Traveling to mexico with Bud - fool proof


Active Member
That sounds like a lot of work, plus you have to carry it on your person. The trick I have used in the past with international and domestic flights is take a condom and unroll it into a shampoo bottle. Put your goodies in the condom and tie it, then shake the shampoo bottle. If you put it in your checked baggage, they will likely test it for explosives and not much else, and the it is ok to bring liquid in your checked baggage. It has worked for me several times. Good luck!
It sounds weird...but when I smuggle drugs internationally (hahaha) I feel alot better having it on my person. No suprises. I mean, if they tell me to take my clothes off I know I'm screwed...but if they find it in my checked baggage, I won't know I'm safe until I'm clear of the airport. Ya know?

OH..and funny story...I used to live in San Francisco's Tenderloin District. Strict Ghetto. Well, all the dope slingers always carried rock and tar in balloons in their mouths. If the cops grabbed them, they just swallowed and 5-0 rarely wanted to waste time with an X-Ray and usually had to let them go. Cops figured it out and started putting guys in choke holds fast - so they couldn't swallow. But one guy figured out that wearing a neck brace protected him from the 5-0 choke hold...for the next 6 months you would think whiplash was an epidemic in the TL - all these guys standing on the corner with neck braces on!!!! HAHAHA

fat sam

Well-Known Member
ok first off coffee only will conceal the smell for humans, a dogs smell is super sensitive and it will smell coffee and weed, if i were you i would just get weed there, i mean shit bringing drugs to mexico is sort of like bringing sand to a beach


Active Member
hey there, you're prob back from mexico now, how did things go?
just to let you know, i've brought back shit from amsterdam, cambodia recently.
let me tell you, sniffer dogs are trained to a level in which they can literally sniff a cancer or a tumor within a human body=) hiding it in a air tight container hidden under your balls wouldnt do much if drug detector dogs were at the scene..
luckily most of the dogs which appear at the air port are rumoured to be bomb detecting dogs.
from experience, i can tell you that you only need to know a few things if you wanna carry bud overseas.
1. balls
2. where to hide (it has to be on you, in a non metal casing.)

from the DAM, i had 20 something grams of grinded, pressed buds tightly wrapped in seethru foodwrap, then cologned, then wrapped again, then cologned the wrapped and so on. then the after the final layer, stuffed it in a condom and put it under my balls. i had to sag my pants, and it would still look like i had tennis ball sized testicles lol
flight back from Amsterdam was over 10 hours and by halfway, i could notice the stink of the buds creeping from under my pants. i was so tempted to rip it open and roll a fatty, but that would be just plain dumb.

when i was bringing it back from Cambodia, i had a special container ready before hand. no bluging testicles this time =P
i made a rectangular shaped storage area in the sole area of my air force 1 lows. stuffed the weed in both sides and walked thru the airport like a walk in the park. but then again, if there were drug detector dogs at the scene, i wouldnt have been so llucky.

airforce1's are going with me wherever i go travelling from now on =)


Well-Known Member
Why on earth would you smuggle drugs into Mexico, where they are LEGAL to possess?

seems like a waste of time and effort, and not worth the risk of getting caught when you could just wait until you get there and buy some without having to worry about the law.

Just my thoughts on it, anyway.


Well-Known Member
taking drugs TO mexico... rofl.

the place where you can get drunk, eat, and get a bj for $3.50.... and ya don't plan on bein able to find some herbage? :P


Well-Known Member
you can't find dank everywhere in Mexico my friends, so this is why. yes there is hash and dank in mexico, but you wanna go lookin for it?

many people simply cross the border with some already on them so they don't have to go lookin for some.

mira, ahi viene un gringo buscando mota. que le hacemos?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
lol.. I hope your rugged if you plan on buying drugs from either Norteños or Sureños, all I gotta say.


Active Member
Ok this is what you do. You need to get a large thing of peanut butter. Then you throw your weed in three baggies so its bullet proof. Open the pb be careful not to fuck up the seal. You need it later. Hollow out just the center with a TP roll so you have a stash spot. Stash weed there. shove a paper towel over the smoke. Melt the pb you pulled out in your Microwave, then pour it over to cover the hollow spot and make it look untouched. Use the saftey seal and very carefully use super glue to put it back on.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

P.s. this holds like an ounce or better
Here is what you do. Overnight it to your hotel, attn: (your name)/guest. You will know if it arrives to your hotel safely prior to you leaving the U.S. If it does not make it, then go to plan B and carry it on you. It's all about plausible deniability and not having it on you is an Ace up your sleeve. Just make sure you have someone else address it for you so the handwriting is different.


Active Member
Im sorry to tell some of you that you are badly missinformed about the drug war going on in Mexico, let me tell you that the drug war and the killings go on in places that tourist are not supossed to be at , meaning they go down in the popular ¨colonias¨ sometimes they even go down in the jungles and sierras, never near the hotels and near the clubs or the beaches were tourism is big , so u got nothing to worry about if you dont start wondering out of the tourism zone. also u can just ask a cab driver for your drug and club needs.


An of amigo of mine went to rosarito beach and the cops found a roach and a few seeds and the pigs kept him and his van for 13 month till his parents stopped sending money...
Hes out but the van and all his stuff is gone..
And hes 25lbs lighter.
Ill pay to have my mezcal imported...
I dont trust those guys as some of them are very messed up people.
Not even a seed in mexico....the locals will sell ya a joint and turn ya in for reward...
Happy trails


Well-Known Member
your dumb dude, got to mexico and say you want some mota which means weed, weed over there is like dirt here, you can buy a pound over there for like 350, i know cause i been down there dealing with them but just make sure you ask the right person cause you should never ever ever trust a mexican lol, ask someone at your hotel they will be your hook up so you dont have to mess with the locals
enjoy jail...if u get nabbed its gonna be very costly. they will hold you till they bleed you and whatever friends, family you have dry then kick you out of country.



heres how you do it, i have done it foriegn and domestic.....................

#1 buy pack of bubbalicious bubblegum
#2 get small balloon
#3 compress bud from fluffy nug to tight as hell

#4 put it in balloon tie ballon tight cut off access

#5 when at airport before going through security pop piece of gum in mouth and balloon, wrap the gum around balloon with your tonque
#6 act like a normal person chewing gum cause your ears about to pop and not like a terrorist sucking on a piece of C4

#6 after passing securtiy take balloon out of gum, been to mexico many times, they would laugh at you for smuggling stuff IN........ you will be surprised how small you can make an 8th !!!


chewing c4, LOL

ive brought an 8ball on a plane.. was not international.. but now that i think back on it.. i think it was the dumbest thing ive ever done. ( was in my carry on, i was sniffin lines in the bath room on my lay over.. )

havnt messed with coke in 3 years tho :)

good luck :)


Well-Known Member
dude ,for real. smuggling weed to mexico is crazy , and i dont go any where without it . i would take the chance of finding some when i got there .although i would feel the need to smoke a shitload before i fly, i mean i know the buzz would not last until i got there , but it wont hurt to try . then again that whole weedpon thing does work .my buddy has hookups in canada and his wife does the weedpon and well thats fortunate for him cause he gets to bring home crazy good dank but on the unfortunate side we all now know that she sports an ounce kinda like hotdogs and hallways .if that was my wife i sure would notbe tellin peeps about no shit like that.


Well-Known Member
i know the borders by arizona into mexico are like a open gate and no one checks shit so if you could buy some before you go in