Top 3 Most Bestest Attributes

How did I miss THIS?? I was drooling over Singlemalt. Now SM has a run for the money. What's the top dish?

Creamed wild rice, then sautéed spinach, then pork tenderloin, then…. what is that? deep fried ________???

Then dessert: I see fruit (obvi) plums? berries? and a vanilla bean custard w/ a coconut sorbet on top??
Actually a pine nut rissotto, yes spinach, braised Kurobota pork belly, and fried leeks on top, with carmelizd grapes around for garnish.

The parfait is mixed berries with a vanilla bean panacotta and a raspberry semi fredo

Actually a pine nut rissotto, yes spinach, braised Kurobota pork belly, and fried leeks on top, with carmelizd grapes around for garnish.

The parfait is mixed berries with a vanilla bean panacotta and a raspberry semi fredo

Hmmm, damn... It's a lot easier to think of my 3 worst attributes. I'll come back when I think of something good about me. Aka, I won't be back.
ok ill move on to suxxx ,i mean skuxx you are about a nosey mofo . you dont know me , you dont kno me kno what im sayen
seriously im wayyy fked up on tabs tweaked the ole knee today
#1 - dont make the ole lady lay in the wet spot . im a gentleman
#2 - i almost always flush the toilet , unless im proud of the poop i just made , then i share .
#3 - i give away a shit load of food out of my garden . peas , greenbeans tomatoes , potatos, squash , okra , mellons , ect ect