Homeless in America during COVID-19

The stock market has been disconnected from the real economy for awhile now and they don't pay much in taxes. Joe's people will get the banking and credit cards working again real quick. If you had a million bucks in your local checking account you would be as poor as everybody else unless you had cash in your mattress.
I don't even own an ATM card. Cash is security. Bank account at minimum balance. Look at what Greece did it's bank savings account holders. How incompetent must you be to need another to hold your money? Why is it encouraged and promoted? Paying to use your money. DUMB ASSES is all I can say.
In the middle of a massive cyber attack by Russia BTW! Are the Troops gonna be in breadlines too with orders from the POTUS no to wear their uniforms because it makes him look bad and he's sitting on the cash? Support the coup Mitch or Donald will destroy you, the base worships him Mitch and next year you will be giving Qanon speeches in the senate as will most republicans.
Trump searches for new excuse to reject funding for the military (msnbc.com)

Trump searches for new excuse to reject funding for the military
Trump continues to look for excuses to veto the bill that funds the military. It's really not going well.

Donald Trump presided over the coin toss before the Army-Navy football game over the weekend, standing alongside cadets and midshipmen at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York. By all appearances, the president, seemingly eager to associate himself with those in uniform, neglected to mention how eager he is to veto funding for the military.

A week ago today, the White House's Office of Management and Budget formally notified lawmakers of Trump's intention to veto the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) -- a massive, annual defense spending bill that funds the military and guides Pentagon policy. Hours later, the House passed the package anyway, 335 to 78.

A few days later, the Senate followed suit, approving the NDAA, 84 to 13, and sending the bipartisan bill to the White House.

As Vox explained yesterday, the president has come up with a new excuse to reject the legislation.

Rep. Jason Crow (D-Colo.), a House Armed Services Committee member and former Army Ranger, told Vox, in reference to the president's latest nonsense, "I don't think Donald Trump knows what he's talking about."

It is, alas, a quote with broad applicability.

So, what does Trump do now, after backing himself into a corner for no reason and with no easy way out? Circling back to our earlier coverage, there are basically three ways forward:

1. Trump may back down and look weak in the last legislative fight of his presidency.

2. Trump may veto, leading Congress to override him for the first time in his presidency.

3. Trump may veto, leading to a failed override vote in Congress, at which point things will get even messier.

Roll Call added yesterday the president has until Dec. 23 to make a decision. The article added, "If Congress were to adjourn during the 10 days, the bill could get scuttled in a so-called pocket veto, but Congress is expected to take procedural steps to avoid that scenario."
Wait till the people see how many financial and monetary exchange platforms were using Solar Wind ( defense department cyber security under Frump's orders). And his removal of all monitoring of internet threats.

Our military needs to be paid. No matter the truth to their service. They are living it. Pay them. But the contractors should be cut off, removed and sued for the fraud they are guilty of. Just another political gamble for more support from military fanatics.
Wait till the people see how many financial and monetary exchange platforms were using Solar Wind ( defense department cyber security under Frump's orders). And his removal of all monitoring of internet threats.

Our military needs to be paid. No matter the truth to their service. They are living it. Pay them. But the contractors should be cut off, removed and sued for the fraud they are guilty of. Just another political gamble for more support from military fanatics.
Correction.. Bush's orders. Frump's continuation of incompetence and corporate hand outs.
Out of curiosity?@DIY-HP-LED , why are you so involved with our political mess? It is a preview of your soon to be imposed life. But beyond that I don't quite rationalize to any positive compulsion. TY and just asking.
Might unravel before Biden takes office, unemployment starts running out next week and the eviction moratorium ends too, could be a tipping point.
If we could honestly understand the scope of the chit that is about to hit the fan. The get away driver for 3 differnt homes the 27th 8th and 9th. Most with degrees. Not slouches. Stock up, buckle up and be as accommodating as you can. Still think a rude awaking is on the horizon.
I don't even own an ATM card. Cash is security. Bank account at minimum balance.
No, it isn't.

