Republicans fuck America, again

Or you could point to something that you are saying I said wrong.

I do think there is defiantly some cross thread action going though, so do think just by sticking to this one thread might not actually mean too much.

That is literally your own fucking fault. Cuz guess what? I haven't posted on any other threads concerning this conversation.

I'm the person who is "not all there."


I literally have no desire to further talk to either of you, but here we are. You are still trolling me.

I am the one of all 3 of us with cognitive issues. How is it then - that I am the one who was able to keep up (and on track) with what I and others said in this thread???? How???

Because I put in the fucking effort that's how. Something neither of you have done. So now, you are just amusing me with your continued nonsense. Quite honestly. Neither of you have went back from the beginning and read that much is so fucking obvious from your repeated statements and continued attempts to gaslight me..

Until you do so, we will have no further civil discourse. I will troll you the same way you've trolled me for days. Don't dish out shit you can't take. I'll leave the gaslighting out because I leave that to the assholes. Plenty of folks gaslighting already, I don't need to add to that.

Unlike yall, I came to help folks, not hurt.
First interaction between us on this thread:

Screen Shot 2020-08-03 at 2.07.35 PM.png

The next comes after you were talking with DYI and Fog (and others) the next morning.

Screen Shot 2020-08-03 at 2.09.01 PM.png

I don't see anything that I said that was in anyway rude or shitty toward you. I only disgagreed that things are getting worse outside of the pandemic.

I think at this point though you were burning out. I even read the next couple posts between us and thought they were very on point too. I will keep reading, but maybe after you take a break, just read the conversation that we were having, and not in the context of what you were talking about with other people (assuming that was what you were doing, reading from the beginning. I tend not to read the posts when people are getting or are trolling too much outside of skimming them if I am bored here and there so wasn't paying as close attention to your conversation with everyone else you were talking to.

If anything, I apologize for not realizing having a in depth conversation when you were trying to talk to everyone would not end well.
That is literally your own fucking fault. Cuz guess what? I haven't posted on any other threads concerning this conversation.

I'm the person who is "not all there."


I literally have no desire to further talk to either of you, but here we are. You are still trolling me.

I am the one of all 3 of us with cognitive issues. How is it then - that I am the one who was able to keep up (and on track) with what I and others said in this thread???? How???

Because I put in the fucking effort that's how. Something neither of you have done. So now, you are just amusing me with your continued nonsense. Quite honestly. Neither of you have went back from the beginning and read that much is so fucking obvious from your repeated statements and continued attempts to gaslight me..

Until you do so, we will have no further civil discourse. I will troll you the same way you've trolled me for days. Don't dish out shit you can't take. I'll leave the gaslighting out because I leave that to the assholes. Plenty of folks gaslighting already, I don't need to add to that.

Unlike yall, I came to help folks, not hurt.
I sure did. You finally quoted something I actually said...however, as usual, it is out of CONTEXT.

I also said that some of them won't listen. You are one who doesn't listen. You don't even read my replies. I gave up on you, and told you so. Yet here we are.

I choose not to communicate or have any sort of discourse with folks (you) who disrespect me over and over and over AND then start to gaslight me, right before dipping into straight abusive insanity about what I struggled to survive and overcome. People like that are trash... who does that?

Fuck you. We have nothing to talk about. DO me a solid and just stop. Seriously. Pleasse(:

You are in the same category as 'right wing republican' in my book now. You did that.

You trolled and harrassed me with nonsense. Now leave me the fuck alone. I am not joking. I am not being sarcastic. I am being for real.

I hope this message gets through. We can wander the same halls and not speak. It's possible. Let's TRY it. Smiles!
So some objective evidence that proves your assertion that people who vote for members of the Republican (Fascist) Party are even interested in having conversations with liberals? I don't see any. Maybe if you did, I'd learn something. I've posted objective evidence that they do not as you requested but for some reason all you produce are more anecdotes. Bold type doesn't make your anecdotes more convincing.
I don't see anything that I said that was in anyway rude or shitty toward you. I only disgagreed that things are getting worse outside of the pandemic.
If anything, I apologize for not realizing having a in depth conversation when you were trying to talk to everyone would not end well.

Thanks for the respectful reply. Now, I also realize where you got confused and we started to go off base - because you don't read the whole convo before jumping in - another thing that you will see I said along the way... if you actually take the time to read this entire thread.

I did, last night, twice. I was so upset at the way I was treated, I was enraged for myself, and the way I was bullied and gaslit. The same way I get when I see other injustices, but I've never felt that way for myself when talking with people. I say "bullied" because, like right now, you both are replying and I am having a hard time keeping up... plus some new troll jumped in... so now there's 3 trolls. GREAT. (sarcasm... I'm tired)

The thing is, my cognitive is bad. I have to work so hard to keep up (reading shit ovr n ovr n ovr plus take notes) that my brain hurts at the end of each day. Literally. But thats life now, it's ok. I'm a survivor. Partially why I have low tolerance for bullshit excuses.

