Tokins 250w Organic Hazeaganda! ...Oh Plus Airpots!


Active Member
Day 20

Decided to flush this morning using water at low nute strength (0.5 EC) and ph at 5.8 after seeing what appears to be small yellow spots on leaves! I think this is due to the high EC in the soil (3.2!) and the ph being out of whack (8.2) this has been causing all kinds of problems. Hopefully this will help the plants somewhat and i will be able to slowly bring the nutes back to an acceptable level. I think it may have been too much too soon (Newbie mistake!) :wall:

After fushing I retested the run off and its come down to 1.5Hopefully things will begin to improve again. Im beginning a new feeding schedule today starting at a relatively lower EC (1.1-1.2) running to waste and slowly increase this through to the flowering stage. I also hope to flush again prior to flowering as ive heard this is good practice.

As you can see from previous pics Ive alredy topped and hoping to get 4 main colas from each plant. Hopefully the plants will be able to revive from the abuse they have been recieving and actually make it to flowering without too many problems. Coco is meant to be a very forgiving substrate so im keeping my fingers crossed!


Active Member
Just thought i would drop in and post a few pics. Grow is going much better now since flushing and useing correct nutes on a run to waste basis. Just means having to use a towel to mop up run off after each watering just wish i had more space! (oh well).

The girls are starting to recover a bit from their ordeal and are now aproaching five weeks. I would like to veg for a bit longer to train them a bit more and top one more time before flowering. Planning on having 6-8 tops per plant and possibly supercrop to make good use of the space inside the tent and get some fat buds!

Im most proud of the G13 haze. I cannot believe how resiliant this plant has been. Even through all the abuse ive chucked at her she is a very forgiveing plant indeed! I would like to grow her alone under a 400w hps one day, but those are just dreams :lol:

I have had to change the nutes (Now useing canna coco a&B due to problems with biobizz in the coco) Im not saying this cant be done but i think at this level i feel a lot happier useing these nutes.

Most of these pics are the G13 haze... sorry but shes my favorite plant and im really proud of her, shes beautiful! Oh and check out the fat leaves on the Utopia haze. She looks a bit freaky! Started off as the smallest runt but is quickly catching up!

Thanks for watching guys.. and if youve got any helpful tips feel free to post :)

Amnesia 30.8.jpgChiesel 30.8.jpgUtopia Haze 30.8.jpgG13 30.8 (2).jpgG13 30.8 (3).jpgG13 30.8.jpgg13 30.8 (6).jpgg13 30.8 (4).jpgG13 30.8 (5).jpg


Active Member
Hi folks!

Not long to go now. Hoping to put these into 12/12 next week as im quickly running out of space! :mrgreen:

Have been training these ladies using a combination of topping and lst to get them nice and bushy. Following this im planning to supercrop the remaining branches to allow maximum light penitration to the buds.

Had a few small issues with deficiancies/ph problems but this grow seems to be getting back on track.

One thing im suprised by is how little Utopia haze seems to be drinking. I water her and even 5 days later shes still wet. G13 on the other hand is now drinking like a fish, im just having a job allowing Utopia to catch up before putting them into flower.

So with that said here are a few pics of the ladies.....

CHIESEL.jpgDSCN2811.jpgAMNESIA.jpgAMNESIA (2).jpgG13 (3).jpgUH.jpgG13 (5).jpgUTOPIA HAZE.jpgG13 (4).jpg


Active Member
ha ha, yes mate on my last grow i would have switched already, but planning on doing some supercropping first. Going for big yields on this grow.


Active Member
Week 6 day 4

Ok so here we go! Were starting to get a lovely filled out look in the tent now, all ladies are growing like crazy screaming to be put into 12/12. There was a bit of training to be done this week especially on G13 and amnesia who were both showing slight signs of streching and covering lower buds. In an attempt to maximise light through the whole foliage G13 was Lstd and amnesia was supercropped.... Utopia needs to catch up a bit before being supercropped as shes still a week behind the others, but planning on supercropping her next week.

G13 following second LST
G13 following LST.jpg

Amnesia Following supercropping
Amnesia following supercropping.jpg

Heres a picture of the tent as its looking at the moment. Its really starting to get that rainforest canopy look about it :mrgreen: I cant see the floor anymore! lol

Ladies Week 6.jpg

On another note have started to foliar feed with epsom @ 1/2 tsp per 2 liters just after lights off to prevent them from becoming any more mag deficiant. Another flush last week has also helped improve rate of growth and appearence of the plants in general. I picked up some organic blackstrap molasses today and intend to use this along with next feeding. If anyone has any suggestions or good ways to utilise the molasses please let me know. :blsmoke:

On another note ive been reading about organic teas. Not saying i will be useing them but just liked the thought of producing your own quality organic soilless mixes and teas. If anyone has good experiences in this area please feel free to share your imput or with any other suggestions.

