Topdawg Genetics

I agree. Its just not something I care enough about to debate or argue. I know JJ can be really lazy with details. I'm aware of this. I said I was aware of this and thought it was shitty to keep changing the name. Stating other people do it doesnt validate it, it expresses the absolute need for folks to do their homework. Period.
As far as it being only ONE pack from GP? Wrong again. Many from the WW series didn't get named until later on. For instance my Tri-Fi is now Bon Fire.
However, that isn't the issue. The issue is, a claim made a few pages back that the parents were rearranged and that had no basis in fact. I've not seen ANY seed banks rearrange the parents on these packs. So I simply asked JJ myself and shared that info here. Guess that was the wrong move because it did in fact stir up shit and cause butthurt.

If you two wanna spend the night re-hashing JJs business/breeding practices....have at it. Seriously, I have far bigger things on my plate than arguing over this trivial nonsense.
And when I post more pics of these grows (something neither of you have done) I'll list all three names...just as I've done all along.

Who would've thought that contributing pics and accurate info to a thread would cause so much angst.
I think the actual problem is you sound conceited. You say you don’t want to debate or argue yet here you are tossing shade and attitude SMH Now I am getting angry not about the topic but your attitude. I told you I don’t use ICmag. I’ve asked banks and they’ve told me JJ said different cuts were used on both end mom and pop on some strains. I’ve heard it from more than 3 banks some you’ve listed. Because if you think I didn’t notice or ask you take me for a fool. I just didn’t want to get to deep in to it with a guy tossing shade. If you want to post good info like the original post great but keep the snotty attitude to yourself. Because you come across like we’re the idiots. JJ doesn’t reply not because I wasn’t nice in my DM but because he didn’t reply. That’s not your fault but it is what it is. So I don’t look to him for any answers. Passing on good info is great but keep the JJ shitty attitude (like he has towards gu) to yourself. You act like you know me and some how don’t think I do my homework. You don’t know me or how much info I was given or learn before I bought! Seems you’re learning from your daddy it’s no wonder he replies to you. The only one arguing is you. You say it’s shitty to do but you defend it and give attitude to anyone who expresses that very opinion that implies defense and support of it to me. So pick a side of your mouth you wish to speak from and stick with it! Either you defend the practice or you agree it’s shitty? Either way you can keep the crabby shitty comments to yourself.
I think the actual problem is you sound conceited. You say you don’t want to debate or argue yet here you are tossing shade and attitude SMH Now I am getting angry not about the topic but your attitude. I told you I don’t use ICmag. I’ve asked banks and they’ve told me JJ said different cuts were used on both end mom and pop on some strains. I’ve heard it from more than 3 banks some you’ve listed. Because if you think I didn’t notice or ask you take me for a fool. I just didn’t want to get to deep in to it with a guy tossing shade. If you want to post good info like the original post great but keep the snotty attitude to yourself. Because you come across like we’re the idiots. JJ doesn’t reply not because I wasn’t nice in my DM but because he didn’t reply. That’s not your fault but it is what it is. So I don’t look to him for any answers. Passing on good info is great but keep the JJ shitty attitude (like he has towards gu) to yourself. You act like you know me and some how don’t think I do my homework. You don’t know me or how much info I was given or learn before I bought! Seems you’re learning from your daddy it’s no wonder he replies to you. The only one arguing is you. You say it’s shitty to do but you defend it and give attitude to anyone who expresses that very opinion that implies defense and support of it to me. So pick a side of your mouth you wish to speak from and stick with it! Either you defend the practice or you agree it’s shitty? Either way you can keep the crabby shitty comments to yourself.
Grow your chem of the crop and you shall receive. I know you have some nice genetics . Grow that chem of the crop and let us know how it turns out
I think the actual problem is you sound conceited. You say you don’t want to debate or argue yet here you are tossing shade and attitude SMH Now I am getting angry not about the topic but your attitude. I told you I don’t use ICmag. I’ve asked banks and they’ve told me JJ said different cuts were used on both end mom and pop on some strains. I’ve heard it from more than 3 banks some you’ve listed. Because if you think I didn’t notice or ask you take me for a fool. I just didn’t want to get to deep in to it with a guy tossing shade. If you want to post good info like the original post great but keep the snotty attitude to yourself. Because you come across like we’re the idiots. JJ doesn’t reply not because I wasn’t nice in my DM but because he didn’t reply. That’s not your fault but it is what it is. So I don’t look to him for any answers. Passing on good info is great but keep the JJ shitty attitude (like he has towards gu) to yourself. You act like you know me and some how don’t think I do my homework. You don’t know me or how much info I was given or learn before I bought! Seems you’re learning from your daddy it’s no wonder he replies to you. The only one arguing is you. You say it’s shitty to do but you defend it and give attitude to anyone who expresses that very opinion that implies defense and support of it to me. So pick a side of your mouth you wish to speak from and stick with it! Either you defend the practice or you agree it’s shitty? Either way you can keep the crabby shitty comments to yourself.
LOL, dude...let it go. If not, call out the banks that gave you the wrong info.
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Quick recap for those who don't want to attempt to decipher all these walls of text
Sour Stardawg or Star Diesel
I bought two packs and each came with a different strain name but same genetics. (Star Dawg X Sour Dawg)
I really wish they wouldn't do that shit. It makes it a little confusing when trying to find info.
To which Goldberg replied
Yes sir there’s a difference between sour stardawg and star diesel whether it’s different males or males and females are switched around. I’ve seen it before or at least that what I’ve been told. Stardawg has different cuts and sometimes that’s identified and sometimes it’s not. I’d expect them to be similar but not identical. Good work
Maybe I should just ask JJ on IG and hopefully he can give me some kind of confirmation.
And I'm not sure about this but MoneyMike said he always uses the Corey Haim cut for his Star Dawg crosses but, there have been multiple drops since then so I don't know if that's still true.
On another forum Money Mike says that all Stardawg females in the crosses are Corey cut unless specified as guava Stardawg . So most likely Star diesel is corey cut to sourdawg . Good work everybody