During a collapse, cash becomes worthless. It loses its buying power. The only real power in this sort of economy even when it collapses is, believe it or not, credit.

Cash, in and of itself, has no value any longer.
One more before I avoid this thread.

Local news channel just identified a local homeless encampment in the name of human interest. Right wing propaganda channel has a history of camps reported on being leveled within 30 days. More insults for ratings and brownie points from authorities. Should be liable for damages, stress and duress incurred as result of the companies profiteering.

Turn off the TV.

cruelty has been the point and 75M are still for it.
They can give him the money, but he can just sit on it and not spend a dime. What do you think he will do?

if nothing happens with the military bill does everyone go home?

also isn't that what overriding the veto is about?

he's going to be the stinkbug in the car.

phone rings: 30 more days..we have 30 more days.

I don't even own an ATM card. Cash is security. Bank account at minimum balance. Look at what Greece did it's bank savings account holders. How incompetent must you be to need another to hold your money? Why is it encouraged and promoted? Paying to use your money. DUMB ASSES is all I can say.

the FDIC Federally insures your money not sure about Greece's program..have you ever seen It's a Wonderful Life? and what happens when everyone panics and takes all money out of Georges bank. simply put you bankroll others and their mortgages, business loans etc.

demanding all money back will crash the economy.
If we could honestly understand the scope of the chit that is about to hit the fan. The get away driver for 3 differnt homes the 27th 8th and 9th. Most with degrees. Not slouches. Stock up, buckle up and be as accommodating as you can. Still think a rude awaking is on the horizon.

why don't you give us the dealy-o? WTF you talking about getaway driver and those dates.

help us to understand the scope.
This is FUCKING UNACCEPTABLE!!!! in 2020 in America during the Coronavirus Pandamic.
Is There Such a Thing as a Humane Eviction? - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
What the fuck is wrong with us?
We expouse Humanity to the rest of the World, but yet can't take care of our own in these desperate times?
We are a fucking disgrace to the ideal of a civilized society.
Old saying, "ye shall reap what you sow" & Trump & the GOP have sown death & destruction.
Fucking fact
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This is FUCKING UNACCEPTABLE!!!! in 2020 in America during the Coronavirus Pandamic.
Is There Such a Thing as a Humane Eviction? - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
What the fuck is wrong with us?
We expouse Humanity to the rest of the World, but yet can't take care of our in these desperate times?
We are a fucking disgrace to the ideal of a civilized society.
Old saying, "ye shall reap what you sow" & Trump & the GOP have sown death & destruction.
Fucking fact
Mitch wants to fuck up and cock block Joe so that the morons of America will blame him for getting nothing done. Mitch wants power, fuck the people, he just needs enough confused and hate filled morons. He doesn't need to worry about the facts either, the domestic disinformation system works for him as well, while they blow the dog whistle they feed them shit too. If you can win the senate, you can eliminate and regulate the domestic disinformation networks and then people will be forced to watch a professional narrative of events without a concealed propaganda message.

If they win the senate they can make high speed rural internet access linked to free basic cable TV that just shows the regular FCC broadcast channels. Put fox in a box and have guys like Hannity regular guests of the FCC every time they broadcast disinformation or present a sleazy misleading false narrative. No fine, but a televised session under oath with close questioning that will be broadcast on his own show to humiliate him and tell the truth under oath to his audience, along with an apology from him on air for lying to or misleading his viewers. It would take some of the fun out of Rupert Murdoch's little game of playing alone the edge of truth. The same thing might happen for news that's spun out of all recognition only with producers writers and hosts in the hot seat for some close questioning. No suppression of their first amendment rights, no fines, just regular oaths and help in getting their story straight.

If you don't use their covid coverage to get rid of them and put fox in a box you will be stuck with them and Mitch or someone like him. Joe can take care of AM hate radio by changing the broadcast band to digital using the FCC. Cut off the supply of bullshit and regulate social media like a broadcaster. More needs to be done, but this will cut them off at the knees.

