Toolage 87's Indoor Grow Garden

kevin murphy said:
sweet update bro..
Thanks. I am happy things are back on track. I know that I need to get one of othse battery backup units because the power went out here 2 or 3 times during the night for about 1 min to 2 mins each time and the last thing I wanna have happen is my air pumps and water pump not going and lost plants in the cloner and in the DWC systems after the hard work I had to do.

kevin murphy said:
looking forward to ya 2012 grow mate
Good to hear. I might make a thread just for the 2012 grow while keeping this one going to. The same updates that happen in the 2012 will happen here but its gonna be like that for a reason once you see it happening.
Hey all. Well I have some pretty awsome news. The cuttings my friend gave me to root for him I took a look and so far 4 out of 10 has rooted so that is a 40% root rate so far.
----- December 19th, 2011 Update -----

Hey all. Well tonight I got a little energy before it was bed time so I turned around and did a little work on my grow area. Its still not completed but its a little better for the setup so I don't have a hard time reaching stuff in the clone area and the plugs for it.

toolage-87-355602-albums-indoor-garden-picture1943279-01-december-19th-2011.jpg toolage-87-355602-albums-indoor-garden-picture1943278-02-december-19th-2011.jpg