Too much nites and cal/mag deficiency?? Help


Well-Known Member
This is my buddies plant I gave him while back. Had too many in yard. Barney’s tangerine dream. I have same plants (clones) with no real issues. Not sure exactly what soil he re potted in. He is using basic fox farm grow big and tiger bloom. City water ph’ed to 6.5 ish. I’m using plain old Jacks 10-30-20 weak solution now almost every watering with no problems. I believe he overthinks everything. I know he sprayed some organic spray for caterpillars week or so ago. Suggested he does not spray. Just pick them off and check daily. They don’t eat much.
Tidewater Virginia. Been hot and dry until recently.


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The lite feeding more often is my plants. And they are perfect. 3 or 4 slight tip burns on 6 foot plants and some older fans starting to yellow some. I’m happy with them. If only I had better sunlight in my yard.
Sick ones are my plants sister that I gave my buddy. He is using FF and I think he’s too strong. I told him no more food for a few waterings. Expected rain for couple days expected. Might help him out??
Hot rod and budzbuddha Thanks.
I was somewhat thinking calcium deficiency after too much nutes. Some good natural rain coming I hope. Needed here.

In your opinions. ?? Water it good with good water or Mother Nature will take care of It. Let soil dry out pretty good and maybe some lite cal/mag then. Then lite ferts in week or two. Then pray for half ass weather in tidewater for next month. The potential for bud rot is terrible here shortly. moist and cold. Been there done that. Special measures have to be taken. Pain in the ass. Outdoor grows in Va beach are a pain.
I would water to significant runoff, to wash some salts out.. Then restart nutes at lower levels..
He better hurry up and do this. Dry as can be now.
He’s scared. First time grow in years. Outdoor is a pain in the butt here.
It’s freaking weed.
If you don’t like making sure you grow half ass stuff. Then buy it online or from the clinics or the pop-ups that occur here in the state of Virginia. Holy shit. This stuff is way over thought by people. Including myself. I live in a glass house and can’t throw a stone. Or should not.