Too early to fertilize seedling?


I put it outside in the day. Inside under CFL. Under lights 24/7. I water once every 24 hrs. with 1/4 cup room temp distilled water.
I meant to say I put it under CFL at night. It is outside in sunlight from 10 AM to 6PM. Temp outside here gets in the 90's. Humidity is average. I still have this almost 4 week old plant in a Solo cup. I still have not added any nutrients to the soil. PLAIN soil. I have not added any fertilizer either. Cotyledon leaves are yellowing and curling. Also I got this seed from a bag of mid grade shwag.


Next Day. Plant has grown even more. Top sets of leaves are now 5 bladed. More leaves developing in the middle. Also between the main stem and branches going off the side there is tiny little foliage leaves looking things growing out now. How will I know what strain this is since its shwag bag seed? Also as long as I destroy the males as soon as they show, I should have sinsimilla right? So when will the sex of this plant show? I still have it under 24hrs of constant light. What light schedule should I choose now? When should I start using nutrients and/or fertilizer? Is it possible to grow with organic compost instead? How much on average should I expect my yield to be? So over all how do you think my plant looks?:joint:



New Member
omigosh I'm not going to read all those questions but you should transplant it soon and what kind of light is it under.

plant looks good tho


omigosh I'm not going to read all those questions but you should transplant it soon and what kind of light is it under.

plant looks good tho

It is under 3 cfl 150 watt lightbulbs with shields. They come together to make a cluster. I have it under CFL at night. Sunlight during day from 10AM to 6PM. Temp here in the 90's outside with average humidity.


New Member
bagseed? you should just order some outdoor seeds for next year, growings pretty easy you seem to have a green thumb.


bagseed? you should just order some outdoor seeds for next year, growings pretty easy you seem to have a green thumb.

Yeah its mid grade schwag bag seed. What fert should I use? Can I go ahead and start a 16/8 light schedule? How do I remove MALE sex parts from plant? Is there anyway to figure out what strain I have?


New Member
Yeah its mid grade schwag bag seed. What fert should I use? Can I go ahead and start a 16/8 light schedule? How do I remove MALE sex parts from plant? Is there anyway to figure out what strain I have?
No ur in the dark on the strain. 16/8 would be fine same with any other light pattern you give it. Photoperiodism is the tendency for the plant to only grow under an 18/6 and only flower under a 12/12 light schedule.
If the plant is male its male, but if it herms you can cut them off, which you should be able to avoid by reducing stress on the plant.
For nutrients plant fertilizers will work or organics but those get a little more complicated.


Active Member
Dude, either the plant is male.... or its female (or hermi)... there isn't like male parts and female parts on one plant. thats why people have more than one plant going... consider 50% male 50% female... so now you have a 50% chance you can get bud from it.. if you wait a couple more weeks you can switch to 12/12 to have the plant show some sex... if it shows male than kill it... if its female go back into your 18/6 or whatever you are on and the plant will go back to vegg..

alot of this stuff is covered in the noob sections, im not saying your a noob i look in these sections all the time, there is a lot of helpful info.

maybe you should read up on sexing though!
So when will the sex of this plant show? I still have it under 24hrs of constant light. What light schedule should I choose now? When should I start using nutrients and/or fertilizer? Is it possible to grow with organic compost instead? How much on average should I expect my yield to be? So over all how do you think my plant looks?:joint:
You can start using nutes now.You can grow using organic or chemical nutes which ever you want to use.Your yeild depends on lighting on your plant as well as how big it is, how far r internodes spaced many things.I think your plant looks good and it should show sex when you flip them to 12/12 or when it is mature.Also you say 150 watt cfls are those equivalent watts or actuall watts.Because if those were actual watts your plant should be way bigger.


I thought a marijuana plant produced both male and female parts, and that you reove the male ball sacs so they dont polinate the female pistils. I thought as long as you removed the males and had all female plant then thats sinsimilla. I only have this one plant, and now there is a 50/50 it migh e trash after all the time and care? AHHHH MANNN!!!:cry:
Dont worry if it is a hermi u have no other plants around so grow it out and have your own mid.In the future start off with more than 1 so in case of male situations.


Well-Known Member
I'd still kill it if it were herm. Hermy smoke is the worst and doesn't make you feel stoned just really weird and sleepy. I gotta admit though you came a long way from a month ago. Good luck


:joint:okay, so thats what schwag is huh? I thought it was a marijuana plant that pollinated itself, back before I knew that a plant is either male or female and does not get both parts. okay well at least if its male it wont be a total waste. I can deal with mid grade. Even though I hate to. I am still keeping my fingers crossed though, but anyway I started germinating about 35 or 40 seeds. They are bag seeds though so yeah. I also started using Miracle Grow all purpose and am using it at 1/4 strength. Still on 24 light schedule. Have not transplanted yet. Also there is new foliage growth coming in between the main stem and branch. It is foliage growth. I checked, its little leaves. Also am I at as many internodes as I should be?



Well-Known Member
As it gets a little older we might be able to take a guess at what you have. It's mostly Indica, that's the only fact.


Active Member
The leaves are shorter and wider, sativas tend to have long, thin fingered leaves.

I think you're still confused about this sex thing...

If it's female, you get sensimillia.

If it's a hermaphrodite (both male and female), you get shwag bud with seeds.

If it's male, you get nothing. Since it's your only plant, you might as well chop it down and make butter out of it if it's male.

Also, get those bulbs within 2 inches of the plant. And maybe get a small fan blowing on it.

Good luck. :hump:


Okay well Indica is fine, thats mostly whats around here anyway. I wish I could find Sativa anyway thanks for clearing up the sexing questions. I'm hoping my plant is sinsi(there is a particular reason why I hope so!! wink wink) so thats why I was hoping so much. 4 more seeds have germinated. I'm going to let the tap root get to about a half inch before I plant though. I have quality soil this time to use. I'm also using MG all purpose fertilizer. I have a fan in the room where the plant is, the lights are about an inch and a half from the plant. :joint: