Tobbacco with drawels and going without weed plus adhd and stuff thread

at this point tho i think im just gunna try again when i have good enough weed
Good luck bro, i used to be addicted for 13+ years.

Did you feel the disappointment/regret from picking one up after attempting to quit? I sure did, it sucked lol.

Remember that feeling before trying that again, it only gets easier after the first week. Just force it, i forced it with cannabis but things got out of hand lmao.
Get ready for all hell to break loose, for after 36 years of nicotine I'm away to quit tobacco.

Going to get a nicotine replacement spray, I have my e-cigs, and if all else fails there's enough Valium here to knock out an elephant.

Then I can be sensible and vape weed, since the plan is to buy an Arizer V-Tower to go alongside my G-Pen Elite so there's no nasty combustion at all.

Wish me luck
Get ready for all hell to break loose, for after 36 years of nicotine I'm away to quit tobacco.

Going to get a nicotine replacement spray, I have my e-cigs, and if all else fails there's enough Valium here to knock out an elephant.

Then I can be sensible and vape weed, since the plan is to buy an Arizer V-Tower to go alongside my G-Pen Elite so there's no nasty combustion at all.

Wish me luck
Best of luck!
But ya wont need it as your a stubbon prick!! :bigjoint:
im looking for some feed back advice tips thoughts ect on quitting ciggeretes and not smoking weed but also strugling with adhd anxiety and depresion going threw with drawels bout 5 days in n im kinda curios as 2 what 2 expext i kinda knowmwhwt symptoms but is it like its gunna get harder amd worse then ill be god or is there like a time framemthat if i can not smoke 4 that time ill be good not sure what 2 expect or how in hell im gunna get threw it

I know we had a run in, but I'm being serious this time.

I find weed is easy to stop with no ill effects whatsoever, it's not a "physical" addiction like nicotine. Tobacco, that's another story so the best advice I can give you is get the likes of e-cigs WITHOUT nicotine in the fluid, that way you have something to do with your hands, and some sort of nicotine replacement such as the patch or spray to help wean you off the nicotine. Break the nicotine habit, then breaking any other smoking habit will become easier.

You have your anxiety and ADHD which might make things harder, I have my PTSD and depression which doesn't help me. But the bottom line is that everyone is actually stronger than they think they are, and with the encouragement you'll get here alone you'll find that you're not doing this alone, you will have people helping you, encouraging you, and that goes a long way to making you realise that, no matter what, you CAN.

Success, and don't look back no matter how strong the cravings are.
By all means, use a vape, a decent starter can be had for around 25 bucks. Eleaf iJust2 is a good starter. Smoking is so incredibly unhealthy because of the impurity. While vaping is not fool proof, it removes cravings and gives you some time where you aren't killing yourself to figure out what your next move is. I know of a lot of people who have been successful with just gradually lowering the nicotine content of their vape juice. In other words, it doesn't have to be hell.
I quit 2 pack a day cold turkey -- the day i had a heart attack. Laying in ER hooked up to monitors and doc said i had a choice, quit and get in shape or die. Im somewhat in shape. Round is a shape. :bigjoint:
I quit 2 pack a day cold turkey -- the day i had a heart attack. Laying in ER hooked up to monitors and doc said i had a choice, quit and get in shape or die. Im somewhat in shape. Round is a shape. :bigjoint:

Round is good, you have less aerodynamic resistance that these flat bellied gym freaks and when it comes to pure grunt power your thighs will provide more strength than the gym bunnies can.

But I know what you mean about the warning, I got mine last year with the old fat bastard diabetes and got myself off the meds in 8 months.

Anyway, got my nicotine puffer, gonna have to suggest they cut down the mint flavour a bit as it is like shovelling half a packet of Polos (Lifesavers) in your mouth with every spray. Overpowering, but a good way to minimise the use.

It's all about breaking the cycle of smoking tobacco, and hopefully I have the tools to do that now for even though I can stop alcohol at the drop of a hat, can manage to do days without coffee, and even dropped the Bolivian Marching Powder with no real effects (that was so bad I would snort one before I got out of bed), tobacco has been my enemy.

So, and we have to be honest here about trusting what gets posted, if Gigle wants someone to go through the withdrawal at the same time and share tips, I'm here for that because I know I'll need the encouragement too.
I know we had a run in, but I'm being serious this time.

I find weed is easy to stop with no ill effects whatsoever, it's not a "physical" addiction like nicotine. Tobacco, that's another story so the best advice I can give you is get the likes of e-cigs WITHOUT nicotine in the fluid, that way you have something to do with your hands, and some sort of nicotine replacement such as the patch or spray to help wean you off the nicotine. Break the nicotine habit, then breaking any other smoking habit will become easier.

You have your anxiety and ADHD which might make things harder, I have my PTSD and depression which doesn't help me. But the bottom line is that everyone is actually stronger than they think they are, and with the encouragement you'll get here alone you'll find that you're not doing this alone, you will have people helping you, encouraging you, and that goes a long way to making you realise that, no matter what, you CAN.

Success, and don't look back no matter how strong the cravings are.

Your making it harder then it needs to be

Why not just find me a local hypnotist, but be careful about who you choose because 2 failed.

In other words, I could write a book and make a fortune whether the methods worked or not, plenty fools would buy it. Instead I'm saying what my experiences tell me, the different methods I've tried, the times I've been weak and failed.

So a book won't help unless I glue it over my mouth so I can't stick a cancer stick in there, no matter what it says on the pages.
Why not just find me a local hypnotist, but be careful about who you choose because 2 failed.

In other words, I could write a book and make a fortune whether the methods worked or not, plenty fools would buy it. Instead I'm saying what my experiences tell me, the different methods I've tried, the times I've been weak and failed.