Speak of the Devil, Murdock got a covid vaccine yesterday while his network pushes the antivaccer message, anything for a buck with that psycho.
Mitch wants to fuck up and cock block Joe so that the morons of America will blame him for getting nothing done. Mitch wants power, fuck the people, he just needs enough confused and hate filled morons. He doesn't need to worry about the facts either, the domestic disinformation system works for him as well, while they blow the dog whistle they feed them shit too. If you can win the senate, you can eliminate and regulate the domestic disinformation networks and then people will be forced to watch a professional narrative of events without a concealed propaganda message.

If they win the senate they can make high speed rural internet access linked to free basic cable TV that just shows the regular FCC broadcast channels. Put fox in a box and have guys like Hannity regular guests of the FCC every time they broadcast disinformation or present a sleazy misleading false narrative. No fine, but a televised session under oath with close questioning that will be broadcast on his own show to humiliate him and tell the truth under oath to his audience, along with an apology from him on air for lying to or misleading his viewers. It would take some of the fun out of Rupert Murdoch's little game of playing alone the edge of truth. The same thing might happen for news that's spun out of all recognition only with producers writers and hosts in the hot seat for some close questioning. No suppression of their first amendment rights, no fines, just regular oaths and help in getting their story straight.

If you don't use their covid coverage to get rid of them and put fox in a box you will be stuck with them and Mitch or someone like him. Joe can take care of AM hate radio by changing the broadcast band to digital using the FCC. Cut off the supply of bullshit and regulate social media like a broadcaster. More needs to be done, but this will cut them off at the knees.

Speak of the Devil, Murdock got a covid vaccine yesterday while his network pushes the antivaccer message, anything for a buck with that psycho.
If Georgians put Republicans in the Senate it's because the majority of voters in that state want Mitch to "cock block Joe". People seem to forget that the voters decide, not the other way around. If they do give Mitch the Senate then we'll just have to figure out what to do next. This is going to go on for a decade, so calm down.

Also, I'm not so sure I want what you describe in terms of FCC control. What I want is a good debate over what to do. We can do that regardless who controls the Senate.
If Georgians put Republicans in the Senate it's because the majority of voters in that state want Mitch to "cock block Joe". People seem to forget that the voters decide, not the other way around. If they do give Mitch the Senate then we'll just have to figure out what to do next. This is going to go on for a decade, so calm down.

Also, I'm not so sure I want what you describe in terms of FCC control. What I want is a good debate over what to do. We can do that regardless who controls the Senate.
Apply the law under the constitution, just get creative. These are just ideas tossed onto the table, Americans will decide such things and everything I mentioned with a few exceptions would require winning the senate. It would all take place in senate hearings and a commission on propaganda and disinformation would issue a report and policy based on that report would be passed by congress and signed by Joe. Nobody gives anybody the senate you fight for it by getting every vote you can in the face of voter suppression and other anti democratic methods. I dunno what the results will be in Georgia, nobody does, Donald is a wild card in this and he is currently freaking out bigly about more than leaving office or getting beat by Biden.

We will have to see what the future holds in Georgia and the senate, win it and much can be done to exploit the victory, level the playing field and cripple the for profit disinformation that is dividing the country. Mitch and the republicans will suffer no consequences or muted ones largely because of the domestic disinformation system. Now they are spreading the antivaccer message and next it will be qanon or anything else someone pulls out of their asshole including the Russians who seemed to be writing some of their material.

A house divided cannot stand and America won't if it lives in two realities, one true and the other a distortion of the truth and outright lies riding on top of pre existing biases. Blow the dog whistle into a bullhorn and feed them shit is one way of describing it. This is not really a new situation and these people are normal and are operating the same way anybody who is deeply religious does. The religious people these days have to swim through a sea of information to get to their turd of choice. People are conditioned to believe by their families, communities and churches who reinforced it weekly. Even those who "find Jesus" later in life were usually raised with religion as kids or are immersed in a cultural sea of it. Look upon this as a new trick in a very old game, mass delusion is normal and until recently religion was politics.

