To my fellow spiritualists: Energy Shift?


Active Member
Everything is connected to everything else in some way.

What you have to understand is everything we know in our physical body, everything all of our senses pick up is only a very small amount of what is going on, just enough for us to be able to function right in this world. Everything we see is interpretations of whats going on, not the raw form.

Its hard for me to describe as I can rarely find the right words for it. I went kinda crazy trying to figure these things out because they arent supposed to exist, or at least thats what were taught. Long ago we were much more connected with the spiritual world, now in todays society its far more physical. I believe with all this information out there that more and more people are learning about this stuff though. Theres even a lot of good stuff on the internet.

As for me I have noticed that recently, meaning in the past 6 months or so, the energy and vibe I get is starting to change more and more at a faster rate. To me it seems a few years ago going back a long time it was changing a lot slower. But after all, this is the end of 2009 when everything leading up to 12/21/2012 is really supposed to begin.
I agree, topics like these are sooo outrageously complicated. Sometimes it is hard to explain in words to truly explain what you are trying to get out. To truly understand things like these require a huge background of information that has been hidden from our knowledge.

We (as a human race) once were much more spiritual than we are today. This history was kept secret by a handful of people for there future benefits of control.

Thats true, i also believe this is all lead up to the conscious evolution shift of december 2012. Its slowly creeping up on us and the vibes will only be getting better as we get closer to the gold age.


Elite Rolling Society
Word up Rose..I just downloaded an anti-virus program.., and i've already picked up one virus that I have to annihilate.. God is good all the time and all the time God is good.. I'm 100% Positive or, he's just neutral..whatever works ;)
God indeed does watch over his children. ..all the time.


Well-Known Member
I agree, topics like these are sooo outrageously complicated. Sometimes it is hard to explain in words to truly explain what you are trying to get out. To truly understand things like these require a huge background of information that has been hidden from our knowledge.

We (as a human race) once were much more spiritual than we are today. This history was kept secret by a handful of people for there future benefits of control.

Thats true, i also believe this is all lead up to the conscious evolution shift of december 2012. Its slowly creeping up on us and the vibes will only be getting better as we get closer to the gold age.
I don't know much about 2012, I mean I do a little, but I don't follow it that close to know the revelance it has on Us and earth.. But what I do know is what You and Philly Buddah speak of, and that secret History kept by a handful (only a handful are capable of observing and interpeting that knowledge even if it was openly displayed, but the number grows because the Mind evolves)... That knowledge is a collection of infinite surmounts of Knowledge that was acquierd from our ancestors (not mine and Yours personally, but Humans) and further along passed on to us in which we continue to build on it, placing the intricate puzzles pieces into place...The picture becomes so clear, you instantly recognize the next piece as it is revealed...., Some people only gather a few pieces and choose to interpet everything from those pieces and simply shutdown....., It's not that those pieces of the puzzle are false, it's just not the Whole picture, and some people just settle, while others continue to gather the pieces because it becomes easy...

A good example for me is Sudoku, once I understood the Game construct, I didn't play it once, because I didn't want to deal with the complexities of playing the game, I would have to start analyzing and reconstructing the way I like to play games and think, to make Sudoku fun for me, but I shutdown because I was not interested in making that shift in thought of playing that game construct.....but if you play, the game becomes easier

The REality is everyone's Mind has not evolved to understand and play the Game, 1 group has these pieces of the gAme it likes to play, While 1 group has these pieces of the Game it likes to play, and neither can recognize each other Puzzle pieces because it doesn't fit into the construct of their GAme.

Well, there is Still 1 Group who looks for all Pieces of the puzzle and they are able to see the Whole Picture, and are able to gather the pieces much Quicker, because they didn't shutdown and settle for the pieces they only liked.. ONe title that often referred to this Group of people was the name` Alchemists..

but Sorry, for all the pieces, puzzles, and Games, that was my RAmble to Add....

Sometimes people just need to know that they are not alone in thought...



