Tranceus bagseed vs genetics DWC

thanks thanks, its lookin like i got some duded wantin to get with my ladies. ima wait till friday and go on a killin spree of everything with balls. i do have 2 of them showing great looking pistils and one that is showing what i think are pistils but they are too small to see with the naked eye.
hello thought i'd pop by see what you have going on your babies are looking good man can't wait to see more
yeah bro i think hes a guaranteed he. hes growin some balls, like two to three balls per site. no pistils either. what u think?

sounds like a male for sure but pics always help so id listen to fab and toss some up.. also you may not have to kill em if you can keep them seperate can always be useful to have some pollen for breeding or extra matter to add to butter or extracts its not for everyone though i just hate killin em lol
well im thinkin i got a couple males goin on in tehre. i know one of the bagseed is and i know one of the kolossus is, they got multiple balls forming, like not just one that is oval in shape but like a ballsack. ill take some pics tomorrow or maybe make a vid and explain my electrical problem so you can visually see and possibly help me out with this and save me about.. well a shit ton of money lol.
reggae is great with helpin with electrical i could barely explain shit and he helped me in the past if you make a video i do hope i can catch it cant always view them but i shall keep watching
reggae is great with helpin with electrical i could barely explain shit and he helped me in the past if you make a video i do hope i can catch it cant always view them but i shall keep watching

i seen his video ;) im sure he will send you a link :)...... but how will you see it? got a computer?:-P
well lime, regs, F A B and now you are the only ones i let see my vids, i ave it set so that i must pm the link to you or it cannot be viewed. i like it like that =D ill make one tomorrow for sure
reggae is great with helpin with electrical i could barely explain shit and he helped me in the past if you make a video i do hope i can catch it cant always view them but i shall keep watching
well im thinkin i got a couple males goin on in tehre. i know one of the bagseed is and i know one of the kolossus is, they got multiple balls forming, like not just one that is oval in shape but like a ballsack. ill take some pics tomorrow or maybe make a vid and explain my electrical problem so you can visually see and possibly help me out with this and save me about.. well a shit ton of money lol.

i can help u i been going to school for 2 years for a degree in industrial electronics
well lime, regs, F A B and now you are the only ones i let see my vids, i ave it set so that i must pm the link to you or it cannot be viewed. i like it like that =D ill make one tomorrow for sure

got those males out tonite so u dont fuck up crop
yay send me a link send me a link i do have a computer i just prefer my phone harder to read over my shoulder ;)
i would love that send away my bf just signed up here also so we can watch it together maybe he will catch something i dont :)