Tokins 250w Organic Hazeaganda! ...Oh Plus Airpots!


Active Member
Try it with half of em, you'll definitely notice fatter upper buds. :-) Make a little experiment with it. :weed: That's whats cool about growing, trying things to see if you like it.
Youre spot on there mac, and thats the great thing if youre the kind of person that says lets try this shit out. Sometimes you get great results. Thanks man


Well-Known Member
Wow bro, That is an awesome scrog you got goin there, looks beautiful :) Not sure how I missed this thread before, but I'm subbed now :)


Active Member
Thanks for all the support guys! Yeah the scrog is homemade, we were pretty spot on with the measurements, not really sure why people pay so much money for screens when it takes like an hour to make one yourself. Im first week into flowering now, still no sign of any flowers but i reakon its the strains (mostly sativas) and they are all from seed so still got some time. Hopefuly she will stop streching soon and start getting fat


Active Member
Ok Quick update! Sorry for not posting for so long just everythings been full on at the moment.

Just gone into week 4. Buds are now starting to look (and smell!) nice, especially the Amnesia which is starting to look nice and frosty...


Just hammering them with nutes at the moment, A&B, Pk and a combo of topmax and boost. All the problems with discoloration seem to have gone. I think this was definatly an issue with PH. I have since bought a new ph pen and this cleared up very quickly. Also invested in a new filter. Hopefully she will start fattening up soon and produce some nice big colas :-o Overall ive got to say im well impressed with canna coco. I was nearly ready to write it off, but tbh im really glad i didnt.


Active Member
Thanks man, just want them to stop growing vertically now, or there will be no space left in the tent! Will be going into week 5 next week, hopefully they will fatten up soon

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
cracking scrog there man, whats it like under the screen? any pics of the leaves you said are browning?

canna is great man and the airpots are a smart move this should be a great grow

happy growing man


Active Member
Cheers don mate, only just saw your post. We lollipopped all the buds which didnt make it up to the screen height two weeks back, its looking pretty sparce under there at the mo. Just a real lack of light under the screen.

The airpots are cracking with coco! I cant even stick my finger in the coco any more, its just solid with roots. You cant see the browning leaves, those pics were just from tops, i will post up tonite and show some of those leaves under the screen.


Active Member
Just wanted to give a quick update. Ok so as promised earlier here is a photo of the browning lower leaves on one of the plants. On this plant its slightly worse with leaves turning completely brown and drying up. Will be in week 5 on wedensday.


Heres a few other photos of the grow, The tops are looking pretty good. Especially on Amnesia who seems to get frostier by the day. Ive also placed some flouros close to the top of the bud on the left hand side.



Well-Known Member
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about the dead leaves. All of the others are green and healthy. Lower ones will die as the plant get older and older. I'd just pull the dead ones and keep the green ones green bud. :weed:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
looking again at them pics man it looks like theres been some damage to the under branches? did you snip them or pull them? looks like you pulled em and maybe snapped a couple of leaf branches. no biggie. tops look fine and dandy man.

your pushing the top end of your nutes man the tips are starting to burn, mine do it all the time tho haha

happy growing man


Active Member
Yeah cheers don, im really pushing it a bit too much i think. Got a bit trigger happy with the old canna a&b :-o Have to ween them off it soon cos there into week 5 tomorrow :) hopefully start seeing them fattening up a bit soon.


Active Member
Yeah mate definatly, and tbh i dont think its worth the rep its got. Im gonna rattle a few cages now but im not sure its making any major difference. You could probably get the same results from naturally occuring products. I reakon sometimes they just sell highly overrated overpriced stuff. Probably why they never put the ingredients on the bottle! If we knew what we were paying for costs a couple of quid at wilko i reakon a few people would be kicking off... rant over lol

Oh BTW your avatar pic is fucking hilarious, looks like jabba the hut :clap:


Well-Known Member
hey JR your girls are looking sweet bud, defo subbed now!

good look hope you get the big yield your after


Active Member
Thanks pukka, me too mate, Will be week 6 soon. Cant wait to see them getting really fat and frosty. Gonna post some new pics up possibly tomorrow with some close ups.

Starting with the shooting powder soon. Cant wait to see what that does to them :-o . They are taking crazy levels of nutes at the moment. G13 is one hungry mama, shes at 2.8 EC. Im really pushing them, hope to get a good yield from this. :leaf:

Keep tuned in everyone the pics are only gonna get better :)