transporting Clones


Well-Known Member
If I wanted to pick up clones from the nearest dispensary (200 miles) how should I transport them in a car so as to keep them healthy and stress-free?
I have read around on some sites about getting clones at dispenserys, cause I have Med lic and was inquiring about clones myself and you run a risk of disease and any mistakes the previous grower had made. I am new at growing. but the clones I had costed out at a dispensry are like 80-100 dollars and you can get seed for that price. I would recomend seeds so you know what you are dealing with . And save you gas money 200 miles is far. Dont know what to do for traveling 200 with a clone. But I am new so you might want to get a 2nd 3rd 4th oppinion. GL

I just picked up 12 clones from la, I live 200 miles away also, its easy, have your grpw room ready, go acquire your clones and the dispensary will give you paper bags with cups and cubes of rock wool with the clone securely rooted. I got mine for $25 per clone. Put those puppies in your car so they don't shift around set the heater to 75 degrees Fahrenheit and cruise around the speed limit. When you get home throw them into they're permanent homes
80 - 100 dollars a clone? i'd tell them to go f%ck themselves. do they realize how easy it is to clone? frickin' LA. i pay 8 - 12 dollars all day long. regardless of the strain.

sorry just venting. i'd put them in an ice chest with a chill pack. keep them cool and you risk less chance of shock.
id pay 25$ anyday if it was a good rooted clone off a good plant. unfortuantly i live in ohio and dont have the luxury of having a dispensary anywhere near me.

luckily cloning is simple
value is in the eye of the consumer

that said, i'll pay 10 - 20 dollars for rooted clones to fill my space out or try something new

to acquire genetics new to my area that are proven and sexy....
i may pay considerably more
i could see paying 80-100 for a cutting that noone is flowering within 50 miles of me
...oh yeah - absolutely
i'm in michigan - i'd pay 100 dollars apiece ALL DAY LONG for...say....
green crack
cherry pie
animal cookies
girl scout cookies
sfv og
any of those or thirty others that were legit?

for a professional grower in a floodeed environment, your mothers are the difference between 2250 and 3600 an elbow
the difference between sensemillian and seeded
betwween 8 and 12 weeek turnaround
between mildew or mites and a healthy harvest
you get the idea
80 - 100 dollars a clone? i'd tell them to go f%ck themselves. do they realize how easy it is to clone? frickin' LA. i pay 8 - 12 dollars all day long. regardless of the strain.

sorry just venting. i'd put them in an ice chest with a chill pack. keep them cool and you risk less chance of shock.
Yes sir lol fire strains too