Sept. 6, 2021 - Homeless & Unemployed in America with Delta

So your saying this isn’t an echo chamber ? You can’t be that blind

"Echo chamber" is a meritless catchphrase that people use to dismiss something without having to discuss. It implies that something is either true or false depending on how often it's repeated, which of course has nothing to do with whether or not something is true. Everyone here can talk about my ten inch cock nonstop day and night for a decade, but that's not going to make it ten inches.
So your saying this isn’t an echo chamber ? You can’t be that blind
lmao, what is a 'echo chamber' in your mind?

I see a lot of trolls coming through here regurgitating the right wing talking points on a daily basis, and a handful of people trolling them, and a few people putting out actual information about why it is bullshit.

And as for me, who is the only person I speak for, I am not parroting anyone.

A lot of the population are now vaccinated but numbers are still up with covid- Theres more deaths this year than this time last year.
oh u bugger lol.

What im saying is if the vaccination was working then numbers shud be going down. Have u had the vaccination?
How many people are unvaccinated? Is that a number that is bigger or smaller than the number of people sick last year when the virus was still in it's beginning of working it's way through our society?

That is why the vaccine (which is working) is not stopping people who are unvaccinated from getting sick and increasing the numbers far more than they should be.

It is not that hard to understand unless you really don't want to.

Common sense escapes these boys
Because you say so?
An echo chamber is where a bunch of thoughtless morons sit around and post links from the Washington post and CNN and circle jerk each other as if what they are posting is 100% fact, ie rollitup politics section ha
Not CNN ;) lol
An echo chamber is where a bunch of thoughtless morons sit around and post links from the Washington post and CNN and circle jerk each other as if what they are posting is 100% fact, ie rollitup politics section ha
Got to love how you right wing trolls stick to the company line regardless of how obviously full of shit you are. It would be funny if it wasn't shown time and again to also be the same propaganda line that foreign militaries have been attacking our citizens with nonstop.

It must suck to know deep down you are selling out your fellow countrymen and women (assuming you are not another in the endless line of paid foreign trolls that is).
i wonder whatever happened to standing beside us through this pandemic..with all of these services (certain states not accepting Federal money) gone millions unemployed; millions on the street?

America..this is not a good look.

it doesn't appear they're going to be doing anything though rumor has it they will. rumor is from someone at state but again, it's only a rumor.

besides Delta out; mu in (sorry i don't have the right keyboard).
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the tech revolution + the pandemic changed's been proven remote working leaves less carbon footprint and employers save on expensive rent.

get with the program mr. business owner, they're not coming back- YOU need to adapt to THEM..everyone else your used to? are retiring now.
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Fuck January 6th, 2021, that was only a date that will be taught in future History classes and probably be known as the "Day of the Trump Insurrection"
"Oh my, what a horrible day that was"
"Oh yea, it did suck, didn't it?"
It really means nothing actually, it will prove to be insignificant in relationship with September 6th, 2021 which is much, much more significant,
That is the day that the Federal unemployment program, the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), which extended how long workers can receive benefits ends & over 7.5 million Americans whose state unemployment benifits had expired & ended already, are on their fucking own.
But it gets better.
Coupled with that loss of income, the SCROTUS's decision made on Thursday voiding/nullifying the CDC's moratorium on evictions gives the green light to landlords & Sheriffs departments to start tossing almost 4 fucking million people into the streets, but not just any street, COVID-19/Delta virus infected streets.
This at a time when a mulitude of states are/have runout of ICU beds and seen spikes in cases in the last 2 weeks not seen since January.
California Hospital Beds Are Running Out As Covid Rises (
And everyone, every single entity dealing with the Virus agrees that it will, not possibly or maybe, but it will definitely get worse by December, with no end in sight until everyone is vaccinated (shoot the unvaccinated?/works for me :) )
And what has this Congress & this President done to prevent this from occuring/happening right now in front of our eyes.
From what I can see, NOT A FUCKING THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you know where Congress is now?
ON FUCKING VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THEM?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're the greatest/A#1/most Fabulous Nation on Earth?
WE FUCKING SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dispute it
You know what I keep thinking?
That this is all Trump's fault & that if he wasn't born/elected this wouldn't be happening.
But, that not true.
We were like this all along, but now COVID-19 has smashed us in the face with the reality of the consequences of our selfishness & arrogance & greed.
Old saying
"Reality Sucks"
Yes, it does it seems, doesn't it?

