Token Paraplegic's Grow Thread Updated Every 12 Hours!

Token Paraplegic

Well-Known Member
I think that my plant is dying the bottom set of leaves are very discolored and don't know if she is going to make it. Here are some pics:




Well-Known Member
Is that a food spike like I think it is? If so, that's your problem. Also, what's your medium?


Well-Known Member
flush and transplant that plant looks like soil too strong should be fine good luck and what happened to every 12 hours sucka

Token Paraplegic

Well-Known Member
well sorry guys our internet has been down for some time now but here is the latest pic of Isabelle. If you guys could help me out it would be great I don't know why the plant is so droopy. I have done alittle bit of research and it says it might be from over watering the plant is this true?



Well-Known Member
wat kind of soil u got? it looks like soil too strong and when u water u poison that young plant...transplant flush no nutes for month good luck


Well-Known Member much are you watering it? If it tells you baby's perky as hell and it's on its 6th set of leaves. I'll be topping within the week.

Token Paraplegic

Well-Known Member
wat kind of soil u got? it looks like soil too strong and when u water u poison that young plant...transplant flush no nutes for month good luck

What do you mean too strong? and what type of soil do you recommend? and I have not gave it any nutes yet since it was a seed.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you fell behind a little bit...but no worries...this isn't a race...though it sometimes seems like it! lol


Well-Known Member
Heya Token,

Looking good mang, they're a bit droopy but if thats your only problem your doing great !!

I'm sure its been stated before but I don' feel like back reading 8 pages.. What nutes if any are you using for Veg ? and then plans for Flower nutes ?? Just curious !



Well-Known Member
well b4 i did a run to hydro store i was buying miracle grow plant mix and other commercial potting mixes and such and plant always was burnt out in beginning until it gotg big enough and more root mass to be able to handle the strong nutes mixed into the those i use fox farm or sunshine 4 mixed with some moss and egg shells and perlite and no more problems... i was using tap water and the ph was off combined with the garbage i was planting in from home depot was rough couple weeks for all plants b4 the switch good luck... i am no expert by the way only have decent results with some outdoor under my belt and now trying my hand at some hydroponics... currently but i have 14 females outdoors anywhere from 3-5 weeks into flowering so almost there.... good luck

Token Paraplegic

Well-Known Member
thanks for all the help guys! i am not using any nutes right now just growing in the pot with some potting soil that i got from home depot. I really hope this thing pulls through like you said i cant stand this droppiness


Well-Known Member
Dude I just started giving mine a 20/4 schedule. I'll let you know how it goes...this is after 2 1/2 weeks of 24/0 so we'll see how it likes having a bedtime.

Token Paraplegic

Well-Known Member
Dude I just started giving mine a 20/4 schedule. I'll let you know how it goes...this is after 2 1/2 weeks of 24/0 so we'll see how it likes having a bedtime.

aight i let mine have some outside time today and its looking more perky and i removed all the dead leaves today and transplanted into bigger pot



Well-Known Member
My parents just took the camera out of town, but they'll be back after the weekend. I'll show you what mine is looking like then.