HEY NOW! My Tobacco growing brethren! Thanks for the links.
Its good to see Tobacco prices (and perhaps, a touch of 'that virus of *unspecified origin*'

..has brought you to 'the Dark Side' too

My first year growing as well.
I have one Cuban/Havana cigar plant, one Red Cherry and one Black Mammoth (BM, is supposed to be a very light, great smoke).
All are about two months old now.
I have them in 12-15 liter (roughly) pots. Interested to see how potting them effects size (etc).
Fed them a standard spec fertiliser. But, also added some Mighty Mite Seaweed (kelp) solution, BioBizz Grow and BioBizz Fish mix. These last three for good soil activity and the usual beneficials.
So far (in the South of the uk), the Cuban and the Black Mammoth have had no issues ..save some minor slug/pest attacks.
The great thing, any little flying pests that try to attack them ..get overwhelmed (and die) from the nicotine. They are left hanging (dead) from the leaves in droves!
After only growing other 'weeds' ..THIS is a GLORIOUS turn of events for my growing history!
Makes me wonder, if its a good companion growing plant (might clear some of the pests during a grow).
The Red Cherry, is growing the worst.
It is drooping all over the place (not just when there is intense sun) and shows signs its got a virus from some pest biting it.
Whatever, it looks the worst for wear.
I decided to therefore give them (all) a mild hit of the systemic acetamiprid insecticide (using the product Bug Clear Ultra Concentrate).
To see if that would deter the slugs etc.
Later ...the irony of spraying a neonicotinoid on a *Tobacco* plant hit me

Thankfully, it was a very mild dosage anyway.
Getting some slug pellets. And, have already wrapped some Copper electrical insulation tape around the plant pots (much cheaper than buying the copper tape marketed specifically for this). Apparently, this deters the slugs.
All plants are staked, to help them grow.
Black Mammoth:
Cuban cigar plant
Red Cherry ..even the statue feels sorry for it!
Some browning on one of the lower leafs. Methinks, some nefarious beast has infected my baby.
*Note: Groovy size 12 'garden sandals' added for scale*
Seen on all Tobacco plants: Fly genocide! What a loverly sight