Homeless in America during COVID-19

And you are flat out wrong.

All they had to do is give McConnell's buddies companies immunity and he was OK with everything else. Who cares if some companies get away with some bullshit? They're going to anyway.

Did the democrats REALLY care about that?


Did they REALLY care about getting the people the help they needed?


They were more interested in getting THEIR WAY and doing WHAT THEY WANTED that the last thing on earth they gave any consideration to was how badly the people in need were suffering. The suffering masses don't give a damn if some millionaire got away with an illegal contract. They just want the money to pay the rent and put food on the table.

Democrats didn't give a damn. They were and still are too interested in their own political gains to be bothered with what the people in need really want.

They are no better than the Republicans are. They're BOTH to blame.
And you are flat out wrong.
Oh ok, thanks. Very informative.

All they had to do is give McConnell's buddies companies immunity and he was OK with everything else. Who cares if some companies get away with some bullshit? They're going to anyway.
And that is not a good idea, so why would they do that? Do you really think that the language would not have included this shit idea for far longer than just this pandemic?

Did the democrats REALLY care about that?

How can you be so sure?

Did they REALLY care about getting the people the help they needed?

Again, your just talking shit and acting like it is reality.

I have a lot of respect for your opinion, but I strongly disagree about the Democrats all being corporate shills. I don't buy the progressive bullshit either, it goes both ways.

They were more interested in getting THEIR WAY and doing WHAT THEY WANTED that the last thing on earth they gave any consideration to was how badly the people in need were suffering. The suffering masses don't give a damn if some millionaire got away with an illegal contract. They just want the money to pay the rent and put food on the table.
So you are saying that based on what?

2008-2009 this was the same bullshit that the Republicans pulled to tank the economy right before Obama took over. And once he did they pissed and moaned to cut the stimulus package more than half to try to tank Obama's recovery. Then they used it to troll him about how bad the economy was doing, when they nuked it by letting banks collapse.

Those masses btw, might care if they get pushed back to working in restaurants of a bunch of Trump super spread cult and they take it home to their families and have lifelong impacts. That is the problem. Governing takes a longterm understanding, and the Republicans have adopted a economic theory that just simply ignores it.

Democrats didn't give a damn. They were and still are too interested in their own political gains to be bothered with what the people in need really want.
I call bullshit. And can point to the 2 years in each Democratic POTUS since the 70's first term accomplishments as evidence. Hopefully Biden's old ass has been around long enough to understand this and get some big things done if the Democrats win the senate.

They are no better than the Republicans are. They're BOTH to blame.
A lot of money has gone into pushing this lie over the decades. I don't buy it. Unless by blame you mean that the Democrats were too concerned with getting a foot in the door that they didn't see the decades long troll that the Republicans were pulling off on our democracy.
OK. Plain to see you're just as brainwashed as Trumptards are.

If you think all the blame is only on one side, you're insane.
So, in summary, @TacoMac claims that because Democrats wrote and passed a complete Coronavirus relief bill that the Republican Senate won't pass, Democrats are same as Republicans. Also, Taco claims he knows what Democrats are thinking ("REALLY care about that? No", "more interested in getting THEIR WAY").

Then he says people who disagree with him are "brainwashed as Trumptards".

I'd just like to point out that Taco has a long history of passionately pursuing grandiose, baseless and wrong arguments on this forum.
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The reason people are being evicted is simple: landlords don't get unemployment.

They also for the most part don't qualify for bailouts.

So they're stuck with having to maintain occupied living units that they're not being paid for.

It's far cheaper for them to evict the Tennant and shutter the unit.

To most people it's all the "evil landlord's" fault. What they don't understand is that the vast majority of the time the landlords themselves are fighting for survival as well.

It's a deplorable position for everyone. The government could help by freezing property taxes and bank payments, but guess what?

They own the banks and the tax dollars are all they have, so they refuse to do it.

so funny because all the people i know in florida who own property, own the property free and clear they just have to pay taxes.

they must go through the court system or risk being apprehended by florida police.

the only person who can make you move in florida (and colorado) is a judge simply call the police and they'll arrest that landlord.

they aren't allowed to take your front door off or cut utilities.
Nothing matters to the republicans and Donald will most likely veto anything that come across his desk.
The excuse is base names now internet regulation, but the reason is a coup, support him in sedition or the party get's it. He will seek revenge on them before the Georgia run offs and post presidency, Donald is driven by revenge and retribution and they take first and second place in his mind. Donald is addicted to grievance like a junkie is to heroin, he saviors the anticipation of it and fantasizes about it, it's one of the few pleasures he enjoys in life. Like all addictions, attaining the desire seems important, but offers not many rewards per se when finally attained.
Senate Sends Military Bill to Trump’s Desk, Spurning His Veto Threat
The move raised the prospect of a legislative showdown in the president’s final weeks in office on the bill that authorizes pay for the troops.
Senate Sends Military Bill to Trump’s Desk, Spurning His Veto Threat - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

WASHINGTON — The Senate overwhelmingly passed a sweeping military policy bill on Friday that would require that Confederate names be stripped from American military bases, clearing the measure for enactment and sending it to President Trump’s desk in defiance of his threats of a veto.

