Topdawg Genetics

I here the copper chem is nice . Never ran it . Might get a pack and run it . Im under the impression it is chem4* Stardawg. Is that right on . All I can say is gu was there when it was hard for.people to.get topdawg . I always been a fan.of original genetics from the original breeder example.. Black widow mango haze mr nice . Blue berry dj short . I give gu this he got the copper and no other breeder has it in there arsinal . If topdawg drops chem4*onycd then there is some compatition. I have onycd males who is willing to lead the right chem 4 . I know its in oregon and Washington state .
If I was in oregon or Colorado and had options to get all these cuts id breed too and most likely make crosses nobody else has . These days its hard because just about everything has been made . Still there is still many than can be . Using topdawg gear to make seeds well that will guarantee fire and everyone uses it but still there is alot of other options . I run topdawg Stardawg crosses not just out of respect because I know that in those I will get exactly what im looking for . In my area not too many know of topdawg and if they do are too cheap for quality genetics on top of that dont know how to find a good pheno because it is all about selection . I cant stress that enough . Most my seed stock is original exept some freebees and some of those are too .
I here the copper chem is nice . Never ran it . Might get a pack and run it . Im under the impression it is chem4* Stardawg. Is that right on . All I can say is gu was there when it was hard for.people to.get topdawg . I always been a fan.of original genetics from the original breeder example.. Black widow mango haze mr nice . Blue berry dj short . I give gu this he got the copper and no other breeder has it in there arsinal . If topdawg drops chem4*onycd then there is some compatition. I have onycd males who is willing to lead the right chem 4 . I know its in oregon and Washington state .
Your right on copper, chem 4 x stardawg
So it's a chem 4bx essentially.
From my runs I've seen three expressions
Ones a mothball/ Lysol disinfectant pheno
Ones a fuel/gasoline and dirty socks pheno
And ones a sweet cotton candy gasoline pheno.
All three pop up equally and produce well.
There would be little work to do to make this one true breeding.
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IMG_20180522_212919.jpg ONYCD. First run . Its at 9 weeks plan to take it at 10 . Purple up . 3 females. They look like they out yield the Stardawgs. Smell nice and somewhat sour .A few more weeks to try it other than a little branch I cut couple days ago that will be ready in a week . 2 males to play around with . Maybe pollinate some blue orca haze . Picture not the best but you get an idea from it . So far I recommend this strain . Topdawg seeds ONYCD.
James that ONYCD looks great. I'm digging the structure. Those buds look dense as hell.

Just an update on my stuff (and some other shit that needs to be said)

3 Chems are starting show sex. So far from I've got 3 females, 2 males, 1 unconfirmed.

Bubblegum Diesel have also started to show sex. 4 females, 1 male, 1 unconfirmed.

Good M/F ratios and I really like the structure of both but the 3Chems is the standout. Beautiful big lush leaves and decent branching. I'll throw up some pics soon.

Star Kush was pollinated a few days ago. I dusted most of the lower branches and preserved the remaining pollen.
Same thing with Sour Stardawg. I hit the lowers of all 3 females.

And I'm nearly finished shucking the F2 seeds I made from the Guava D.
Taking on the project to F2 all my packs of Top Dawg has been really good for me. I think I'm going to stop here though and do a few packs of Bodhi next. The other packs of TD I have are sealed and stored well so no rush.

About GPS since it got dragged into this thread.
I have no hate at all for Gu~. He made a mistake on the S1s, owned that mistake, took his licks and went over and above to fix it. All while his life was in complete turmoil.
And IDGAF if I'm called a nutswinger for this post. I'd rather voice my honest opinion rather than be someone that flip flops back and forth. I shill for no breeder and if I say something I stand by it.
I've done several runs with Copper Chem. Its a great cross, with a loud terps and good potency. Morg is right on the money with this one. I think you'd like it James.

