good vibes, right? Bad shit happens everyday, all day, somewhere in the world. Maybe I'm just cynical.

And the word you were trying to spell is acknowledging lol


Well-Known Member
I am so sorry about the hijacking of your thought provoking, calming, uplifting, enlightening thread man.

It happens, Fecal Matter Occurs.

casara, casara
Thats funny, I recall him saying cracks were appreciated. I was just helping him out.


Active Member
Thats funny, I recall him saying cracks were appreciated. I was just helping him out.
yes i said any and all posts were welcomed, ill will is something i rarely harbor...

heh at least homegrown somewhat admits to being cynical...

SEE? there's positive everywhere.... and negative... I'm i firm believer that life in general is a double edged sword, and no matter which way she swings, you get cut. You cant have light w/o dark, good w/o evil etc etc.


Active Member
There is not such thing as the laws of attraction. We don't influence the universe with our thoughts.
I have to disagree with you. We do influence the universe with out thoughts and emotions. And the scientific community has proven this.
Gregg Braden wraps it up very nicely.

It's simply occult information that is unnoticed by the general public.

I also am feeling a shift in energy and vibration. My vision has become slightly slurred as if the atoms are vibrating at a faster speed then they once were.

I believe this to be all apart of the New Age movement and the higher conscious awareness of the people.


Well-Known Member
I have to disagree with you. We do influence the universe with out thoughts and emotions. And the scientific community has proven this.
Gregg Braden wraps it up very nicely.
I watched the video, I didn't hear any scientific proof. . .I did hear a lot of nonsense. And Gregg Braden (whoever the hell that is) does not constitute 'the scientific community'. So where is this scientific proof?


Elite Rolling Society
We do influence the universe's events or our life's events with out thoughts and I am 100% positive I change my reality with my thoughts and the laws of attraction.
I PROGRAM my Tomorrows, today.


Active Member
That was not supposed to be the scientific evidence. The evidence is in a collection of 4 hour films explaining these kinds of stuff.

What i remember, is that there are 2 satellites measuring the electromagnetic field of the earth (Schumann resonance). This is the field that connects every thing on earth to each other. They've been measuring this field for many years and it always seemed to be at a constant wave. On september 9, 2001 the attacks triggered the earths resonance to fluctuate. It was so accurate that about 15 minutes after the attack, the waves began changing.

What this shows is that the attacks triggered a world wide conflict in which many felt fear and distress. This is seen in the earths resonance.

And Gregg Braden is very important. Just because you don't hear his name on tv doesn't mean hes not worthy of a "scientist". He traveled the world and studied ancient texts for 22 years. His work is more influential than anything i've seen or ever heard.


Well-Known Member
We do influence the universe's events or our life's events with out thoughts and I am 100% positive I change my reality with my thoughts and the laws of attraction.
I PROGRAM my Tomorrows, today.
Word up Rose..I just downloaded an anti-virus program.., and i've already picked up one virus that I have to annihilate.. God is good all the time and all the time God is good.. I'm 100% Positive or, he's just neutral..whatever works ;)


Active Member
Found the scientific evidence :mrgreen:
if you need it dumbed down to understandable terms, it goes a little something like this...

Our world is made from photons(little particles of light), when a vacuum was sealed with these photons they were randomly around the tube. A piece of human DNA was put in and when the photons were measured again, the photons become alligned to the shape of the DNA in a spiral. when the DNA was removed, the photons were still aligned with the DNA even thought it was not there any more.

Nothing in modern physics could explain why those photons remained in the shape of the spiral when the DNA was not present.

1. This proves that there is a field in which we all exist if you still do not believe that (there are several other experiments to prove this, and they can even take pictures of it. they are called krylian photos)
2. It proves our (human) DNA directly communicates with this field.

So, we are all in a energy field, we all have DNA, all our DNA directly communicates with this field, therefore our emotions feelings and thoughts do have an effect on the physical world around us.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Calming effect? maybe

Things on my end seem to have all come together and I feel more at ease, even though the nation and the rest of the world still seem to be in the usual state of chaos.

I can't rule-out/or in this calming effect to anything astrological, but I did experience the same thing.


Active Member
You're showing a personal anecdote here. Not the scientific community. But, I'm open to reading some scientific papers on it if you have links. Peer-reviewed, that is, not just websites.
yeah that was no supposed to be my evidence. i had trouble finding research on this but i seem to have found something called the Phantom DNA experiment. the link is ^^^ in my other post.

My re-interpretation may seem a little sketchy because the knowledge that i have about DNA, mind, matter, emotions, feelings, and thought may not be the same to yours. (i may have put information that i believe to be general knowledge to people, but maybe it is not) If you need anything clarified, ask and i will try to elaborate.


New Member
Everything is connected to everything else in some way.

What you have to understand is everything we know in our physical body, everything all of our senses pick up is only a very small amount of what is going on, just enough for us to be able to function right in this world. Everything we see is interpretations of whats going on, not the raw form.

Its hard for me to describe as I can rarely find the right words for it. I went kinda crazy trying to figure these things out because they arent supposed to exist, or at least thats what were taught. Long ago we were much more connected with the spiritual world, now in todays society its far more physical. I believe with all this information out there that more and more people are learning about this stuff though. Theres even a lot of good stuff on the internet.

As for me I have noticed that recently, meaning in the past 6 months or so, the energy and vibe I get is starting to change more and more at a faster rate. To me it seems a few years ago going back a long time it was changing a lot slower. But after all, this is the end of 2009 when everything leading up to 12/21/2012 is really supposed to begin.