Part of an infrastructure program could be rural highspeed internet coupled with free basic cable for everybody that carries the major networks and no rightwing free programing. There is a lot of free programming on the right, go to the foxenews webpage and compare it to CNN the auto streaming video at full volume that is difficult to turn down quickly and the deluge of ads and paid content. CNN is interested in revenue generation but fox has a different agenda, Rupert's agenda, power. Imagine if you had a shitty rural internet connection and were viewing either channel. How's rural TV reception for poor folks now that TV has gone digital? How many rural people are getting their news from the internet and don't watch TV anymore, OAN and Newsmax are on there and I believe foxnews streams for free.
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Well, as I said before, it all starts at the top. They want their money. They owe the banks for the buildings they've financed. They're not going to let the companies that lease their buildings off the hook because the banks they're financed with aren't going to let them off the hook.

It's a chain reaction that goes all the way to the bottom and then starts working its way back up. The employee gets laid off then loses his house. The boss that employed him loses his business and he gets evicted. The building owner can't cut cost enough so the bank forecloses on the building he was leasing.

What we need is a plan for when something like this happens we can figuratively flip a switch and shut down everything. No payments are due by anybody to anybody. A complete freeze of the financial system.

Then we can work from there with our relief packages to help those in actual need, and that's going to be a hell of a lot cheaper because it's only going to be food, medicine, etc.
Apply the law under the constitution, just get creative. These are just ideas tossed onto the table, Americans will decide such things and everything I mentioned with a few exceptions would require winning the senate. It would all take place in senate hearings and a commission on propaganda and disinformation would issue a report and policy based on that report would be passed by congress and signed by Joe. Nobody gives anybody the senate you fight for it by getting every vote you can in the face of voter suppression and other anti democratic methods. I dunno what the results will be in Georgia, nobody does, Donald is a wild card in this and he is currently freaking out bigly about more than leaving office or getting beat by Biden.

We will have to see what the future holds in Georgia and the senate, win it and much can be done to exploit the victory, level the playing field and cripple the for profit disinformation that is dividing the country. Mitch and the republicans will suffer no consequences or muted ones largely because of the domestic disinformation system. Now they are spreading the antivaccer message and next it will be qanon or anything else someone pulls out of their asshole including the Russians who seemed to be writing some of their material.

A house divided cannot stand and America won't if it lives in two realities, one true and the other a distortion of the truth and outright lies riding on top of pre existing biases. Blow the dog whistle into a bullhorn and feed them shit is one way of describing it. This is not really a new situation and these people are normal and are operating the same way anybody who is deeply religious does. The religious people these days have to swim through a sea of information to get to their turd of choice. People are conditioned to believe by their families, communities and churches who reinforced it weekly. Even those who "find Jesus" later in life were usually raised with religion as kids or are immersed in a cultural sea of it. Look upon this as a new trick in a very old game, mass delusion is normal and until recently religion was politics.

Part of an infrastructure program could be rural highspeed internet coupled with free basic cable for everybody that carries the major networks and no rightwing free programing. There is a lot of free programming on the right, go to the foxenews webpage and compare it to CNN the auto streaming video at full volume that is difficult to turn down quickly and the deluge of ads and paid content. CNN is interested in revenue generation but fox has a different agenda, Rupert's agenda, power. Imagine if you had a shitty rural internet connection and were viewing either channel. How's rural TV reception for poor folks now that TV has gone digital? How many rural people are getting their news from the internet and don't watch TV anymore, OAN and Newsmax are on there and I believe foxnews streams for free.

also Sinclair owns the local free networks which is why they're so dangerous but the networks fought back by reading their propaganda during off hours of 2-4am when no ones watching.