Active Member
I don't know much about 2012, I mean I do a little, but I don't follow it that close to know the revelance it has on Us and earth.. But what I do know is what You and Philly Buddah speak of, and that secret History kept by a handful (only a handful are capable of observing and interpeting that knowledge even if it was openly displayed, but the number grows because the Mind evolves)... That knowledge is a collection of infinite surmounts of Knowledge that was acquierd from our ancestors (not mine and Yours personally, but Humans) and further along passed on to us in which we continue to build on it, placing the intricate puzzles pieces into place...The picture becomes so clear, you instantly recognize the next piece as it is revealed...., Some people only gather a few pieces and choose to interpet everything from those pieces and simply shutdown....., It's not that those pieces of the puzzle are false, it's just not the Whole picture, and some people just settle, while others continue to gather the pieces because it becomes easy...

A good example for me is Sudoku, once I understood the Game construct, I didn't play it once, because I didn't want to deal with the complexities of playing the game, I would have to start analyzing and reconstructing the way I like to play games and think, to make Sudoku fun for me, but I shutdown because I was not interested in making that shift in thought of playing that game construct.....but if you play, the game becomes easier

The REality is everyone's Mind has not evolved to understand and play the Game, 1 group has these pieces of the gAme it likes to play, While 1 group has these pieces of the Game it likes to play, and neither can recognize each other Puzzle pieces because it doesn't fit into the construct of their GAme.

Well, there is Still 1 Group who looks for all Pieces of the puzzle and they are able to see the Whole Picture, and are able to gather the pieces much Quicker, because they didn't shutdown and settle for the pieces they only liked.. ONe title that often referred to this Group of people was the name` Alchemists..

but Sorry, for all the pieces, puzzles, and Games, that was my RAmble to Add....

Sometimes people just need to know that they are not alone in thought...

Right on brother. You explained that perfectly. And knowing your not alone in thought is good cuz you have reassurance for your beliefs.


Well-Known Member
Right on brother. You explained that perfectly. And knowing your not alone in thought is good cuz you have reassurance for your beliefs.
Right, another thing I would like to add, because I like to hear myself talk..:mrgreen:, WE are all practicing a subtle Alchemy...., atleast thats what we would/should be doing for the most part, if we utilize this site.., how you say? Well, it is well noted by almost everyone that they have some spiritual connection with their plants, whether thay be Atheist or Religious, it's unanimous across the board that it takes place.. well that's a spiritual practice.. The actual labor is the science, the Chemical formulation of growing.., Now to bring it into deeper context of what I was speaking about in regards of people still not being able to understand the Knowledge even if it was layed Out..

We have a Grow Faq that explains every possible question just about in relation, yet some people will never look, those who look still won't comprehend, they will turn to the forum and ask the same question, that was asked a million times right before someone else had already asked...., Won't utilize the knowledge they have already... If they are using the internet, they should already know it's a contruct of Search options, the same applies here, but yet, Some just don't get it, Some Struggle a bit before getting it, While others instantly look the information over and perfect the science of Growing, while humbly admiring the Spirtiual aspects of it All.. A subtle form of Alchemy..

Ok, I'm through, that insight came to me on the way back home, and I felt compelled to Share.. Thanks for the comment as Well,



Well-Known Member
Found the scientific evidence :mrgreen:
if you need it dumbed down to understandable terms, it goes a little something like this...

Our world is made from photons(little particles of light), when a vacuum was sealed with these photons they were randomly around the tube. A piece of human DNA was put in and when the photons were measured again, the photons become alligned to the shape of the DNA in a spiral. when the DNA was removed, the photons were still aligned with the DNA even thought it was not there any more.

Nothing in modern physics could explain why those photons remained in the shape of the spiral when the DNA was not present.

1. This proves that there is a field in which we all exist if you still do not believe that (there are several other experiments to prove this, and they can even take pictures of it. they are called krylian photos)
2. It proves our (human) DNA directly communicates with this field.

So, we are all in a energy field, we all have DNA, all our DNA directly communicates with this field, therefore our emotions feelings and thoughts do have an effect on the physical world around us.
This is just a website explaining an experiment that supposedly took place. We have no idea whether this experiment actually took place, exactly how it was conducted, if this Dr. is even competent. This Dr. Poponin guy could be a nut, or just completely fabricating stuff. Let's see a published peer-reviewed journal on the subject. Surely if 'the scientific community' has proven this, as you contend, there should be some some published journals on the matter.

It seems highly unlikely that any of this is true, or else the experiment would have been successfully replicated by an independent agency, and from what I see that just hasn't happened....because it is BULLSHIT.