The 84-13 vote to approve the legislation reflected broad bipartisan support for the measure that authorizes pay for American troops and was intended to signal to Mr. Trump that lawmakers, including many Republicans, were determined to pass the critical bill even if it meant potentially delivering the first veto override of his presidency.

The margin surpassed the two-thirds majority needed in both houses to force enactment of the bill over Mr. Trump’s objections. The House also met that threshold in passing the measure on Tuesday, raising the prospect of a potential veto showdown during Mr. Trump’s final weeks in office.

if the president vetos what was passed in House and Senate, can't they override the veto with a 75% majority or something like that?
States are inanimate and legal fictions. Individual people (Governors) who believe they have more rights than other people "ordered" quarantines. (likely taking their orders from a higher up who has paid them well)

It's any persons right to ignore arbitrary orders from a megalomaniacal despot. Kind of surprised there hasn't been tar and feathers used yet.

Trumpy still has 30 days- anything can happen now.
if the president vetos what was passed in House and Senate, can't they override the veto with a 75% majority or something like that?
Sure they can and that was the message they sent, don't even try, but Donald is deaf, it will go back for a vote and be law anyway, but it takes time and Donald might try to appeal it to the courts! :lol: He has no clue how things work and won't listen to those who know.
They can give him the money, but he can just sit on it and not spend a dime. What do you think he will do?
That budget goes well beyond Trump's term, so as soon as Biden steps in, the funds will be cut loose. But it would be just like Trump to withhold funds from the military -- even if just for his last few weeks -- in order to satisfy a private grudge.
Anyone notice the republicons demanding the Federal Reserve stop it's artificial inflation of the stock market through the legally grey process of injecting hidden money into international companies.

Stock market corrects and crashes at the beginning of Joe's term. Cons scream he did it. Yet it has been perpetuated by them and questionably sustained for political gains at our expense.

Wake up people.
One more before I avoid this thread.

Local news channel just identified a local homeless encampment in the name of human interest. Right wing propaganda channel has a history of camps reported on being leveled within 30 days. More insults for ratings and brownie points from authorities. Should be liable for damages, stress and duress incurred as result of the companies profiteering.

Turn off the TV.
Anyone notice the republicons demanding the Federal Reserve stop it's artificial inflation of the stock market through the legally grey process of injecting hidden money into international companies.

Stock market corrects and crashes at the beginning of Joe's term. Cons scream he did it. Yet it has been perpetuated by them and questionably sustained for political gains at our expense.

Wake up people.
Nobody gives a fuck about the stock market, it means little to the real economy which is on the rocks. Pension plans will get hurt though, but a lot of people are gonna be hurting, join the crowd. If they have a 2008 bank fuck up, Joe will nationalize the banks, break them up and sell them off for a profit and keep the cash for Uncle Sam, investors will get shit. About 60% of the top 10%s wealth is in those banks and if they lock up this time it will be game over. I won't matter if Mitch is running the senate either, nobody gets a dime unless Uncle Sam owns them lock stock and barrel. They can just go bankrupt if Mitch wants to fuck around and protect the rich, then Uncle Sam can pick up the pieces and sell them off and the administration keeps the cash, not Mitch.

Everybody will feel the pain, the top 10% the most, even those with brokerage accounts will be hammered into dust.
One more before I avoid this thread.

Local news channel just identified a local homeless encampment in the name of human interest. Right wing propaganda channel has a history of camps reported on being leveled within 30 days. More insults for ratings and brownie points from authorities. Should be liable for damages, stress and duress incurred as result of the companies profiteering.

Turn off the TV.
If the states don't get some cash soon those cops will be in that homeless camp themselves and be in food lines along with military people in uniform to make a point. Trump's base won't care, most of them will be in food lines too, but they are willing to die for Donald, some will be in bread lines because they sent him their last dime to "stop the steal". Suckers and losers, he wasn't talking about the troops as much as his own base, imagine how much contempt he has for his marks, all conmen do.
Nobody gives a fuck about the stock market, it means little to the real economy which is on the rocks. Pension plans will get hurt though, but a lot of people are gonna be hurting, join the crowd. If they have a 2008 bank fuck up, Joe will nationalize the banks, break them up and sell them off for a profit and keep the cash for Uncle Sam, investors will get shit. About 60% of the top 10%s wealth is in those banks and if they lock up this time it will be game over. I won't matter if Mitch is running the senate either, nobody gets a dime unless Uncle Sam owns them lock stock and barrel. They can just go bankrupt if Mitch wants to fuck around and protect the rich, then Uncle Sam can pick up the pieces and sell them off and the administration keeps the cash, not Mitch.

