Sept. 6, 2021 - Homeless & Unemployed in America with Delta

A lot of the population are now vaccinated but numbers are still up with covid- Theres more deaths this year than this time last year.
You guys think anyone who dosent subscribe to your cult rhetoric is a asshole or racist piece of shit, most people see how brainwashed you guys are ;)
No, not true at all.
There are more than a few attendees to this forum that I don't see eye to eye with on some subjects, @Rob Roy comes to mind, but I don't think he's an asshole.
I actually find him entertaining :)
But you sir, are an asshole.
I can sense it & when I read your nonsensical bantering with my eyes, it simply becomes more evident.
Hopefully it's not too late.
You still can change with some luck, and make life less miserable for yourself & those around you.
Make an effort
You can do it (repeat this for 15 minutes to start with)
I am not an asshole/I am not an asshole/I am not an asshole/etc., etc.,etc
Try it
It worked for me