So a book won't help unless I glue it over my mouth so I can't stick a cancer stick in there, no matter what it says on the pages.
Read the book
I’ve given this book to a lot of people
90% quit smoking
Read the book
I’ve given this book to a lot of people
90% quit smoking

Send it to me then, because I can find countless books for free telling me how to stop so why should I pay for one and wait an indeterminate time for delivery?

And they all deal with the same thing, breaking the nicotine cycle and "habitual behaviour" you develop. I'm just using every tool available to do the same as quickly as possible so I can hit the Dam in a month and know I can vape my brain out enjoying weed without the need for nicotine, and the biggest thing is I won't have SWMBO pissing me off by reminding me how she stopped "just like that" even though she forgets how I've been smoking for longer than she has been alive.

You don't need a book to tell you to be a sheer bloody-minded bastard, and no book can tell you to be such a thing. They can help, but not nearly as much as having real people, even here, pushing you, encouraging you, helping you. Even the arseholes here will do more than any "self help" book ever can as we are all human and are more likely to listen to what another human says over someone who wants to make money taking ideas and solutions from elsewhere and putting them in a convenient package as without that "human contact" to go along with the book you are guaranteed to lose because it's highly unlikely you'll find the necessary motivation with just a book.
Send it to me then, because I can find countless books for free telling me how to stop so why should I pay for one and wait an indeterminate time for delivery?

And they all deal with the same thing, breaking the nicotine cycle and "habitual behaviour" you develop. I'm just using every tool available to do the same as quickly as possible so I can hit the Dam in a month and know I can vape my brain out enjoying weed without the need for nicotine, and the biggest thing is I won't have SWMBO pissing me off by reminding me how she stopped "just like that" even though she forgets how I've been smoking for longer than she has been alive.

You don't need a book to tell you to be a sheer bloody-minded bastard, and no book can tell you to be such a thing. They can help, but not nearly as much as having real people, even here, pushing you, encouraging you, helping you. Even the arseholes here will do more than any "self help" book ever can as we are all human and are more likely to listen to what another human says over someone who wants to make money taking ideas and solutions from elsewhere and putting them in a convenient package as without that "human contact" to go along with the book you are guaranteed to lose because it's highly unlikely you'll find the necessary motivation with just a book.
Have fun smoking
Have fun smoking

I'm not though,.not right now.

As I say, send a copy of the book, let me see what it says, otherwise the one factor applies.

A person has to WANT to change and with all the absolutely free advice and info out there in internetland it's going to be one hell of a special book to justify paying for something you can get for free.

You don't like hearing that, tough shit.
You can buy it or go search for it , I’m sure u can find it for free , or it’s less then $10,
I tried cold turkey, patch, gum, etc
Book worked
You can buy it or go search for it , I’m sure u can find it for free , or it’s less then $10,
I tried cold turkey, patch, gum, etc
Book worked

You have the book, upload it for everyone. Then we'll see how many of other people's ideas are included.

Lookit, in this day and age there is more than enough info out there for free across the web. Some of it is contradictory. But what does not change is how everyone is different, their addiction is different as their genetics are different (yes, genetics play a BIG part of addiction), so if you are saying a 10 buck book can cover every single base from genetics to ADHD to PTSD to all sorts of other conditions instead of being the same general info already available for free then, at that price, I have a bridge you might want to buy.
Get ready for all hell to break loose, for after 36 years of nicotine I'm away to quit tobacco.

Going to get a nicotine replacement spray, I have my e-cigs, and if all else fails there's enough Valium here to knock out an elephant.

Then I can be sensible and vape weed, since the plan is to buy an Arizer V-Tower to go alongside my G-Pen Elite so there's no nasty combustion at all.

Wish me luck
I would think again about the arizer extreme q and the v tower they both died in less than a year. I switched to the plenti from the guys that made the volcano. Let me tell you I love it. I also have the cloud evo which is awesome. But my go to is my plenti.C4D20DD3-5356-4DDB-AE2D-CBDCE4029CFB.jpeg
I would think again about the arizer extreme q and the v tower they both died in less than a year. I switched to the plenti from the guys that made the volcano. Let me tell you I love it. I also have the cloud evo which is awesome. But my go to is my plenti.View attachment 4140009

And here we go into the minefield again, as others have been using the V-Tower for ages with no issues. I wouldn't think about the extreme Q, from what I see it says it does "everything" but does so badly, and why in fuck's name would I need a remote control for something that will be within reach of my grubby paw! That bit, the remote control, had me thinking twice about the V-tower as if the manufacturer is using gimmicks like that as an "attraction" I question the quality, but others convinced me otherwise.

But I have something like 3 weeks left to do my research and make my choice as I'm still tempted by something that can be used "cordless" so I can easily move from sofa to PC without faffing around with finding a spare power socket here at the PC but then I'm looking at the Mighty as that's got the ultimate battery life afaik

Oh, @Lucky Luke, the Plenty can be used with oils and waxes, they make pads for that and it comes with two of these pads.
Im new here, but this is a subject i can definitely give some input on .

I smoked those nasty cancer sticks for 30 years, then one day i decided enough was enough. So i looked for something different. I tried vaping and really liked it. So many flavors it was unbelievable. I did the vaping thing stepping my nicotine down every few months til i was at zero. Vaped at zero for a while then noticed i wasnt even using it as often and set it down and havent looked back.

I think its all mental. I tried many times to quit but dont think i was ready to quit and that was the difference. When i was finally ready to put them down (cigs) switching to vape was easy. But i believe it was because i was ready, my mindset had changed i really wanted to quit this time so i did.

Im over one year vape free, last cig was 4/20/15.
All im saying is when you're ready you can do it.

Good luck to both of you gigle and fubard. I know you can do it. Think positive.