trayvan martin

so you think that your arbitrary skin color makes you SUPERIOR to blacks. that makes you a white supremacist.

most of us here would say that your arbitrary skin color makes you superior to no one, especially during those times when you were stealing your mom's jewelry or your dad's tools or stealing from walmart or contemplating first degree murder for drugs or making sandwiches at subway when you were 30 years old.

but i'm sure, like always, you'll find a reason why such obvious character flaws of yours should be ignored, and why your skin color makes you a superior being.
Not at all, I was wasting my life and being an asshole, white trash, thug.

It's why I stopped.

Skin color has nothing to do with it. It is arbitrary.

But there are race specific diseases. The differences are more than skin deep.

If genetic variance allows for all the difference we know exists, brain power isn't a hard to imagine leap. It's well accepted race influences strength and athletic ability.

You often cite things like poor nutrition as reasons blacks score lower on IQ tests.

Africa has been behind in agriculture, domestication of animals and has harsher weather. This means that for much of the last several thousand years, folks living in Africa have had a harder time feeding themselves. You don't think that could influence anything?
Not at all, I was wasting my life and being an asshole, white trash, thug.

It's why I stopped.

Skin color has nothing to do with it. It is arbitrary.

But there are race specific diseases. The differences are more than skin deep.

If genetic variance allows for all the difference we know exists, brain power isn't a hard to imagine leap. It's well accepted race influences strength and athletic ability.

You often cite things like poor nutrition as reasons blacks score lower on IQ tests.

Africa has been behind in agriculture, domestication of animals and has harsher weather. This means that for much of the last several thousand years, folks living in Africa have had a harder time feeding themselves. You don't think that could influence anything?

Africa has a long and rich history of civilization, their current problems notwithstanding. They want what we all want: jobs, food, a future for their children, peace and happiness.

The 'bantu expansion' was the largest movement of human beings in known history. They had very sophisticated and complex civilizations with complex and far-reaching trade. This is in it's infancy in terms of historical analysis.
Africa has a long and rich history of civilization, their current problems notwithstanding. They want what we all want: jobs, food, a future for their children, peace and happiness.

The 'bantu expansion' was the largest movement of human beings in known history. They had very sophisticated and complex civilizations with complex and far-reaching trade. This is in it's infancy in terms of historical analysis.
African civilizations are to few and far between for my taste.

We have a 5 thousand year record of civilization, almost unbroken, in China, Indus, Ganges, Mesopotamia, Nile delta, and Europe.

Meso - American culture is almost as long.

African civilizations don't match this.

This is not to say they are a slight step up from chimpanzees.

Intelligence between the races might be like world's tallest mountains.

Between human races there isn't much difference. Mount Everest isn't that much higher than the next few tallest peaks.

The great apes and dolphins would probably be like a big hill by comparison.

And since I'm white, for me to be a white supremacist, I would have to believe whites of western Europe are like mount everest. I don't believe that.
first of all, they are not. second of all, that won't change what a bunch of mooches they are. it'll just make them more "hipster" about it.

"i take federal tax dollars ironically", is the fantasy you are imagining.

yeah cause thats how citation works.
yet something as simple as taxed enough already as a platform is evasive to a simple boundary drawer such as yourself.

yet the boundary i drew is so simple...about half pay taxes and the other half do not.

weather a state is red or blue at the moment really isnt important to this no matter how much you want it to does not change the fact that you are the other half.
that's not how a citation works. still awaiting citation.

you still haven't cited when it happened the first time. you really suck at this, but what else could i expect out of someone of your intelligence and wit?
i bet hes totally down with the blacks.

thats what you said most recently. how convienient to forget this.

out of left field of a vain attempt to seem quip and witty which failed miserably.

i can link quote it if you would like more publicity.
It is a mind fuck of the progressives to suddenly act like they have no comprehension of your simple words, Just a hack,

its mind fuck too when even the simple words have been redefined unbenounced in text in dark dusty boredom dungeons such as federal repositories.
its mind fuck too when even the simple words have been redefined unbenounced in text in dark dusty boredom dungeons such as federal repositories.

Well, you know that Noam Chomsky is considered sort of a bastard of Orwellian thought. I say bastard because Orwell never thought this way, I don't think. He was warning on the evil of language manipulation for power. NewSpeak is a form worse than Saganism, but Saganism has borrowed language control concepts from Chomsky's Syntactic Structures (1957) Climate Change is but one them we see tossed about, shamelessly.

