Token Paraplegic's Grow Thread Updated Every 12 Hours!


Well-Known Member
you know if he hits the mark every 12 hours for the next 4 month is will be a new record, the plant is small, and in a few weeks you will be closer to 420.

but keep us updated

Token Paraplegic

Well-Known Member
Ok guys I thought about something. When you see I need to do something, example- water more, transplant, more light, less light, or tell me when to flower it. I need help with this baby and you guys know your shit. so if you see something going wrong dont hesitate and let me know!


Well-Known Member plant is about the same age as yours and growing in soil, too, and I only have my first set of leaves! (apart from the cotyledon)

Token Paraplegic

Well-Known Member plant is about the same age as yours and growing in soil, too, and I only have my first set of leaves! (apart from the cotyledon)
Damn, I thought Isabell was growing slow. Guess I just check on it to much to really realize how fast shes growing. The only thing I'm using is organic soil and a cfl lol. The 10th I am going to buy a new light set up what do you guys recommend?

I have a doctors appointment today so when I get back Ill snap a pic and update you guys.

Token Paraplegic

Well-Known Member
ok guys sorry for the wait the Doctors office took a little longer than what I expected. Here is the new pic snapped at 1:45 pm August 25 2008

august 25 2008 12 pm.jpg

Heres a side view so you can see the leaves forming underneath the second set.

side view.jpg


Well-Known Member
Wow...I've only seen leaves grow above the first set! How peculiar...

Lugdunum is growing in Scott's Potting Soil (7-1-3) like this:
I wake up at 7:30, put her in the sunlight by 8.
It gets dark around 8:00, so I take her back in side around 7.
After 11 hours a day under pure unadulterated sunlight, I place her under 2 60w incandescent bulbs until about midnight, then I move her underneath a 32w CFL until 8 am the next day.

Right now she's just finished sprouting her second set of leaves (above the first set, of course ;))...that organic stuff has GOT to be the shit!

I've also heard that the slow-release nutes in Scott's aren't the best for early growth...

Token Paraplegic

Well-Known Member
Im using Expert Gardner Perfect Mix and I just notice this 0.10-0.08-0.06 weird that its growing in something like that lol. I keep mine under 2 75w cfls 24/0 then when I get to flower it, she will go 12/12


Well-Known Member
Hey man, looks awesome, nice little grow !! I'm currently about a week ahead of you but also on my first grow. I'm using CFL's as well !! AND I'm doin photo updates every morning and night !! Quite similar, I'm a follow along on this one to compare and contrast :)

Come on over to my journal, say hi !! Link in my Sig

Good Luck,


Active Member
Doesn't growing with bark increase the chances of introducing pests/bugs? I use a bark free organic potting mix. Can anyone else confirm this?