top leaves curling/dropping


Active Member
Hello rollitup community..i really need your guys' help right growing two clones in my closet one g-13 and one Casey Jones, the plants have been doing awesome until a couple days ago the g-13 started having this curling/ dropping of the top leaves.. the plant has been in flowering for 2 and half weeks. potted in ocean forest soil and using tiger bloom BY ITSELf..the wierd thing is that rest of the g-13 plant is looking awesome..only the top is showing these signs. the Casey Jones is not showing the same symptoms.

Here are some pics of the problem

I also have another thread that has been tracking my plants check it out for the exact grow setup maybe it will help reveal the problem



Active Member
i dunno that picture is deceiving its in an enclosed area with 7 cfls let me post you the pic of the set up...

NOTE: this area is enclosed with two boards so its not open as pictured during grow time


Active Member
i do only have one fan in the area and its an intake fan no exhaust...the warm escapes through a small hole up top..does this look like a stale air issue?


Active Member
Your lights are too far away from the plants. They should be 1-3" away. I get mine as close as possible.


Well-Known Member
sorry guys but my plan is recently doing the same thing it , no idea if its the lack of CFL but i guess it is since the plan is ondulating stem
Hello fellow stoner it does look like the light is to far from the plant how much are u feeding the plant and what are u using to feed Coz if u don't feed the right amount of nutes then by the time the nuts have reached the middle of the plant there's not enough getting to the top


Active Member
Hello fellow stoner it does look like the light is to far from the plant how much are u feeding the plant and what are u using to feed Coz if u don't feed the right amount of nutes then by the time the nuts have reached the middle of the plant there's not enough getting to the top
The lights of all things? this was the last thing that i thought was causing this problem...none of the lights can be any closer without burning the plant...i feed with fox farm tiger bloom at half strength ever other watering


Active Member
ive had plants do the some when it stops drinking so much water let your soil dry out a bit its possible your over watering your plants according to the growers bible you need some dry periods give it a shot


Active Member
another thing ijust seen is your plants look to turning a bit dark geen and blueish that is from an overdose in nutes its kool it happends flush your plants and then let them go through a dry cycle change up your watering cycle hope this helps


Active Member
alright cool thanks alot im really trying to solve this problem i dont want my hard work to be wasted..ill let it dry out today and see what happens


Active Member
alright cool thanks alot im really trying to solve this problem i dont want my hard work to be wasted..ill let it dry out today and see what happens
ill also add another cfl or two i just dont think i can get em any closer with out that i think about the plants are much bigger than shown in the pic


Active Member
The lights of all things? this was the last thing that i thought was causing this problem...none of the lights can be any closer without burning the plant...i feed with fox farm tiger bloom at half strength ever other watering
I have bulbs that are .25" off of some of my plants without any burning or bleaching.


Active Member
i just added one cfl right about the top cola where im seeing these curling leaves..hopefully ill see some type of improvement, havnt seen any yet..


Active Member
alright man thanks for keeping it positive these are some times of great concern, hopefully resulting in triumph.


Well-Known Member
The growth that has already been affected will remain the same. Keep an eye on the new growth, it will indicate how things are going.


Active Member
ok ill keep an eye out for any hasnt gotten any worse yet i guess we will see today..and will these affected leaves never return back to normal?