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Well said and coming from a man who had a life/death battle w/covid,main thing on my mind is what kind of variant these non believers will spawn next and probably just in time to coincide with indoor winter season approaching, the way this whole thing has gone down inspires nothing but pessimism and dark thoughts in my thinking, damn,what's next now? ccguns
Well, that day has finally arrived.
The 1st (or the 2nd, the Virus being #1?) drop of rain before the storm in a way, has falling.
Millions in U.S. lose jobless benefits as federal aid expires, thrusting families and economy onto uncertain path | The Seattle Times
I'm just going to take a few excerpts from this article that really stand out to me.

More than 7 million out-of-work people across the United States are set to lose all of their jobless benefits this week as three federal programs expire on Monday, in what several experts described as one of the largest and most abrupt ends to government aid in U.S. history.

In addition to the more than 7 million people who will lose all their benefits, nearly 3 million more people will lose a $300 weekly boost to their state unemployment benefits.

The cessation of this jobless aid, first put in place by Congress nearly 18 months ago, could upend the lives of millions of Americans still struggling to find work at a time when the pandemic’s delta variant is wreaking fresh havoc across a number of states. It could also lead to a sharp pullback in spending, particularly in certain areas of the country, impacting a wide range of restaurants and other businesses that rely on consumer dollars.

“I don’t understand how anyone in Washington cannot know normal people, their friends, families, cousins who are going through this,” said Kathleen Fox, a producer in New York whose past work has been recognized with a prestigious Peabody Award but who has struggled to find work after the pandemic upended her industry. “The (Biden) administration has lost interest in this cause and they’ve moved on to other things.”

Now there is heightened anxiety, even within the White House, that pulling so many people off government support so abruptly could push millions of people into poverty and cut off access to food or nutrition for people caught on the wrong side of this uneven economy.

“I’m predicting a silent type of pain,” said Andrew Stettner, a senior fellow at the Century Foundation think tank and an expert on unemployment insurance, who has estimated that some 7.5 million people will be cut off from aid on the programs’ expiration date. “If past periods have been an indicator, many will be caught in a spiral that will lead to a downward quality of life.”

The programs initially boosted jobless benefits by $600 a week before Congress lowered the amount to $300 a week. They also expanded the pool of workers eligible for government aid and increased the number of weeks workers could draw on unemployment insurance. But this assistance has also emerged as a divisive flash point in a political debate over whether government assistance discourages people from returning to work.

Republicans and numerous business groups have argued the extra benefits were contributing to a labor shortage and slowing the economic recovery, alleging it had become too lucrative for people to stay home rather than get a job. They have called for investigations of fraud in the programs, alleging hundreds of billions of dollars in unemployment aid may have been stolen.

Over the summer, 26 Republican run states announced they would end these benefits early, providing a glimpse of what millions of other Americans will now face. Since then, economists have studied data on job gains and spending to see how local economies have reacted to the withdrawal of benefits amid a pandemic, and to determine whether the extra aid was holding back job growth.

Their conclusions are ominous: one study found that for every eight workers who lost benefits, just one managed to find a new job, and found a dramatic reduction in spending, suggesting the people who lost benefits were left in a precarious financial situation.

"Their conclusions are ominous"
Really, ominous?
That's it?
How about catastrophic?

I think that word is much more appropriate, as is this photo from the past (precursor?)


Fucking ineptitude

These are our leaders, elected REPRESENTATIVES of WHAT WE REALLY ARE, a boatload of idiots with a vote in choosing a path for our fucked up society/nation that is about to get a whole lot worse.
That, according to data/projections, is pretty much a guarantee.
It fucking has too, just do the math.
We have no money left to pay for extended benefits or anything for that matter (wait until the bill comes in for the hurricanes)

As of August 2, 2021, the U.S. Treasury’s official figure for the debt of the federal government is $28.4 trillion—or more precisely—$28,427,698,645,832.
This amounts to:

$85,476 for every person living in the U.S.[7]
$221,312 for every household in the U.S.[8]
130% of annual U.S. economic output (GDP).[9]
7.8 times annual federal revenues.[10]
68% more than the combined consumer debt of every household in the U.S.[11]

We are in so much debt now, at this moment, that it's mind-boggling
Pay for infrastructure?
Ha Ha Ha!!!
Who's going to lend us the money?
The fucking Chinese!!!!
Oh, this is good & it keeps on getting better & better every fucking day. :)
Sure, the stock market is doing well.
Who really gives a flying fuck, only a small portion really make any money off it.
Most people don't have the money to buy any stock, little things like rent/food/childcare/medicine/medical bills, etc., seem to get in the way

Why should things change now?

They won't/can't

We're fuckups, it's innate

Except for me

I'm coool :)

Wear a mask/get jabbed/donate to the Homeless, NOW!!!

Tune time :)

This is good

But, this is better :)

and I just like this