Generally i love this grow but i have to say the only thing I have against coco is that its high maintanance, im spending more and more time in my tent and less time enjoying this thing i like to call "a life" :? I would have prefered a more wait three days then water kind of scenario without worrying about ECs, deficiancies and general problems. Having said that i also take my hat off to you guys That have consistently awesome grows in coco, you obviously have your shit dialled in!

Anyway ill stop blabbing, Thanks for dropping bye and keep tuned in! :peace:



Well-Known Member
Ladies are looking good man.

I use Grandma's Molasses at 1 TBSP (Tablespoon) to 1 GAL of water. I use it from the first signs of bud sites all the way to harvest. It's my first time using it and I'm not sure if it's making much different but I'll stick with the placebo effect and think it's doing something.

Hope that helps bud, there is a fuck load of threads on Molasses on here and some guys swear by it. Give it a shot brotha.


Active Member
Thanks again mac! Your support as ever is much appreciated. I would rep you again man but im not sure i can do this on the same thread, lol.

Hey but im sure the molasses is doing more than you think, i read an awesome article on it last night given to me by a good friend. Cant wait to give it a shot and wait til these babies start getting big! I was tempted to get a 400w Hps to get some really fat buds but this may be overkill and also a pain to rearrange the tent again! Also have to think of some form of scent control. Got the carbon filter in there at the mo, but this has been used before and im not sure if you can refil them with carbon... Any thoughts anyone?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure if there it a will there's a way...I personally don't use a filter...for some reason just glade plug-ins, some Ona Gel, and a little house spray does the job quite well.

I'm sure you could open it somehow and put more Activated Carbon in it. I want to upgrade my my 400W to either Two 400's or a 600 and a 400 or...well hell I really don't know!:weed:


Active Member
hello all!

Just switched over to flower today the ladies are enjoying their first 12 hour light period following 12 hrs dark :clap: Its about bloody time!

Well as you know ran into a few problems along the way but getting there, albeit slowly. But thats what the learning process is about right?

Anyway after numerous investigations as to why plants leaves were yellowing we thought this may have to do with the cold air intake coming into the tent as temps in the root zone were getting down to 11C as per outside temps! :-o

Anyways after removing outside intake we are back within normal range and the plants have taken off again!

Since last week there has been a screen built to help keep buds on the same level and hopefully get them all nice and fat. :-P The screen is filling up nicely anyway, just also trimming leaves to ensure even small buds get some light


Just waiting to see those first little buds :leaf:

Keep tuned!


Active Member
Ok so did a bit of trimming today to get some much needed light to buds lower down on branches. Also was able to pull them through the screen and manipulate them to keep them all at same level and achieve even growth. This is the last time i will be cutting or manipulating them cos dont want to stress these lovely ladies any more, they are very traumatised as it is :-o so heres the before and after....



Well-Known Member
Looking great man, what it's look like under the Canopy?

Going to get some nice decent weight for ya'self. :-)


Active Member
@Diesel - LOL yes mate thats what this is all about - Easy times :-)

Mac, its ok under the canopy, not a lot of light distribution but the air is flowing freely. As long as they are getting enough light on the top though thats what we want to see :-) Just cant wait to see the first signs of flowers. Plants are already starting to get a bit pungent and sticky! Woohoo!


Well-Known Member
@Diesel - LOL yes mate thats what this is all about - Easy times :-)

Mac, its ok under the canopy, not a lot of light distribution but the air is flowing freely. As long as they are getting enough light on the top though thats what we want to see :-) Just cant wait to see the first signs of flowers. Plants are already starting to get a bit pungent and sticky! Woohoo!

Good shit, you ever look into lollipopping them?


Active Member
Yeah was definatly thinking to lollipop, just not sure whether this is overkill or not. Im really reluctant to chop these ladies anymore. Does it increase yield considerably?


Well-Known Member
Try it with half of em, you'll definitely notice fatter upper buds. :-) Make a little experiment with it. :weed: That's whats cool about growing, trying things to see if you like it.