Now these Saganists will also use the most insulting language forms. Bastardization of the concepts, as I say.

There is a world wide effort called bias-free language. So, this author sees it as the first example where forces for good begin in Language, not society. He speaking about gender neutral legal language for the most part. But, he does chapter and verse on Language control via "Orwellian Theory" if anyone is interested. orwell controlling language&ots=KGCtjJWcOo&sig=76-ufdHdseqd-X5XqzIYSVi3Auc#v=onepage&q=quote orwell controlling language&f=false
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Africa, black africa to be precise, has been badly exploited. they get a bad rap. too bad the chinese have done more to help them than we ever did.

Have had African neighbours: very nice people. Prefer them to rednecks.

Now, there is some first class, unintended irony!
Now, there is some first class, unintended irony!
You guys are sharp. Nothing gets past the eagle-eyes of riu members.

I did have one African neighbour who was a tad inconsiderate. Once we explained to him that beheading a goat, on a Sunday afternoon in full view of the neighbourhood children, was not a community norm he took our point and did it elsewhere. Quite a reasonable guy. The local redneck, however, told us all to go 'fuck ourselves' later that evening when we tried to explain to him people wished to achieve blissful slumber. When they hauled him off for selling painkillers to any and all comers (at all hours) we had a block party to celebrate. Still, felt the police were 'overenthusiastic' when they shot and killed his dog.
You guys are sharp. Nothing gets past the eagle-eyes of riu members.

I did have one African neighbour who was a tad inconsiderate. Once we explained to him that beheading a goat, on a Sunday afternoon in full view of the neighbourhood children, was not a community norm he took our point and did it elsewhere. Quite a reasonable guy. The local redneck, however, told us all to go 'fuck ourselves' later that evening when we tried to explain to him people wished to achieve blissful slumber. When they hauled him off for selling painkillers to any and all comers (at all hours) we had a block party to celebrate. Still, felt the police were 'overenthusiastic' when they shot and killed his dog.

All very interesting, but did you comprehend my point about irony?
African civilizations are to few and far between for my taste.We have a 5 thousand year record of civilization, almost unbroken, in China, Indus, Ganges, Mesopotamia, Nile delta, and Europe.
African civilizations don't match this..

I disagree whole-heartedly.
Europe borrowed civilization from everyone near it. Most technological advance came in from the Near East. Often they received it from civilizations nearby. Central Asia is the source of so much of what we take for granted it is astounding.
Europeans 'lucked out' in my books.
FYI: africans had complex civilzations while most europeans were huddled around fires in the winter wondering which dog they might have to eat next.
I disagree whole-heartedly.
Europe borrowed civilization from everyone near it. Most technological advance came in from the Near East. Often they received it from civilizations nearby. Central Asia is the source of so much of what we take for granted it is astounding.
Europeans 'lucked out' in my books.
FYI: africans had complex civilzations while most europeans were huddled around fires in the winter wondering which dog they might have to eat next.
Yeah, the Greeks added nothing. Nothing at all. I mean, all that Aristotle bullshit the Arabs based their golden age off of... who needs that?

The Greeks invented representative government as far as we know.

There was a knowledge exchange between them and the east. But they contributed. Civilization developed first to the east. So yes, they borrowed instead of starting from scratch. Seems smart to me.
The Greeks were massive recipients of knowledge exchanges. They did some innovation viz-a-viz democracy (so did lots of others all over the world including native americans). They primarily acted as a blueprint for the Romans and Europeans after the dark ages. The role of Arab knowledge transfer via the moors in spain was as critical, possibly more. Without the translation work done in Spain we would've had no al-jabra (algebra) and, consequently, no calculus.

"The Greeks invented representative government as far as we know.' All they did was write it down. Many others did it yet the Greeks 'invented' it? Hardly.

The Greeks have been so over-empathized by Western historians it is laughable.
yeah cause thats how citation works.
yet something as simple as taxed enough already as a platform is evasive to a simple boundary drawer such as yourself.

yet the boundary i drew is so simple...about half pay taxes and the other half do not.

weather a state is red or blue at the moment really isnt important to this no matter how much you want it to does not change the fact that you are the other half.

was there supposed to be a citation in there somewhere? or just more empty bitching from you?