Too much about me!


I don't see a newbie section for medical users so I must assume it goes here… A little about myself… I grew up about 30 miles south of LA in the Covina/west Covina area… I am 66 years old now with a very bad back… I grew up in the 60's and the only pot I could get was from Mexico… $10.oo an ounce, that was half stems and seeds… The other half was leaf and some crushed up bud… Every now and then some Thai stick would come through town for $20.oo and that was a real treat… I started smoking pot at 13 about twice a week… I got off into other drugs like LSD, uppers, downers… I even sniffed glue a few times… I was pretty stupid back then… I got arrested at age sixteen for selling uppers and downers… I was under age so I got a hand slap for that… I told my parents that if I were to get away from drugs, I would have to get away from my friends, so we ended up moving 30 miles north of LA in Thousands oaks… In my senior year at 18 I get arrested for 43 marijuana seeds, that were in-bedded in the carpet of a 56 Chevy I was sitting shotgun in. This one cost me a $250.00 fine, 2 1/2 years informal probation and that cost my parents $2,500.oo in lawyer fee's… Once again I tell my parents, if I am to get away from drugs, I will have to drop out of school and get away from my friends… They agreed but said I would have to get a job and pay them back for the lawyer… So that’s what I do… I get a job with a landscaper digging holes and ditches… I would come home so tired and dirty that I would pass out on the floor because I'd be to wiped out to take a shower… My dad said if I was going to work like a man I could drink beer… I stayed away from the drugs but I started bar hopping… At 19 I got drafted and got sent to North Carolina… I hated the army… I felt like I was kidnaped by the army and put into a job that wasn't needed, so I felt useless… My MOS was truck driver and I would have to go to the motor pool everyday to check the oil and tire pressure on trucks that never left the motor pool… It was a little mind numbing and everybody in my barracks smoked pot so when in Rome… The time I spend in the army was the first time I went a long stretch without ever coming down… I stayed high for 2 years… After the army I tried to quit again… It was a hit and miss effort for the next 10 years…At age 24 I move to Sacramento and met my wife.. Her brother-in-law introduced me to Colombia… At the age of 33, I start getting anxiety attacks about every 3rd time I smoke pot, so I finally quit… I didn't know anything about sativa and indica back then… I finally quit drinking at the age of forty because I started getting acid reflux with it… After smoking cigarettes for 35 years, and trying to quit for about 20 years, I finally make it and quit… By the time I was 60 I had a back operation that didn't work and I am pretty much chair bound… I can stand or walk for about 10 minutes but that’s about it… After 27 years of not smoking pot, I keep seeing on the news all the help these people are getting with it… A friend comes over and says is it ok for me to smoke this here? I say sure, in the bathroom and follow him in there to take a hit… I can't see where it helped at all… I didn't want to give up that easy so I went down and got my medical license went straight to a dispensary and got a gram each of 4 different strains and nothing… So I go back and try 4 more strains and nothing… By now I am pretty discouraged… My brother- in-law comes over to my home with Granddaddy purple and wants me to try it. So he finally talks me into doing a one hit test, which I do… about 45 minutes later I realize I had been standing in the kitchen for about 45 minutes and was unaware of my back pain… That was about 6 years ago and I haven't been down since… It's not like it's this almighty painkiller… What it does for me, is allow me to get my mind off my back and onto other things… To take me from the oh woe with me stage, to the C'est la vie stage… My problem now is I have been smoking buds out of a small pipe for 6 years and have one really, really bad cough… I've ordered a dry herb bong from China but that’s about 4 weeks out before it arrives… So that’s my story guys… Sorry it's so long…


Welcome to RIU! I was also in the Army. Although I joined willingly and enjoyed it. I was a Tanker. But anyways Happy to see you here brother!
Thanks for the welcome!
I know a lot of people who got a lot of good out of the army… I'm am not one of them… It's one thing to plan your future, pick your own MOS, go overseas and have an adventure… But I was kidnaped by our government and told where I was going, and had no choice in picking a MOS… During basic training I went from 165lb. down to 135lb. I couldn't get enough to eat… They put a drug in our food to keep us from getting horny and I'm pretty sure it made me sterol… The only good thing that I got out of it, was I learned I was a natural with a M16… Kind of ironic…Back then I was the true definition of a pacifist, and the only thing that ever came natural to me was I could not miss with this rifle… I'm old now and all that seems like it was forever ago and happened to someone else … I'm not the pacifist I use to be… I have God now and believe war is just another part of man's nature… Man has warred with the man next door every since we were in caves… It's in our DNA… If all those people, who have died on the battlefield, had not! The world would be so overpopulated, and it could not support itself… If there is a God and we are all eternal, then war is just a flea on the back of eternity and matters not…
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Well-Known Member
I agree brother. Couldn't have worded your last part better. So did you Join RIU for help growing or some other reason? Also they took the Salt Peter out of the foods recently. I hear now they shoot em with a shot of estrogen at reception instead. And it was something about the Salt Peter causing issues later down the road with both sterilization and ED


I agree brother. Couldn't have worded your last part better. So did you Join RIU for help growing or some other reason? Also they took the Salt Peter out of the foods recently. I hear now they shoot em with a shot of estrogen at reception instead. And it was something about the Salt Peter causing issues later down the road with both sterilization and ED
{So did you Join RIU for help growing or some other reason?}
No I don't need to grow! Been there done that... It's too much money and too much work for me.. I have a really bad cough and I have to make some changes and I not willing to give up my medicine... I can't seem to eat it without upsetting my stomach... I have a bong coming and I hoping this will help... I don't want to spend a lot money to get a vaporizer without more info... My grower gave me a glass pipe with some sort of concentrate and you heat this rod with a torch and shove it into the bowl... I thought I was going to blow a lung out... He also makes suppositories, but I can't go there... I am old school smoker and wondering if there is an easier way for the lungs that I am not seeing... It's important to me that it have a lot of body... The cerebral is not as important to me... Right now I can't seem to get enough body from my smoke and I don't know if that's because my tolerance is so high or if I am not getting a strong enough indica... So I guess I am here is to find out if anybody else is have this problem and or found a way around it?


