Too little, too late

Exactly. What in the ever living fuck is the point of arguing anything political on this forum. Other than maybe legalization of weed. Seriously. Politics section should be removed or only allow "marijuana politics"
You’re permitted to create any political thread you want.
Make a legalization thread. There already are a ton of them btw.
Why are you guys coming to a thread by a member you don’t like regarding a subject you laugh at?
Pretty ignorant if you ask me. It’s not like you have to come here, it’s not mom’s house.
Says he's naive and from the UK. I figure he's an American Trumper using VPN software to popup in the UK. I triggered him and his emotions got the best part of this antivaccier. He sure seems to have intense feelings about Donald and his "cause" for someone from the UK who doesn't follow politics but who has a political agenda. His posts are a mixed bag, but trend in a certain direction. Does his use of the language sound American to you?
Says he's naive and from the UK. I figure he's an American Trumper using VPN software to popup in the UK. I triggered him and his emotions got the best part of this antivaccier. He sure seems to have intense feelings about Donald and his "cause" for someone from the UK who doesn't follow politics but who has a political agenda. His posts are a mixed bag, but trend in a certain direction. Does his use of the language sound American to you?
no english speaker talks like he does. dude is a fucking retard