Everybody will feel the pain, the top 10% the most, even those with brokerage accounts will be hammered into dust.
Nor do I. Except a crash of this magnitude would plummet us into something far worse than the Great Recession. The implications are beyond scary considering the ignorance and lack of basic survival skills on top of the credit driven economy. As well as an excuse to bring martial law. Market crashes. It all crashes. Wish it was just the crooks who feel it. Open your mind and learn the real trickle down economy of Reagan. We get peed on. Just the negative from rich. Never a share of the good.
If the states don't get some cash soon those cops will be in that homeless camp themselves and be in food lines along with military people in uniform to make a point. Trump's base won't care, most of them will be in food lines too, but they are willing to die for Donald, some will be in bread lines because they sent him their last dime to "stop the steal". Suckers and losers, he wasn't talking about the troops as much as his own base, imagine how much contempt he has for his marks, all conmen do.
Local government, county and cities are locking police budgets in. Preparing. Mc Moscow and the cons are going to burn it all down and blame dems. 2 santa clause model taken to insanity. I say "Lock em all up!"
Nor do I. Except a crash of this magnitude would plummet us into something far worse than the Great Recession. The implications are beyond scary considering the ignorance and lack of basic survival skills on top of the credit driven economy. As well as an excuse to bring martial law. Market crashes. It all crashes. Wish it was just the crooks who feel it. Open your mind and learn the real trickle down economy of Reagan. We get peed on. Just the negative from rich. Never a share of the good.
The stock market has been disconnected from the real economy for awhile now and they don't pay much in taxes. Joe's people will get the banking and credit cards working again real quick. If you had a million bucks in your local checking account you would be as poor as everybody else unless you had cash in your mattress.
In the middle of a massive cyber attack by Russia BTW! Are the Troops gonna be in breadlines too with orders from the POTUS no to wear their uniforms because it makes him look bad and he's sitting on the cash? Support the coup Mitch or Donald will destroy you, the base worships him Mitch and next year you will be giving Qanon speeches in the senate as will most republicans.
Trump searches for new excuse to reject funding for the military (msnbc.com)

Trump searches for new excuse to reject funding for the military
Trump continues to look for excuses to veto the bill that funds the military. It's really not going well.

Donald Trump presided over the coin toss before the Army-Navy football game over the weekend, standing alongside cadets and midshipmen at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York. By all appearances, the president, seemingly eager to associate himself with those in uniform, neglected to mention how eager he is to veto funding for the military.

A week ago today, the White House's Office of Management and Budget formally notified lawmakers of Trump's intention to veto the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) -- a massive, annual defense spending bill that funds the military and guides Pentagon policy. Hours later, the House passed the package anyway, 335 to 78.

A few days later, the Senate followed suit, approving the NDAA, 84 to 13, and sending the bipartisan bill to the White House.

As Vox explained yesterday, the president has come up with a new excuse to reject the legislation.

First, President Donald Trump threatened to veto the annual defense bill because lawmakers wanted the names of Confederate generals removed from US Army bases. Then, he said he'd torpedo the bipartisan legislation unless it repealed an internet free-speech law, allowing him to spew conspiracy theories on the internet unchallenged. And on Sunday, he pledged to block the bill because it's not tough enough on China, despite it having what one Democratic Congressional aide described to me as "the strongest provisions ever to address the rising power."
Rep. Jason Crow (D-Colo.), a House Armed Services Committee member and former Army Ranger, told Vox, in reference to the president's latest nonsense, "I don't think Donald Trump knows what he's talking about."

It is, alas, a quote with broad applicability.

So, what does Trump do now, after backing himself into a corner for no reason and with no easy way out? Circling back to our earlier coverage, there are basically three ways forward:

1. Trump may back down and look weak in the last legislative fight of his presidency.

2. Trump may veto, leading Congress to override him for the first time in his presidency.

3. Trump may veto, leading to a failed override vote in Congress, at which point things will get even messier.

Roll Call added yesterday the president has until Dec. 23 to make a decision. The article added, "If Congress were to adjourn during the 10 days, the bill could get scuttled in a so-called pocket veto, but Congress is expected to take procedural steps to avoid that scenario."