It's funny (in a good way made me giggle) that you say "outside the pandemic." Its ironic because again you are misunderstanding me. The only thread i've started here makes that very clear. My initial focus of discussion in riu was how bad things are getting "socially" inside the pandemic.

So really, it is you that is making assumptions out of context about me. I am aware of what I have posted here in these forums and the context to which I framed my replies. If at any time I got lost or was confused, I told people so.

Thank you for your apology. I was not trying to have an in-depth conversation with everyone.

I was responding to Fogdog about his statement on republicans. Trying to give insight on why they may find it hard to communicate with folks like him. Because many of you are very disrespectful. Like - if you want me to prove this too you - I will create a printout from the very first time I commented in these forums till now. In consecutive order. I can do that... data management.

The thing is though.. I don't think you would read it. Without reading, you will never have the perspective of what I am talking about. But overall - the data as a whole - is clear to me so far - I mean basically conclusive. Seriously. The left side is just as ignorant, controlling, and abusive, as the right. If not more so. The right is atleast tolerant. All the decent ones I know are. They can hold a productive discussion without calling me a libtard.
Or gaslighting me.

I've been very hesitant to chat in public due to the current climate mixed with my cognitive issues. It is easy to be gaslit/trolled if I am not paying attention or don't make sure to re-read everything before I reply to things if I am uncertain. That is why I stay in order and keep reading and replying in order.

I'm not going to change that habit. It is the sensible way to be. In fact, I will go so far as to suggest others do the same.

Because what you are currently doing (jumping in the middle of convos with assumptions) is idiotic and will never be an effective or productive method to discuss change. Folks really need to read first and get some context on what is being discussed instead of jumping in on the attack. That goes back to that mob mentality I mentioned, which leaves all kinds of folks confused... and likely disgusted... like I was.

Do you think that works? Bullying? Gaslighting? Not listening or communicating? Who are you helping? Yourselves? I'm not even sure you're helping yourselves when you act like that... because no one with common sense will believe or respect people who act like that.. any when they witness such things they will NOT be inspired to "be on your side."

Lets do a fake scenario for shits and giggles:
Say I walk into a work meeting with a developer for a certain gaming app.. and I'm late.. mid meeting.. .
Say I just walk in and interrupt his convo - and jump in with my idea's about HIS app..
But since i'm late I don't know the app was already scrapped and they moved on to another app
Did I just interrupt and waste everyones time - because I didn't bother to listen and get convo context first?
Or in your case, bother to read back?
Do you think he will be frustrated? Would it likely cause confusion? Would I be fired from my job??
I likely would.. the same way I have "fired" people in this convo for the same reasoning.
It's a waste of my time and I'm already frustrated.

Do you all really think that shaming all republicans is the road to flipping them?? Seriously? Do any of yall know any fucking republicans? They are fucking proud man. Super proud, and stuck in their ways. Democrats are much more humble and acceptive (for the most part.)

I seriously don't care any more, I am tired. If I hurt your feelings - I am sorry - that is NEVER my intention. I love people. All people.

LOL. Quitting?

Do I appear to be a quitter. You appear to lack common sense for real

I haven't been silenced since I was 15.
I won't be starting now. Lol

I will choose to leave this convo on my own though. I see 2 more fucking lunatic trolls showed up and some rando too. Fuck S demented thoughts with shit CNN.. no common fuckin sense there either..

I'm seriously done. Talk to yall selves cuz the "disturbed" person with common fucking sense knows how to stop when she's clearly ahead.. and still sane. Hang out too long in the loony bin you may become loony too.

I'm out -

(: :leaf:
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Thanks for the respectful reply. Now, I also realize where you got confused and we started to go off base - because you don't read the whole convo before jumping in - another thing that you will see I said along the way... if you actually take the time to read this entire thread.

I did, last night, twice. I was so upset at the way I was treated, I was enraged for myself, and the way I was bullied and gaslit. The same way I get when I see other injustices, but I've never felt that way for myself when talking with people. I say "bullied" because, like right now, you both are replying and I am having a hard time keeping up... plus some new troll jumped in... so now there's 3 trolls. GREAT. (sarcasm... I'm tired)

The thing is, my cognitive is bad. I have to work so hard to keep up (reading shit ovr n ovr n ovr plus take notes) that my brain hurts at the end of each day. Literally. But thats life now, it's ok. I'm a survivor. Partially why I have low tolerance for bullshit excuses.

It's funny (in a good way made me giggle) that you say "outside the pandemic." Its ironic because again you are misunderstanding me. The only thread i've started here makes that very clear. My initial focus of discussion in riu was how bad things are getting "socially" inside the pandemic.

So really, it is you that is making assumptions out of context about me. I am aware of what I have posted here in these forums and the context to which I framed my replies. If at any time I got lost or was confused, I told people so.

Thank you for your apology. I was not trying to have an in-depth conversation with everyone.

I was responding to Fogdog about his statement on republicans. Trying to give insight on why they may find it hard to communicate with folks like him. Because many of you are very disrespectful. Like - if you want me to prove this too you - I will create a printout from the very first time I commented in these forums till now. In consecutive order. I can do that... data management.