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately friend, I'm not sure how to answer that well. I'll leave this to better equipped people. Sorry I can't help but still welcome to RIU! Keep on tokin!


Well-Known Member
Vaping is the way to go. You can control the hits better than doing dabs and there's no combustion. As far as the stone you're looking for just try some different strains. I personally hate the fuck out if granddaddy purp. If you're looking for a hard body stone can't go wrong with a good OG Kush.


Well-Known Member
As far as vape brands go with the V2 pro series 7.its very reasonably priced. If you're willing to get the best then it's a volcano or nothing.

Hooah brother.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU Sattva. I recommend getting a vaporizer. So much better for you and the taste from it is so amazing. Go for the pocket vap called Mighty. Best vap out there


I actually tried vaping about 5 years ago and I was having a hard time getting into it... It looks like I'm going to have to give it a shot again... Thanks for the help guys...


Well-Known Member
High Sattva and welcome to RIU!

I'm closing in on 63 and except for the army and bad back our stories are damn near the same.

Born in Vancouver, BC and raised next door in Richmond I started with pot at 13 when a lid of Mexican brick pot was $10 and half of it was seeds and stems. :) Did all the drugs and was really into acid for about 4 years. Played with the big ones like H and speed but never got a habit. In the late 70s I was driving cab in Calgary, AB and coke was king. Did a lot of that but could take it or leave it too. Hooked on the booze tho from age 13 or 14 tho. You already know what that's all about. Alcoholic gastritis was my way out. :)

Grew my first buds in '78 and been off and on until I moved here to northern Alberta with 6 hash plant clones in 2001 and haven't had a day without some plants in the house. I love my sativa dominants for depression and tiny hits in a pipe are how I use that. For my arthritis I find edibles to be most effective. A good dose a couple hours before bed and I get a great night's sleep with greatly reduced joint pain the whole of the next day. The best pot I've found for the joints is a 2:1 CBD:THC strain called Sweet Skunk CBD. It's on the sativa side and really helped with the depression too. If I were you I'd try to get the same ratio but in an indica leaning strain.

I've tried vaping but it burns my throat and I end up using more pot to get to the same place as I do with the pipe. I got the COPD thing going on thanks to tobacco but the wife and I are working on quitting soon. I've already had a small stoke and my right lung collapsed twice so I think it's time to cry Uncle.

For edibles I make what I call cocobudder. I heat the pot in coconut oil with no water up to around 260F so it decarbs right in the oil and nothing is lost. After that I let it cool to below 212 and add about 10% sunflower lecithin as it's supposed to make the cannabinoids easier to absorb. Then I just eat it off a spoon or drizzle it onto a cookie or something if it's warm enough to be liquid. If not it spreads like butter, and melts at 76F.

Smashed up my Bonnie chopper in '83 and got a compression fracture of the L1 and a couple blown disks so the back is pretty achy at times but hasn't been any real impediment to my life thank Jah.

Good luck finding what strain works best for you!


sandhill larry

Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU. I'm 10 years your junior, but started smoking at 13, did a tour in the Navy and have a bad back. Mine has not been cut on, and hopefully never will. I joined the Navy at 19 as college and my love life crashed and burned around me. I liked it alright, but they didn't care for my smoking, so I got out after 3 years.

I never had a drinking problem per say, but I had to give it up about 25 years ago due to a kidney that wasn't hitting on all eight cylinders. {too many mushrooms long long ago} Never got the hang of cigs, but did smoke cigars for a few years.

As for that cough, edibles is the way to go. Decarb some weed {2 1/2 hours in the oven at 210F}, then cook it down with coconut oil in a crockpot for a few hours. Take it with a smoothie or bake with it or whatever you decide. High lasts a long time, and can be overpowering if you take too much, so start small. I recently did 3 ounces of last year's trim and popcorn into 16 ounces of oil. It's strong enough 2 Tbs in a cake mix is enough for me.

Good luck. And if that back feels like, you should grow you a plant or two. Great stress relief.
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sandhill larry

Well-Known Member
. . . . . .

Grew my first buds in '78 and been off and on until I moved here to northern Alberta with 6 hash plant clones in 2001 and haven't had a day without some plants in the house. I love my sativa dominants for depression and tiny hits in a pipe are how I use that. For my arthritis I find edibles to be most effective. A good dose a couple hours before bed and I get a great night's sleep with greatly reduced joint pain the whole of the next day. The best pot I've found for the joints is a 2:1 CBD:THC strain called Sweet Skunk CBD.

. . . . . . .

Thanks for that info. I'm a hiker and hand, hip and feet pain are a everyday part of my life. Is that a clone only strain, or is there seeds floating around?