Even if the experiment were really conducted and the results were what they said they were, it does not prove either of your assertions, and it certainly does not prove the 'laws of attraction'. 'A field in which we all exist,' does that even mean? Anyway, the fact is, that the scientific community really overwhelmingly regards the idea of 'the laws of attraction' as pseudoscientific garbage. Just more lame attempts to blend mysticism and science, like that stupid 'what the bleep do we know movie'


Well-Known Member
That would make science fairly insignificant.
It stands to reason that when you are kind to others, the more likely the other party will reciprocate.

Erasing one for man's science.
What does that have to do with the laws of attraction? :roll:


Active Member
homegrown, believe what you want pal im not here to change your mind, just to put out my input:blsmoke:

Brazko, in alchemy they once said "if you can turn lead to gold, then the iron age can be turned into the golden age." They symbolized elements for such larger ideas and basically predicted outcomes of what could, would, should happen. It is a very important study and has much more insight then what is taught around the world about.


Well-Known Member
homegrown, believe what you want pal im not here to change your mind, just to put out my input:blsmoke:

Brazko, in alchemy they once said "if you can turn lead to gold, then the iron age can be turned into the golden age." They symbolized elements for such larger ideas and basically predicted outcomes of what could, would, should happen. It is a very important study and has much more insight then what is taught around the world about.
Yes, my friend, that simple observation and Statement you made stands very profound.., The construct of the Universe doesn't change in variances due to size, (this should be general Knowledge as well, but I warn, don't expect it to be General Knowledge..if it hasn't been spelled out and Stamped on the ForeHead, clarify everything, nothing is General Knowledge) but, Only the Observation is Skewed due to the lack of ability too understand the Construct of the Variance's in porpotional Sizes....

Alright, if that didn't make sense, My bad.., I'm starting to confuse myself and I haven't even Smoked...:lol:, Peace Big Nuts, You Alright... Somehow that just didn't sound Right...:roll:, :lol:



Active Member
Yes, my friend, that simple observation and Statement you made stands very profound.., The construct of the Universe doesn't change in variances due to size, (this should be general Knowledge as well, but I warn, don't expect it to be General Knowledge..if it hasn't been spelled out and Stamped on the ForeHead, clarify everything, nothing is General Knowledge) but, Only the Observation is Skewed due to the lack of ability too understand the Construct of the Variance's in porpotional Sizes....

Alright, if that didn't make sense, My bad.., I'm starting to confuse myself and I haven't even Smoked...:lol:, Peace Big Nuts, You Alright... Somehow that just didn't sound Right...:roll:, :lol:

big nuts :clap: haahaha. yeah i understand that, at least i think i understand where your coming from with that. Spread love and truth my friend, peace.


Well-Known Member
What does that have to do with the laws of attraction? :roll:
I replied to your post.........screw laws of attraction. I hadn't even read about that yet.......but still, screw the scientific theory--some things are just the obvious.
No rocket science there.:rolleyes:


Active Member
We have a Grow Faq that explains every possible question just about in relation, yet some people will never look, those who look still won't comprehend, they will turn to the forum and ask the same question, that was asked a million times right before someone else had already asked...., Won't utilize the knowledge they have already... If they are using the internet, they should already know it's a contruct of Search options, the same applies here, but yet, Some just don't get it, Some Struggle a bit before getting it, While others instantly look the information over and perfect the science of Growing, while humbly admiring the Spirtiual aspects of it All.. A subtle form of Alchemy..

Brazco, I think you are right on and I agree with you (as far as I think I understand what you said. Ha!)

I also believe the reason people don't want to do the research themselves is because it isn't just about finding information to answer questions (I know you aren't saying it is). People want to connect. We are driven to avoid isolation. Maybe this speaks to the laws of attraction idea someone already tossed out there?

The ultimate reality of the universe is not truth. We are surrounded by data. Like you said, we can't take it all in much less understand it all.

The ultimate reality of the universe is relationship. If there is a misunderstanding of the truth, people can still choose to stay in relationship. Humans hunger to see and experience relationships. In family, friends, work, driving, thinking out problems, planing the future or how to get out of trouble with their wives. If you find a thing that exists outside of some relationship with another thing, it is meaningless and has no usefulness in life. But, I can't think of anything that does.