2 months later....
I finally just went ahead and asked JJ what the deal was with Sour Star Dawg, Star Diesel, and Sour Corey since the parentage listed was identical. He confirmed they're all the same. Same parents, same batch. (Star Dawg (corey cut) x Sour Dawg).
He also confirmed what James had said -"that all Stardawg females in the crosses are Corey cut unless specified as guava Stardawg"
I really wish whoever labels the packs would just pick a name and stick to it (or just list the lineage) but it is what it is. I'm still glad to have a couple packs.
And were off...….
Well MOTHER FUCKER! I have sour star dawg and star diesel! And guess what I just ordered today!? SOUR COREY! I was under the impression that they parents were different but from the same line and at times reversed mom to Dad or Dad to mom :wall::wall::wall::fire::fire::fire:
I’d like to know how you got an answer. I gave up asking him anything never got a reply except when I told him that there was group ripping him and thought he’d like to know.

I sent a polite email.
I didn't post this info to start a bunch of drama or to hate on Top Dawg. It was to help clear up the confusion started a few pages back. Sorry you're so upset by it *SMH*

There you have it. The rest is just arguing and nonsense. Over and over I've tried to explain that I have bigger things going on than this trivial shit but I guess because I'm not outraged (by facts I'd assumed were true to begin with) I'm conceited, lol. I just want to grow good meds.
Hopefully this surmises everything because this horse has been flogged to death.

Have mercy!
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I grew star diesel and it was very nice. I thought I did a pretty decent job at it . You my friend you murdered it . You can get some serious time for that. 25 to life. You straight murked it . Hows the smoke. How much sour influence
Thank you. That's really nice to hear.
I have 4 females going (plus saved a bunch of pollen from the best looking male)
#1 is a little bit lanky but has some nice terps.
# 2, 3, 4 are all very similar in structure and also have nice terps. Narrowing down a single keeper is proving difficult.
And its really hard to distinguish the subtle differences but I'm picking a little bit of burnt rubber, gas, skunk, slight lemon and maybe a touch of menthol.
I have no idea what these would test at but the potency is on point. I use a lot of RAW cones and I cant finish one by myself.
I'll gets some pics up and better smoke report soon.
Quick recap for those who don't want to attempt to decipher all these walls of text

To which Goldberg replied

2 months later....

And were off...….

There you have it. The rest is just arguing and nonsense. Over and over I've tried to explain that I have bigger things going on than this trivial shit but I guess because I'm not outraged (by facts I'd assumed were true to begin with) I'm conceited, lol. I just want to grow good meds.
Hopefully this surmises everything because this horse has been flogged to death.