The thing is though.. I don't think you would read it. Without reading, you will never have the perspective of what I am talking about. But overall - the data as a whole - is clear to me so far - I mean basically conclusive. Seriously. The left side is just as ignorant, controlling, and abusive, as the right. If not more so. The right is atleast tolerant. All the decent ones I know are. They can hold a productive discussion without calling me a libtard.
Or gaslighting me.

I've been very hesitant to chat in public due to the current climate mixed with my cognitive issues. It is easy to be gaslit/trolled if I am not paying attention or don't make sure to re-read everything before I reply to things if I am uncertain. That is why I stay in order and keep reading and replying in order.

I'm not going to change that habit. It is the sensible way to be. In fact, I will go so far as to suggest others do the same.

Because what you are currently doing (jumping in the middle of convos with assumptions) is idiotic and will never be an effective or productive method to discuss change. Folks really need to read first and get some context on what is being discussed instead of jumping in on the attack. That goes back to that mob mentality I mentioned, which leaves all kinds of folks confused... and likely disgusted... like I was.

Do you think that works? Bullying? Gaslighting? Not listening or communicating? Who are you helping? Yourselves? I'm not even sure you're helping yourselves when you act like that... because no one with common sense will believe or respect people who act like that.. any when they witness such things they will NOT be inspired to "be on your side."

Lets do a fake scenario for shits and giggles:
Say I walk into a work meeting with a developer for a certain gaming app.. and I'm late.. mid meeting.. .
Say I just walk in and interrupt his convo - and jump in with my idea's about HIS app..
But since i'm late I don't know the app was already scrapped and they moved on to another app
Did I just interrupt and waste everyones time - because I didn't bother to listen and get convo context first?
Or in your case, bother to read back?
Do you think he will be frustrated? Would it likely cause confusion? Would I be fired from my job??
I likely would.. the same way I have "fired" people in this convo for the same reasoning.
It's a waste of my time and I'm already frustrated.

Do you all really think that shaming all republicans is the road to flipping them?? Seriously? Do any of yall know any fucking republicans? They are fucking proud man. Super proud, and stuck in their ways. Democrats are much more humble and acceptive (for the most part.)

I seriously don't care any more, I am tired. If I hurt your feelings - I am sorry - that is NEVER my intention. I love people. All people.
You feeling like there is a mob mentality is on you, I also have mentioned time and again that if you are feeling under attack to use your ignore button.

This also is the problem with you complaining about someone not reading the 'whole convo', if people have others on ignore, it is a impossible bar to expect people to have to reach before responding to you.

You only feel bullied, because you have all the power to ignore people, if you are not using that power, it is really you playing the victim.

Your work example is bullshit, because you don't really have the ability to use a ignore feature people in a meeting.
You feeling like there is a mob mentality is on you, I also have mentioned time and again that if you are feeling under attack to use your ignore button.

This also is the problem with you complaining about someone not reading the 'whole convo', if people have others on ignore, it is a impossible bar to expect people to have to reach before responding to you.

You only feel bullied, because you have all the power to ignore people, if you are not using that power, it is really you playing the victim.

Your work example is bullshit, because you don't really have the ability to use a ignore feature people in a meeting.

Your excuses are bullshit and the ignore button should be used for actual trolls not people

If you missed any convo that means you have actual "people" on ignore.
You are censoring folks
Probably a hidden racist too - wouldn't be suprised - most who act like yall are acting here have a hidden agenda.. what's yours?
Where's your skin in this game? Who you benefiting by trolling folks with nonsense? The republicans? Lol
Running wild through riu - gaslighting folks. Yall could be a pro republican commercial. Lol

lmao - u just won't quit. Every time I think I can just be done - like it will for sure sink in that your being fucking ridiculous - you come back with more bullshit gaslighting. LOLOL.

You can't even comprehend the simplest example - just more gaslighting and taking it out of context
To obvious... you lose.

It's not about "ignore feature"
It's about reading and getting context before you speak, because otherwise you just sound stupid. It's obvious to others when you don't know what has been talked about. For example... like when you went into lgbt and womens rights. LOL - DERAILED. Jesus. All cuz you didn't read. Just stop. You are being silly.

I am not ashamed of anything I've said. Nor do I feel foolish. I'm planted firmly in reality. The gaslighting, mob-mentality bullying, yall keep doing - is not working. I must commend the effort though. Yall are some dedicated fuckers for sure. If only you put that same dedication into your research and thoughts, then maybe we could get somewhere.

Until the nexxt foolish statement... buh bye!
It certainly doesn’t read that way. You sound very angry and solipsistic which is unusual in a psychologist.

You're funny - coming to troll without reading too? To show how very clever you are?

I never said I was a psychologist. I said I have a degree. Specifically an associates degree that I earned in early 2000's. Try again. I'm not angry at all, I'm actually laughing. Show's how much can be mis-construed when you assume shit.

I'm just trolling trolls at this point. It's fun. As you see... here you are trolling me.. LOL.

But not one that is off her meds.

Awe. I'm a psychologist off my meds?? I am just (gasps) so offended. Yall are simply brilliant with insults too. Oh my...