Elite Rolling Society
What does that have to do with the laws of attraction? :roll:

One of the Laws of Attraction states that similar thoughts (thoughts are things) somehow float off or rise into the etheric world, and similar thoughts attact and find and reinforce and strenghten each other there to create a reality.

If I am kind or polite to Babs, (or cruel) my thoughts enter that etheric world, attract her thoughts and strenghten and reinforce them too.

(I sure am stoend to come up with that. LOL)


Elite Rolling Society
Ok,,,I want to share a story, a very true story to explain my belief in the book THE SECRET, AND my belief in HIGHER ESOTERIC para-physical thinking. I am discussing POSITIVE THINKING, POSITIVE IMAGING and THOUGHTS ARE REAL and THOUGHTS ARE THINGS.

I am sitting at a desk now, a wooden desk. It is real, it is part of my reality, it does exist now and today for real. It is real. But it did not always exist. It was not always real. At one time, it only existed as a thought. Someone, some where thought and told himself I AM GOING TO DESIGN AND BUILD A DESK. That was his first thought, his first positive thought. Then he thought about it some more, encouraging himself, reinforcing his belief that he could and would do it. I can be sure of that because I see the desk now as a reality. Those positive thoughts gathered together, and gained strength through positive reinforcement.
AFTER he thought it, you can bet he told someone, for example, he told his wife, I AM GOING TO DESIGN AND BUILD A DESK. What if she had replied negatively, NO, YOU WILL NOT. YOU CAN NOT DO IT. YOU ARE TOO DUMB TO DO IT. YOU ARE NOT MECHANICAL. YOU HAVE NOT EVER BUILT A DESK BEFORE. A DESK IS TOO DIFFICULT FOR YOU TO BUILD.

If she had bombarded him with NEGATIVITY, her NEGATIVE THINKING could have over come his Positive Thinking, and the desk would not be here now. All she had to do is express more NEGATIVITY than he expressed POSITIVITY. But I see the desk is a reality, so I can safely assume, or know, that there was more POSITIVE THINKING than NEGATIVE THINKING. There also had to be more POSTITIVE TALK than NEGATIVE TALK for it to become a reality OR SHE WOULD HAVE DIS-PERSUADED HIM TO BUILD IT.

For the desk to become REAL, there had to be MORE Positive Thinking, than Negative thinking.

But for the desk to really become REAL, he could not just THINK IT. You can bet a million dollars that he also wrote it down. He got a pencil and paper (or ink), possibly a computer program even, but he began seeing it, IMAGINING IT, and he begin drawing and writing and planning it. He had to "picture it" in his mind. He had to get an image of it, not just in his head, but on paper. He SAW it in his mind, then he saw it on paper. AND by writing it down, by "picturing it", by creating a positive image in his mind, he more made the desk become a reality. And it did, because I can see the desk now.

Let me ask you a question. If he had NOT had positive reinforced thoughts, if he had NOT wrote it down, if he had NOT pictured it, if he had NOT convinced himself he could do it WITH POSITIVE THOUGHTS, would the desk be in front of me now, in reality? NO, IT WOULD NOT. It took positive reinforced thoughts, positive imaging, positive talk, positive discussion to make it real.

I DO NOT KNOW OR UNDERSTAND HOW ANYONE COULD DISPUTE THAT AS FACT OR ARGUE IT..............unless they just love to argue for the sake of arguing.

I'll be back with HOW I used this knowledge to achieve the impossible, but not to argue it. I am only offering it to the Positive Thinkers and Believers. I also posted this in THE SECRET thread. A thread about the book on positive imaging, THE SECRET.


Well-Known Member
I DO NOT KNOW OR UNDERSTAND HOW ANYONE COULD DISPUTE THAT AS FACT OR ARGUE IT..............unless they just love to argue for the sake of arguing.
That made PERFECT sense!!! But, you do realize that endless will, in fact, argue the most simple analogy you put forth? Yikes, people like this will drive one crazy.

"Life is as good as you and others around you ALLOW it to be." I wholeheartedly believe that. Negativity is worse than disease. I wouldn't doubt if science proves one day it is in fact a cause or precursor to disease. That is, if they haven't already.

I could use my own examples to further exemplify the one you used Rose, but that would only be putting myself out there for the attack by those who do live to argue.

But, yea...I get it. We're on the same spectrum.
Shine on brother!!! ;-)