Tour Helicopter & Small plane crash....


Well-Known Member
Today a Tour Helicopter & small plane collide in a mid-air collision over the Hudson River today.
At least two pilots dead....
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg will brief us soon..
Mid-Air collision between these two aircraft happened right about where the Famous Captain who safely landed that commercial flight into the Hudson.. right around the same area is where this happened.
It was Liberty Tours sightseeing helicopter believed to have six passengers aboard. NTSB is investigating why this happened
Plane beleived to have come from Teterboro Airport in New Jersey.

News Source: Fox News Channel

:? Damn.. that's fucked up eh?
Sad... very sad... I ALWAYS request flight following for this reason. I don't want to place all the blame on the air traffic controller, as the pilots should've had their situational awareness on high, but that is one reason why we have controllers, for that added bit of safety. I know they were both being watched on radar... wonder why the controllers didn't advise of the traffic.
Sad... very sad... I ALWAYS request flight following for this reason. I don't want to place all the blame on the air traffic controller, as the pilots should've had their situational awareness on high, but that is one reason why we have controllers, for that added bit of safety. I know they were both being watched on radar... wonder why the controllers didn't advise of the traffic.

Yea. I agree with you man...

happens here everyday. my buddy was going to flight school. for 3 weeks there was a small plane crash every other day, in this area. he invited me to fly along. i said NO.
on the topic of plane crashes? my sisters college had a flight school they had a small plane crash a couple years back.

i still get nervous the second the wheels leave the ground