Tops of plants dying, help appreciated please.


Well-Known Member
They look a little dry, maybe spray them with water or nutrients after the light's go out.
Do not do this whatever you do. A couple of the non affected buds have slight nutrient burn on the edges of the leaves. Moisture will cause more rot, and more nutrients will simply exacerbate the problem.
Have u gotten any more info on ur issue. Ive had similar problems.. Have u had any bug issues?? Spider mites hit me hard late in flower and I had a few that ended up like that. Either that or possible a hot reflection from foil possibly??
I did think it may be spider mite as around the stalk looked like cobwebs rather then mold, but had a bloody good look in the buds and all over the other plants with my loupe but couldn't find any evidence, my tent is properly lined, not used tin foil since the early 90's :lol:
Bud rot for certain. Quite advanced too. You need to cut away all of the bad bits (and throw them away, or make ice hash), then cut back a little bit extra too. Be very careful as you are doing it, as bud rot is a fungus and the spores will be released into the air. Good luck, hope you manage to save some.

*this is based on personal experience - sooner you act the better. They will not improve, they will only get worse*
I took the tops off the 2 affected shortly after I started this thread, I cut under the first healthy bud down if that makes sense, so the top 4" went so not lost much, I've also pulled them all out the tent and had a good nose around them and they're clear so far, some of the buds were so heavy they were bending right over, so I had to wire em up, heres how they look now, cheers for your help, fingers crossed I stay lucky, only a week or so to go on these ladies.



Well-Known Member
I took the tops off the 2 affected shortly after I started this thread, I cut under the first healthy bud down if that makes sense, so the top 4" went so not lost much, I've also pulled them all out the tent and had a good nose around them and they're clear so far, some of the buds were so heavy they were bending right over, so I had to wire em up, heres how they look now, cheers for your help, fingers crossed I stay lucky, only a week or so to go on these ladies.
I think you acted completely right mate. I've had it happen on two indoor grows, every time outside. Breaks my heart to see beautiful sensi go this way. :-(