But, I'm letting it go after this run because it leans heavy toward Chem 4 and that's my least favorite of them all. Just a personal preference that's all.
Also, just and FWI. Gu already did a bunch of crosses with a Copper Chem male. That release was ages ago and I'm not sure if they can still be found.
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@Tangerine I can see you are running some good stuff right now . Very interested in how that 3 chems comes out . I seen that pack 3 chems on glo seeds one night when I was at work.I had the money just not on my card. I sold out pretty fast . I only wish I was better prepared .anyone on this site find some 3 chems for sale let me know . Sour city and 91 Onycd . Those 3 id like to add to the collection . Good job tang. Everyone on this tread who is positive knows what they doing . @Vato_504 I got the 91 chem ix thanks to you pointing me out in the right direction .Going to get that sourdawg also . Thanks Fam you guys are all appreciated here .
Oh by the way I.seen it on the topdawg strain list . NYC stardawg . Chem4*Onycd . I think.all together he has made like over 200 strains . Thats alot of experience you cant deny . Maybe thats why the mad scientist can be a little on the edge . Great chem preservation though . Since the year 2000 he probably put just as much work as any breeder in the new millennium. Dont you love it when someone shows you what they grew then you pull out the topdawg . $200 a pack can be alot of money for seeds not if its Topdawg though .
it's no wonder any male JJ uses spits out fire, chemD bx3 is not a bad starting point for a seed co and he had the foresight passion and energy to get it done, props for that, all the other breeder drama can miss me though.. but it all started with the chemD don't forget

Mycotek did well with his 3chems male (how many did he chose from?)
Gu's male has served him well

I mashed up a pair of mycotek strains and everything that hellmint has touched has turned out above decent with few exceptions.

If anyone has old tresdawg beans I'd love to hit the chemD with a male...

I made enough beans with the stardawg ix that i ended up letting the girl go, time to move onto new projects, Tangerine is on the right track F2ing your personal stacks, i do the same when possible then you don't feel so bad chasing new ladies.
@Tangerine I can see you are running some good stuff right now . Very interested in how that 3 chems comes out . I seen that pack 3 chems on glo seeds one night when I was at work.I had the money just not on my card. I sold out pretty fast . I only wish I was better prepared .anyone on this site find some 3 chems for sale let me know . Sour city and 91 Onycd . Those 3 id like to add to the collection . Good job tang. Everyone on this tread who is positive knows what they doing . @Vato_504 I got the 91 chem ix thanks to you pointing me out in the right direction .Going to get that sourdawg also . Thanks Fam you guys are all appreciated here .
I bought the same pack of 3 chems from glo, but was told they oversold it. No dice
I bought the same pack of 3 chems from glo, but was told they oversold it. No dice
Same thing happened to me with 3 ogs#1 . I seen it twice and ordered it . Got a refund both times . Second time sucked cause that caused me to miss out on Chem de la 91 . For the most part happy with them because of there selection and prices .
Chem D day 32 —> 9-3-6 only 514580F3-2FB7-4CAB-BB12-030D51CCBAC5.jpegDF321E12-93AA-48A7-A5F1-CDD0B8DD8076.jpegEC570A19-52AF-4F49-8843-42BB0130E378.jpeg

I’ve got 2 coming down as soon as the pots dry out. Then I’ll be able to get pics of the cut that’s further along. It’s going to have 8 weeks under its belt on Friday. The side branches are drooping from the weight. One of the problems of running 19 plants from 8+ different strains. None receive the best treatment. But I needed to get these run once and see which are worth keeping and/or preserving in seed form. The rest need to go and make room for the new. :bigjoint:
Here’s the older chem D day 57 fan leaves are fading to yellow I’m guessing she’s likes food. I haven’t started flushing just 1 watering at half strength and it showed. This is under HPS so color might be off and any white spots you might see is NOT pm It’s dried milk. I’m running 4 cannarado 20K jack and 2 of them showed spots of PM so after removing leaves I spayed all plants with a hydrogen peroxide mix. Then the following day I hit them with milk. After 5 days I went back to hydrogen peroxide mix. Then repeating. 2 of the 20K jacks are fading to yellow and they’re the 2 that are susceptible to PM. The 2 fading to purple don’t seem to have the problem. CHEM D OLDERB92ACEF1-1208-4C48-B722-C5B051744F02.jpeg B4E4EB79-B827-44B7-B55B-9DD823C6D895.jpeg E4554BD4-4BF1-4F5A-814A-C8E466D53A53.jpeg
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