Fresh 2 De@th
Well-Known Member
not all plants respond to topping, the same goes for fim and lst. from the sound of things, this could be the case.
yea i have topped it before thats the only training its ever had thanks for the info ! +rep to everyone that helped!if its already bushy you already have multiple tops. wherever you pinched a top theres going to be 2 other tops close by that will grow out more there not necesarrily going to see new tops come right where you pinched. if you want to promote some even growth you can supercrop some but you already have some kind of training done to the plant whether it was by accident or it wilted while you where cloning it or something.
It doesn't matter where you top, what matters is you leave 2 growing shoots at the top with an equal leaf for both new tops. Your pics seems to show you removed one shoot and leaf completely and the other shoot leaving only the leaf. Next time pick a spot where the two leaves are close in size to top leaving equal size shoots, this way they will grow with equal vigor. Seeds are a little different than clones. Clones alternate nodes while seedlings are more symmetrical. Topping is the same though, leaving as equal of shoots and leave size as you can.i no how to top i've already topped 3 of my plants the first time and it worked everytime i topped this one and it never did a thing thats where my problem is