Homeless in America during COVID-19

Here is the key fact to remember though.
42% approve of the job Trump is doing!
55% Disapprove

Joe has a 13% lead in a head to head poll and covid is only getting worse in the red states, pointless evictions are beginning, there will be millions of vacant apartments and houses and tens of millions of people on the street in the midst of a pandemic. Forced into crowded emergency emergency shelters as winter approaches and a covid epidemic rages, their kids forced to crowded infected schools in order to eat.

This is not how a free people lives, how quickly we forget the meaning of freedom, as we adapt to a "new normal" in the gutter. America sought to build a wall to keep the "other" out, now the rest of the world has built a wall around America to keep Americans in. 42% still approve of the job Trump is doing, perhaps they haven't noticed their peer nations have managed the problem and protected their citizens? They ignored everything else from treason, sexual assault, corruption and nepotism, so what's another fact.

Even now, if Donald just shut up played golf and stayed off twitter he would rise to dangerous levels in the polls very quickly, many would forgive Donald. If he actually did something about covid, he'd be able to steal the election for sure, that's another thing that people who support Trump over look, they support cheating, disenfranchising other Americans and removing their rights.
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America didn't arrive at this place overnight, it took decades. This tracks with my life experience, how about you?
'Evil Geniuses' Looks At 'How Greed Was Unleashed' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Author Kurt Andersen joins Morning Joe to discuss his new book 'Evil Geniuses: The Unmaking of America.'
I’ve been going to venice beach, California for decades now. There has always been a homeless population down there, but in the past few months that population has exploded. Easily 300-400% increase in the amount of tents and homeless camps in the area.

I can only imagine what it’s gonna look like when people start getting evicted en masse.
I understand Alex Jones sells "tactical" wipes for such a purpose or so says John Oliver. They must be popular with Trumpers since they spend a lot of time with their tongues in the vicinity of Donald's asshole. Trump's asshole must be clean as a cat's by now, licked raw I imagine, no wonder it seems so sore and tender lately.

Try something new, buy or steal a van and live in that, MAGA.

that spot's been taken..no money to pay rent? you'll need to steal it.


out of curiosity..anyone notice Trumpy* is going to NJ on the weekend so he can have his rally? because no matter what..HE WILL DO AS HE PLEASES UNTIL SOMEONE STOPS HIM PHYSICALLY..AND NO ONE HAS.
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