Have mercy!
I guess only idiots expect the banks that sell the gear to have the correct info? What do you think I made up the different males or different cuts for the females myself? I got that info from the banks selling it. They represent JJ they should have the proper info. They should question getting 3 strains with the same lineage. So I expect them to have the correct info. I passed on what I was told. I didn’t make it up to steer ppl wrong!
I guess only idiots expect the banks that sell the gear to have the correct info? What do you think I made up the different males or different cuts for the females myself? I got that info from the banks selling it. They represent JJ they should have the proper info. They should question getting 3 strains with the same lineage. So I expect them to have the correct info. I passed on what I was told. I didn’t make it up to steer ppl wrong!
*sigh* I never said you made it up. I said the banks I buy from all listed the info correctly. I even added links to listings!

I do my fair share of research because I like to know what I'm growing and I shared that info here along with where it originated from.

If you're now saying its the seedbanks that deceived you then put them on blast.

List them so others may be warned as well.

My guess is you wont though. You'll continue to come at me with petty insults and misplaced anger.

Btw, you do realize not all growers here are dudes right ?
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Ok, I've been getting a lot of TD notifications, and most of this is shit. Goldberg wants to shoot the messenger here, wtf? All SHE did was tell you the information she had bruh! Yes SHE, and she's one the kindest people around here. Show a little respect, we're all just here to grow and share some info.
Another potential keeper.
Sour Star Dawg - Star Diesel - Sour Corey

This one also always craves mag. I had to supplement with some Epsom because my soil just didn't seem to have adequate amounts for this one.

And an early pic of 3 Chems just as my lights came on in "halleluiah mode"

This is one of 3 females. They're all nearly ready to chop and I'll snap some pics before taking them down and tried give some details on the terps.

Bubble Gum Diesels are coming down this weekend too. Just thinking about all the garden work I have to do tomorrow is making me sleepy.
Off to bed. Night everyone and have a great weekend.
Topdawg's main dawg does have a great reputation. He's been the keeper of excellent genetics for a long time. I'm sure he had it planned out to eventually capitalize on his well kept genetics. And it's been fairly recent that he started distributing his genetics to the masses. To me there's is a short list of well known elite genetics such as Aficionado, Gage Green Group to name a couple Topdawg in my opinion will join that list in a short amount of time. Also In my opinion You get what you pay for -like you said you can find an awesome plant from a not too expensive pack of seeds but imagine what you can find from an elite pack with pedigree genetics that some breeders have well guarded for years.
You are wright,most breaders now days are NOT BREADERS they just buy good beans and make croses that any old person can do and they just sell the shit out of other peoples work.It takes several years of breading to have a good line of beans and that's why the good beans are hard to find and not cheep,As the old saying gos you get what you pay for.
Are you still running the 91 chem#12. If so let us know again what you think about them. They might be getting popped next because I was so pleased with the ONYCD. thanks
Another potential keeper.
Sour Star Dawg - Star Diesel - Sour Corey
View attachment 4179147

This one also always craves mag. I had to supplement with some Epsom because my soil just didn't seem to have adequate amounts for this one.

And an early pic of 3 Chems just as my lights came on in "halleluiah mode"
View attachment 4179140

This is one of 3 females. They're all nearly ready to chop and I'll snap some pics before taking them down and tried give some details on the terps.

Bubble Gum Diesels are coming down this weekend too. Just thinking about all the garden work I have to do tomorrow is making me sleepy.
Off to bed. Night everyone and have a great weekend.
Damb that 3 chems looks like its going to be a yielder.
Oh that is going to provide some serious heat! :fire::fire::fire:
Looking forward to seeing how these turn out in your garden.
Thanks. OG Sour cross. Headband type . They are getting wet within a couple days . Everything in veg is going straight to flower and these are the start of the new. About a week or two after these another pack of something will be getting popped. Probably something other than topdawg but it will be a chem related strain. Diesel or og or chem. Maybe something from skunk va or loompa . Ladies qnd gents time to get serious :joint::idea::weed::fire:
IMG_20180814_011940.jpg the camera phone does her no justice. ONYCD at 7 weeks. She is so dank. ⛽ ⛽ ⛽ ⛽ gas big time. Best plant out if all the topdawg seeds ive grown. Straight diesel chemdawg funk. No mistaking that for sure. Chem91 skunk va * tresdawg . All the onycd crosses should all be dank. I prefer the ONYCD crosses over the Stardawgs. Stardawgs are dank as hell too. Topdawg seeds straight fire. You get the chance to run this do it . One little problem. The cuts had a problem rooting so this is the last run of her . Have another pack for backup and im positive I can find her again. All the plants out that pack are nice. This one . She Is tip notch for sure.. Everyone great work .