Too much light?????????


Well-Known Member
im growing one plant under 41,000 lumens this is my first grow is that too much light.

I never heard that you can have too much light i was just checking.


Well-Known Member
not to much as long as your temps are good.... my opinion is you can't have to much i think the sun puts out like over 100,000 sooooooooooo... and yes i love fat girls too


Well-Known Member
I heard one plant needs about 5,000 anyone if thats true???
amount of plants is insignificant it's square feet not per plant if you have 5,000 psf. you should be ok... so if you can fit more in your room go for it as long as you have more than 5,000 psf


Well-Known Member
I heard one plant needs about 5,000 anyone if thats true???
That would depend on which stage you are in. Actually the highest lumen stage would be in the flowering period. During the flowering period 10,000 lumens is the minimal requirement.


Well-Known Member
i have a t5 in a room about that big and its great for clones
'and mothers

but im still debating how big to make my flower room,,, 4x6? or 5x5? or 5x7? im gonna do 8-10 2ft plants.. any help would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
i use a 5x5 room to hold 9 plants with a 600watt hps.. the plants are spaced out and they are likr 4 ft tall so you should be good with a 5x5 with 10 at 2 ft tall